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Newton Tony

Registration Pack
A frst class early years education
Rated Good by last Ofsted Inspection.
In Newton Tony Memorial Hall, Newton Tony, Salisbury, Wilts
We are a small, friendly, community Pre-School offering well structured,
weekday sessions where children develop and learn through play.
Highly qualified staff. Links with local Primary Schools.
PL !egistered.
"onday, #uesday, #hursday $ %riday &.''am ( )*.''pm
Wednesday &.''am ( +.''pm during school term times.
ll children welcomed from * to , years old.
Spaces availa-le
To fnd out more call:
Keit !oster "#airperson$ %&&'( )**('+ or
,i--ie Rae ".ana/er$ %&&01 &+')&' "(am 2 *3pm$
or email pu4nsprescool*5/
You can also find out more on about us on our website
Should you require any assistance with this form, please see a member of our team who will
be more than happy to help. Please complete and return with the administration fee to the
address listed on the front cover or by calling in during session times.
Puffins Pre-School Registration Form
I request a reservation for:
Childs Name: Date of birth:
Parents!"uardian#s Name:

%ome &ele'hone Number: (or)!*obile Number:

+mail $ddress:
$lternative contact 'erson in case of emergenc,:
Doctor#s name and surger,:
Doctors &ele'hone Number:
%ealth -isitor#s Name: %ealth -isitors &el Number:
*ain .anguage S'o)en:
/ther Peo'le 0ith Parental res'onsibilit, 1see note2:

%ome &ele'hone Number: (or)!*obile Number:

+mail $ddress:
Note: &he *other al0a,s has 'arental res'onsibilit, 1unless removed b, a Court2
&he child#s father has 'arental res'onsibilit,:
if he is married to the mother at the time of the birth3
under +nglish la0 also if he marries the mother later on3
if he is on the birth certificate for births registered in +ngland or (ales after 4 December 56673
if he and the mother have signed a 'arental res'onsibilit, agreement8 0hich is a 'rescribed form8 and
lodged it 0ith the court3 or
if the court has made a parental responsibility order in the father#s favour
If ,our child suffers 0ith allergies 1eg nuts2 and requires lifesaving medication8 ie adrenaline in9ections
for ana'h,lactic shoc) reaction8 'lease return this form together 0ith a letter from the child#s "P!consultant
stating the child#s condition and 0hat medication if an, is to be administered8 and 0ritten consent allo0ing
staff to administer medication $cce'tance of the child 0ill be at the discretion of the 're-school due to the
training of staff regards the use of certain medications
Please notif, Pre-School immediatel, if ,our child#s health should at an, time become inconsistent 0ith that
alread, stated
%o0 man, sessions 0ould ,ou li)e 14-:2;: Please delete an, da,s that ,our child is unable to attend
Pre-School and circle ,our 'referred da,s: *onda,! &uesda,! <am = 45'm(ednesda, <am = 45'm and!or
45'm = 7'm &hursda,! Frida, <am = 45'm
$''ro>imate date 0ould ,ou li)e ,our child to start from;
I enclose a ?4: administration fee and I understand that this does not guarantee a 'lace at m, 'referred time
I agree to 'a, the current fee8 as a''licable 0hen m, child starts8 at the beginning of each half term
&he fees must be 'aid even if ,our child is absent If ,our child does not attend for 7 0ee)s8 fees must be
'aid u' to the end of that time and his!her 'lace 0ill be lost
$ notice 'eriod is required if ,ou 0ish to 0ithdra0 ,our child 'ermanentl, from Puffins8 four 0ee)s# notice
is required for non-funded children and eight 0ee)s# notice is required for funded children (e reserve the
right to charge fees u' until the time 'eriod has ela'sed should ,ou fail to give adequate notice
&here are times 0hen 'hotogra'hs! video recordings 0ill be ta)en in Pre-School8 and for this 0e need ,our
'ermission &his 0ill onl, be for observation of Pre-School activities
Pre-School ma,! ma, not@ ta)e 'hotogra'hs of m, child
Pre-School ma,! ma, not@ video m, child
Pre-School ma,!ma, not@ 'ublish 'hotos of m, child on the Puffins 0ebsite @1Delete as a''ro'riate2
(ould ,ou be 0illing for ,our tele'hone number to be given to another 'arent if requested of staff; Aes!
No@ 1delete as a''ro'riate2
$n, other 'roblems or instructions:

