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Scientific Contradictions in the Bible

We begin with the Name of Allaah

The basis of this article is not to hurt the feelings of Christian brothers and sisters but to
weed out misconceptions from their minds about the concept of true God. We can
understand in a better way under the following question often asked by Christian
The Christians eplain the concept of trinity! scientifically by gi"ing the eample of water!
which can be in # states $ solid! liquid and gas! in the form of ice water and "apour. %
&imilarly! one God is a triune God ' (ather! son and )oly Ghost. *s this eplanation
scientifically correct+
&cientifically! we do agree water can be in # forms solid! liquid and gas, *ce! water and
"apour. -ut scientifically! we also know that the component of water remains the same. %
)./ $ . atoms of hydrogen! and one atom of oygen. The components remain the
same0 the constituents remain the same $ the forms keep on changing0 there is no
problem. 1et us check with the concept of 2trinity3$ Concept of trinity ' (ather! son! and
holy ghost ' (orm, they say, 2(orm changes.3 /kay for the sake of argument! we agree.
4oes the component change+ God and holy Ghost are made of spirit $ )uman beings are
made of flesh and bones $ They are not the same. )uman beings require to eat $ God
does not require to eat! to sur"i"e $ They are not the same. And this is testified by 5esus
Christ! peace be upon him! himself in the Gospel of 1uke! Chapter No. .6! 7erse No. #8
to #9. )e says that,
Behold my hands and feet - Handle me and see, for a spirit has no flesh and
)e says, 2-ehold my hands and feet $ )andle me and see! for a spirit has no flesh and
bones.3 And he ga"e his hands! and they saw! and they were o"er:oyed. And he said
that, 24o you ha"e any meat to eat +3 And they ga"e him broiled fish and a piece of
honeycomb $ And he ate. To pro"e what+ That he was God+ To pro"e that he was not
God. )e ate! and he is flesh and bones $ A spirit has got no flesh and bones. This pro"es
that it is scientifically not possible that (ather! son and )oly Ghost $ (ather! 5esus Christ!
peace be upon him! and )oly Ghost! is Almighty God. And the concept of 2trinity3! $ the
word 2trinity3 does not eist anywhere in the -ible. The word trinity is not there in the
-ible $ -ut it is there in the ;ur3an. ;ur3an says in &urah Nisa! Chapter No. 6! 7erse No.
<=<! it says,. >Arabic?,.
2 Do not say trinity. (Arabic)desi st stop it! It is better for you.
Trinity is also there in &urah @aidah! Chapter No.A! 7erse No.=#! which says ,>Arabic?,
They are doing 2Bufr3 $ They are blaspheming $ those who say that Allah in # in one $ *s
a triune God. 5esus Christ! peace be upon him! ne"er said he was God $ The concept of
trinity does not eist in the -ible. The only "erse which is closest to the concept of
2trinity3! is the <st Cpistle of 5ohn! Chapter No.A! 7erse No.=! which says,
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the word and the
holy ghost, and these 3 are one.
-ut if you read the De"ised &tandard 7ersion! re"ised by #. scholars, Christian
scholars! of the highest eminence! backed by AE different co$operati"e denominations!
they say, 2This "erse of the -ible $ <st Cpistle of 5ohn! Chapter A 7erse No.= is an
interpolation! is a concoction! is a fabrication3 $ *t was thrown out of the -ible. 5esus
Christ peace be upon him! ne"er claimed 4i"inity. There is not a single unequi"ocal
statement in the complete -ible! where 5esus Christ peace be upon him says,2* am God3
$ or where he says, 2Worship me3. *nfact if you read the -ible! it is mentioned in the
Gospel of 5ohn! Chapter No.<6! 7erse No..F $ he said,
My Father is greater than I
Gospel of 5ohn! Chapter No.<E! 7erse No..9,
My Father is greater than all
Gospel of @athew! Chapter No.<.! 7erse No..F,
I cast ot devils with the spirit of !od
Gospel of 1uke! Chapter No.<<! 7erse No..E,
I with the finger of !od, cast ot devil
Gospel of 5ohn! Chapter No.A! 7erse No.#E,
I can of my own self do nothing"#I can of my own self do nothing - $s I hear,
I %dge and my %dgement is %st, for I see& not my own will, bt the will of my
Anyone who says, 2Not my will but God3s will3 $ he is a @uslim. @uslim means the
person who submits his3 will to almighty God. 5esus Christ peace be upon him said,2Not
my will but God3s will.3 )e was a @uslim $ and he was Alhamdulillah! one of the mightiest
messengers of God. We belie"e,We belie"e that he was born miraculously! without any
male inter"ention. We belie"e he ga"e life to the dead! with God3s permission. We
belie"e that he healed those born blind! and lepers with God3s permission. We respect
5esus Christ peace be upon him! as one of the mightiest messenger of God. -ut he is not
God! and he is not a part of the trinity $ Trinity does not eist. ;ur3an says in &urah
*khlas Ch. No.<<. 7erse No. < to 6 which says!