I agree to read8 sign and abide b, the Pre-School#s 'olicies 1'olic, folder located in 're-school2
Signed: Name 1bloc) ca'itals2:
Relationshi' to child:
Puffins Pre-School adheres to /fsted "uidelines and are P.$ registered
B, signing this form ,ou are also agreeing to Ne0ton &on, Puffins Pre-School sharing information
concerning ,our child 0ith outside agencies 0hen necessar, 1S'eech C .anguage8 Child Develo'ment
/fficers8 /fsted8 Social Services etc28 %ealth -isitors8 Doctors8 Child#s other settings 1ie Pre-Schools8
Child *inders28 Children#s Centre and future 'rimar, schools
Aou have the right to as) us not to disclose information8 'lease s'ea) to a member of staff if ,ou 0ould
rather information 0as not shared
Puffins Pre-School Parent! "uardian Form
&his form is to authorise 0ho ma, or ma, not collect ,our child from Pre-School or 0ho to contact in case
of emergenc,
Depending on your personal circumstances some of the following questions may not be appropriate, please
put a line through them if that is the case.
Child#s Name: Date of birth:
*ain Parent! "uardian#s Name:

%ome &ele'hone Number:

(or) &ele'hone Number: *obile Number:
$n, other Parent! "uardian 0ho has 'arental res'onsibilit, for the child:

Relationshi' to child:
$ddress if different from above:

%ome &ele'hone Number:

(or) &ele'hone Number: *obile Number:
$n, other Parent! "uardian authorised b, ,ou to collect the child:
Relationshi' to child:
$ddress if different from above:

%ome &ele'hone Number:

(or) &ele'hone Number: *obile Number:
If Pre-School are unable to contact an, of the above names do ,ou have an alternative contact 'erson1s2 in
case of an emergenc, or someone ,ou 0ould li)e to authorise to collect ,our child on a regular basis;
Name: Contact Number:

Relationshi' to child:
$n, other 'roblems or instructions that ,ou feel 0e ought to )no0 1all information is )e't strictl,

Signed: Name 1bloc) ca'itals2:

Relationshi' to child:
Puffins Pre-School %ealth Certificate and Parental Consent Form
Child#s Name: Date of Birth:

&ele'hone Number:
Name of Doctor or Practice:

Practice &ele'hone Number:

Please give details of ,our child#s medical histor, from birth eg com'lications during!after birth8 'remature
birth8 tongue tied8 histor, of fitting8 'revious allergic reactions or intolerances8

Please give details of an, illness!conditions!dietar, requirement that calls for s'ecial attention 0hilst
attending Pre-School eg asthma8 e'ile's,8 diabetes8 allergic reactions8 fainting!blac)outs8 clotting disorder

Does ,our child currentl, have or has had an, visual or hearing

"ive details of an, medication currentl, being underta)en:

/ccasionall, it ma, be necessar, for sim'le treatment to be given eg for graDes etc8 'lease state if ,ou
agree to such treatment being given Aes! No@ 1delete as a''ro'riate2
Can 0e use 'lasters on ,our child if the, cut themselves; Aes! No@ 1delete as a''ro'riate2
In cases of emergenc,8 ever, attem't 0ill be made to contact 'arents! guardians for their consent to be given
should treatment be necessar, In the event of 'arents being unavailable8 'arents are as)ed to authorise staff
of the Pre-School or 'ersons acting on their behalf8 to give consent to 0hatever treatment be required
Signed: Name 1bloc) ca'itals2:
Relationshi' to child:
Puffins Pre-School $ccident Permission Form
Child#s Name: Date of Birth:
From time to time 0e have unavoidable accidents in 're-school3 0e of course 0ant to give ,our child the
best 'ossible care 0e can
(e sometimes need to administer first aid or see) emergenc, medical treatment and advice In the case of an
emergenc, in the absence of a 'arent 1ever, attem't 0ill be made to contact ,ou on ,our numbers and
emergenc, numbers on ,our registration form2 a member of staff 0ill accom'an, a child to the hos'ital in
the ambulance and sta, until the arrival of the 'arent $NA *+DIC$. D+CISI/NS on ,our child 0ill be
the res'onsibilit, of the hos'ital 'rofessionals
It is im'ortant that an, medical conditions are on their registration forms8 as the, go 0ith us
Please sign the consent form belo0
I give! do not give@ 1delete as a''ro'riate2 'ermission for the first aider to administer treatment ie cold
I give! do not give@ 1delete as a''ro'riate2 'ermission for emergenc, hel' being called and a member of
staff in the absence of the 'arent accom'an,ing m, child to hos'ital
Could ,ou 'lease 'ut belo0 an, medical condition or medication being ta)en that is not on their registration
forms so 0e can u'date them8 than) ,ou
Signature of Parent: Name 1bloc) ca'itals2:
Puffins Pre-School /ral *edication Consent and Instruction Form for Insurance
-Including Inhalers8 Nebulisers8 +'i-Pens
&o the Parent or "uardian:
If ,ou 0ish staff to administer oral medication8 short or long term8 and ,ou are leaving medication on the
'remises8 'lease 0ould ,ou 'rovide the follo0ing details (hen the instructions on this form are no longer
current or necessar,8 'lease as) for this form to be cancelled and remove the medication
%o0ever8 if the child requires an, treatment that needs s'ecific medical training b, staff to administer8
'lease s'ea) to the staff at the time of registration to discuss their needs
Name of Child:
*edical com'laint:
Name of medication and t,'e 1ie tablet8 inhaler8 liquid2:

Euantit, to be administered and ho0 often:

Date and time of last administration: (If this is the first dose that the child is to receive then staff will not
be allowed to administer in case of allergic reaction to the
Is the medicine in its original 'ac)aging along 0ith the 'rinted label of full instructions for use8 the child#s
name8 address and date of 'rescri'tion from the doctor#s surger,; Aes!No@ 1delete as a''ro'riate2
If No, the staff will not be able to administer the medication.
Please ma)e sure that all medication is carefull, labelled 0ith the correct dosage8 'rescri'tion date and all
the child#s details;
If the medication is incorrectly labelled or out of date, it will not be administered by staff.
I %+R+BA "I-+ C/NS+N& F/R &%+ $D*INIS&R$&I/N /F &%+ $B/-+ *+DIC$&I/N Please
also understand that staff 0ill carr, out instructions as detailed above in good faith8 but cannot be held
res'onsible for an, negligence regarding administration of medication
Signature of 'arent!guardian:
Name 1bloc) ca'itals2:
Puffins Pre-School /uting Consent Form
Child#s Name:
Date of Birth:

&ele'hone Number:
Sometimes during the 're-school session the children ma, go on short outings8 eg nature 0al)s or visits to
the 'la, 'ar) For this to ha''en 0e need consent from the child#s 'arent! guardian
(hen these outings occur there 0ill be a ratio of at least 4:F adults to children For e>tended outings and
outings outside of the immediate area 0e 0ill as) for 'arent volunteers8 and for these outings the ratio 0ill
be at least 4:5
$n, accom'anied child not registered 0ith Puffins Pre-School remains the res'onsibilit, of the
accom'an,ing adult at all times
Signed: Name 1bloc) ca'itals2:
Relationshi' to child:
(hat (e /ffer
/ur aims are:
&o develo' and su''ort children 0ith their self-confidence8 self-esteem8 communication and 'h,sical
abilities8 resulting in children 0ho are motivated8 eager and enthusiastic individual learners
&o 'rovide a varied child initiated and adult led curriculum education that includes all seven areas of
the +arl, Aears Foundation Stage encom'assing all individual requirements
&o 'rovide o''ortunities for ,ou and ,our famil, to be directl, involved in ,our child#s o0n learning
&o 'rovide a safe8 secure and stimulating environment 0hich encom'asses a child#s individual needs
&o continue develo'ing our strong lin)s 0ithin our local rural communit, setting
(e offer ,our child:
$ s'eciall, tailored curriculum leading to a''roved learning outcomes
Individual care and attention made 'ossible b, the high ratio of adults to children
&he o''ortunit, to have fun and ma)e friendshi's
$ Pre-School environment that ensures equalit, and o''ortunit, for all children and families
(ithin the grou'8 all children are su''orted in develo'ing their 'otential at their o0n 'ace &his foundation
stage is bro)en into G areas8
Personal8 social and emotional develo'ment
Communication and language
Ph,sical Develo'ment
Hnderstanding of the 0orld
+>'ressive $rts and Design
Details can be found of all these areas on the I'arent#s information board# and also in the Hnder :#s
*agaDines 0hich is the monthl, magaDine that )ee's us u' to date 0ith the best 'ractises in 're-school care
$s 0ell as gaining qualifications in earl, ,ears care and education8 the staff continue to ta)e 'art in relevant
continuous 'rofessional develo'ment training to )ee' u' to date &he staff are also a0are of the current
health and safet, regulations and are all first aid trained
Co'ies of the follo0ing 'olicies are available at Pre-School for ,ou to vie0 at an, time It is essential that
,ou read these 'olicies8 'lease as) a member of staff if ,ou 0ould li)e a co', &he, can also be located on
our 0ebsite
$dmissions 'olic,
$rrival and de'arture 'olic,