Say He is Allah one and only, Allah is absolute and eternal, He begets not nor
He is begotten, here is nothing li!e hi".
*f you want to testify that 5esus>G-H)? was God than you can testify "ery well from
abo"e "erses of the )oly ;uran. This &urah *khlas Ch No.<<. is the touchstone of
theology. Anyone who passes this four line definition! we @uslim ha"e no ob:ection to
consider him as God. -ut the condition is that the person who is claiming di"inity must
pass all the four "erses of &urah *khlas of the )oly ;uran. &o 5esus peace be upon him
is not God Almighty and his message>the bible? was only for a limited time period. )e
was sent only for the people of *srael not for all the humanity. -ut @uhammad>pbuh?
was sent for all the mankind as it is mentioned in &urah Al$Anbiyaa Ch..< 7erse no. <E=
which says
#e ha$e send thee, but not as a "ercy to all the hu"an beings
and also in &urah &aba Ch No.#. 7erse No. .F which says!
And %e ha$e send thee as a uni$ersal "essenger gi$ing glad tidings and a
%arner unto all "an!ind, but "ost of "an!ind !no% not.
Though the bible contains thousands of contradiction but * am mentioning some
of them. We ha"e the /ld Testament! we ha"e the New Testament $ Now we
should follow the 1ast and (inal Testament! which is the Glorious ;ur3an. 1et us
analyse what the -ible says about modern science
The -ible speaks about the creation of the uni"erse. *n the beginning! <st -ook!
-ook of Genesis! <st Ch.! it is mentioned $ *t says, 2Almighty God created the
)ea"ens and the Carth! in si days and talks about a e"ening and a morning!
referring to a .6 $ hour day. Today scientists tell us! that the uni"erse cannot be
created in a .6 hour period of si days. ;ur3an too speaks about si 2ayyams3.
The Arabic word singular is 2yaum3 plural is 2ayyam3. *t can either mean a day of
.6 hours! or it is a "ery long period! an 2yaum3! an epoch. &cientists say we ha"e
no ob:ection in agreeing that the uni"erse $ it could ha"e been created in 8 "ery
long periods.
-ible says in Genesis Ch. No. < 7erses No. # and A!
1ight was created on the first day.3
Genesis! Ch.! < 7erses! <6 to <9,
The cause of light $ stars and the sun! etc. was created on the fourth day3.
)ow can the cause of light be created on the 6th day $ later than the light which
came into eistence on the first day+ $ *t is unscientific.
(urther! the! -ible says Genesis! Ch. <! 7erses 9 to <#, 2Carth was created on
the #rd day. )ow can you ha"e a night and day without the earth+ The day
depends upon the rotation of the Carth Without the earth created! how can you
ha"e a night and day+
Genesis! Ch. No. < 7erses 9 to <# says,
Carth was created on the third day.3
Genesis Ch. No. < 7erses <6 to <9 says,
The &un and the @oon were created on the fourth day.3
Today science tells us, 2Carth is part of the parent body, the sun.3 *t cannot
come into eistence before the sun ' *t is unscientific.
The -ible says in Genesis! Ch. No.<! 7erse No. << to <#,
'he vegetation, the herbs the shrbs, the trees - they were created on the 3rd
And the &un! Genesis! Ch. No.<! 7erses. <6 to <9! was created on the 6th day.
)ow can the "egetation come into eistence without sunlight! and how can they
sur"i"e without sunlight+
-ible says in Genesis! Ch.<! 7erses No.<8! that,
God created two lights the greater light! the &un to rule the day! and the lesser
light the @oon! to rule the night.3
The actual translation! if you go to the )ebrew tet! it is 2lamps3,21amps ha"ing
lights of its own.3 And that you will come to know better! if you read both the
7erses ' Genesis! Ch. No.<! 7erse. <8! as well as <=. 7erse No.<= says,
And Almighty God placed them in the firmament! to gi"e light to the earth, To
gi"e light to the earth.3
*ndicating! that &un and the @oon has its own light $ which is in contradiction
with established scientific knowledge that we ha"e. There are certain people who
try and reconciliate! and say that the si days mentioned in the -ible! it actually
refers to epocs $ like the ;ur3an long periods $ not si! .6 hour day. *t is illogical
$ you read in the -ible! e"ening! morning $ *t clearly states .6 hours! it
indicates. -ut e"en if * use the concordance approach there is no problem. Iet
they will only be able to sol"e the <st scientific error of 8 days creation! and
second! of first day 2light3 and #rd day 2earth.3 The remaining four! yet they
cannot sol"e. &ome further say that, 2*f it is a .6$hour period! why cannot the
"egetables sur"i"e for one .6 hour day without sunlight+3 (ine$*f you say that
the "egetables were created before the sun! and can sur"i"e for one .6$hour
day! * ha"e got no ob:ection. -ut you cannot say the days mentioned are .6
hours as well as epochs $ Iou cannot ha"e the cake and eat it! both. *f you say it
is long period! you sol"e Goint No.< and #! the remaining 6 are yet there. *f you
say the days are .6 hours day! you sol"e only Goint No.A $ the remaining A are
yet there $ *t becomes unscientific. We lea"e it to our Christian friends! whether
they wants to say, 2*t is long period3! and say that there are only 6 scientific
errors $ or say, 2*t is a .6 hour day3! and say there is only A scientific errors in
the creation of the uni"erse. Degarding the concept of Carth! there are "arious
&cientists who ha"e described,2)ow will the world end.3 )ypothesis $ &ome may
be right! some may be wrong. -ut either the world will perish or the world will
li"e fore"er. -oth cannot take place simultaneously ' *t is unscientific. -ut this is
eactly what the -ible says. *t is mentioned in the -ible! in the book of )ebrews!