Behaviour management 'olic,
Safeguarding children 'olic,
Com'laints and 'rocedures 'olic,
Confidentiall, 'olic,
+qualit, and diversit, 'olic,
+qui'ment and resources 'olic,
Food and drin) 'olic,
%ealth and safet, 'olic,
Non-collection of children 'olic,
Parental involvement 'olic,
Settling in 'olic,
S'ecial educational needs! disabilit, 'olic,
Staffing and em'lo,ment 'olic,
Student 'lacement 'olic,
&he 're-school 'olicies hel' us to ma)e sure that the services 'rovided are of high qualit, and that being a
member of the 're-school is an en9o,able and beneficial e>'erience for each child and his! her
The staff and committee of the pre-school work together to adopt the policies and they are reviewed
annually. This review helped us to make sure that the policies are enabling the pre-school to provide a
uality service.
S'ecial Needs
$s 'art of the 're-schools 'olic, to ma)e sure that its 'rovisions meet the needs of each individual child 0e
ta)e account of an, s'ecial needs a child ma, have /ur s'ecial needs co-ordinator 1S+NC/2 is .uc, Foster
Je, 'erson and ,our child
/ur )e, 'erson s,stem gives each member of staff 'articular res'onsibilit, for 9ust a fe0 children +ach
child in the grou' has a s'ecial adult to relate to8 0hich can ma)e settling into the grou' much easier In
addition the )e, 'erson is in a 'osition to tailor the grou'#s curriculum to the unique needs of the individual
Records of $chievement
&he 're-school )ee's a record of each child#s achievement 0ithin the session8 )no0n as a learning 9ourne,
/bservation of the children in the grou' is used as a basis for dra0ing u' an individual learning 'lan for
each child Photogra'hs are regularl, ta)en and 'laced in a boo) 0here the occasion is recorded and the
child#s 0riting8 dra0ing and maths s)ills are also recorded in boo)s $ detailed re'ort is filled in and sent to
the child#s 'rimar, school 0hen the, leave
Parents are al0a,s 0elcome to loo) at their child#s records and discuss an, concerns that the, ma, have
0ith an, staff
&he Committee
&he Pre-School is run b, an elected committee of 'arents! carers of the children 0ho ensure that the
decisions benefit the 'arents and children of the grou' (ithout the committee the 're-school cannot run so
0e 0elcome an,one to come and 9oin or attend the general meetings &he committee is res'onsible for
revie0ing the 'olicies and 'ractises8 and for the em'lo,ment and a''raisals of all the staff &he $"* is
usuall, held in November and notices of all meetings 0ill be 'ut ne>t to the signing-in boo) &he committee
is also res'onsible for organising coffee mornings and other fund raising events throughout the ,ear8 so 0e
ho'e ,ou can come along to meet the committee and other 'arents and discuss an, questions ,ou have 0ith
/ur Committee
Chair'erson Jeith Foster
&reasurer Neil Smith
Secretar, .e>, Ridg0a,
*ember Shelle, Faircloth
*ember +mma *orris
*ember Sam Burt
*ember Sharon Bartlett
*ember Ni))ie Rae
Staff!+arl, Aears Practitioners
*anager Ni))ie Rae 1B$ %ons in +arl, Aears2
De'ut, .uc, Foster 1N-E 7 Childcare (or)force2
Practitioner Natasha Pi'er 1N-E 5 Childcare (or)force2
Ban) Staff Su''ort (or)er Shelle, Faircloth 1&rainee2
+thnic Diversit, Euestionnaire
It is required of us b, /fsted that 0e also collect the follo0ing information
Please tic) the one 0hich best describes ,our child from the follo0ing belo0
(hite = British
&raveller of Irish %eritage
",'s,! Roma
$n, other 0hite bac)ground
*i>ed = (hite and Blac) Caribbean
(hite and Blac) $frican
(hite and $sian
$n, other mi>ed bac)ground
$sian or $sian British
$n, other $sian bac)ground
Blac) or Blac) British
$n, other Blac) bac)ground
$n, other ethnic bac)ground
(ish not to disclose this information

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