Ch. No.< 7erses No.<E and <<! and the book of Gsalms! Ch. No.<E.! 7erse No..A
and .8! that,
Almighty God created the )ea"ens and the Carth! and they will perish.3
Cactly opposite is mentioned in the book of Ccclesiastics! Ch. No.<! 7erse No.6!
and the book of Gsalms! Ch. No.=F! 7erse No.89! that,
The earth will abide fore"er.3
Which of the two 7erses are unscientific $ the first pair or the second pair. /ne
has to be unscientific $ -oth cannot take place. The world cannot abide fore"er
as well as perish ' *t is unscientific. Degarding 2the )ea"ens3! the -ible says in
5ob! Ch. .8! 7erse <<! that,
The pillars of the )ea"en will tremble.3
;ur3an says in &urah 1uqman! Ch. #<! 7erse No.<E! that,
The )ea"ens are without any pillars $ 4onJt you see+ 4on3t you see the
)ea"ens are without any pillars+
-ible says hea"en ha"e got pillars. Not only do the )ea"ens ha"e got pillars $
-ible says in the first book of &amuel! Ch. No.. 7erses No.F! as well as the book
of 5ob Ch. No.9! 7erse No.8! and the book of Gsalms Ch. No.=A! 7erse No.#!
C"en the earth ha"e got pillars.3
(iet and )trition
1ets analyse! what does the -ible says in the field of diet and nutrition. The
-ible says in the book of Genesis! Ch. No.<! 7erse No..9! that,
God has gi"en you all the herbs bearing seeds! the trees bearing fruits $ those
that bear seed! as meat for you.3 New *nternational 7ersion says, 2The seed
bearing plants! and the trees bearing fruits bearing seeds are food for you! all of
Today! e"en a layman knows that there are se"eral poisonous plants like wild
berries! stritchi! datura! plants containing alkaloid! polyander! bacaipoid $ that
which if you ingest! if you eat there are high possibilities you may die. )ow come
the Creator of the uni"erse and the human beings! does not know! that if you
ha"e these plants! you will die. The -ible has a scientific test how to identify a
true belie"er. *t is mentioned in the Gospel of @ark! Ch. No.<8! 7erse No.<= and
<F $ *t says that,
There will be signs for true belie"ers and among the signs $ *n my name they shall cast
out de"ils! they shall speak foreign tongues! new tongues! they shall take up serpents $
And if they drink deadly poison! they shall not be harmed $ And when they place their
hand o"er the sick! they shall be cured.3
This is a scientific test $ *n scientific terminology! it is known as the
2confirmatory test3 for a true Christian belie"er. *n the past <E years of my life! *
ha"e personally interacted with thousands of Christians! including missionaries $
* ha"e not come across a single Christian! who has passed this confirmatory test
of the -ible. * ha"e not come across a single Christian who took poison $ * ha"e
not come across any who took poison! and who has not died. And in scientific
terminology! this is also called as the 2falsification test3 That means if a false
person tries and does this test, takes poison! he will die. And a false person will
not dare attempt this test $ *f you are not a true Christian belie"er! you will not
dare attempt this test. -ecause you try and attempt the falsification test! you
will fail. &o a person who is not a true Christian belie"er! will ne"er attempt this
test. * ha"e read the book 2The ;ur3an and the -ible in the light of history and
science3 written by 4r. William Campbell. And * assume $ that the true Christian
belie"ers at least confirm to me about the falsification test. What *3ll do $ * will
only ask them to speak in foreign tongues, *n new languages. And as many of
you may be aware that *ndia is a land! which has more than <EEE languages and
dialects. /nly thing * request him is! to say these # words,2/ne hundred
rupees3! in the <= official languages. There are only <= official languages in *ndia
and to make it easier for my Christian freinds! * would like to put an eample
that suppose you ha"e got a 2/ne hundred$rupee note.3 And this note has all the
<= languages mentioned on it. -esides Cnglish and )indi! * will help them. * gi"e
them a beginning '2Ck sa" rupaiya3! *n )indi.
The remaining <A languages are here $ * request him to read. * know the test
They will speak foreign languages on their own! without the help of reading3
$ but * want to make the test easier! * want to see someone passing the test $
*3"e not seen any one. &o if they cannot say it on their own! or from their
memory! at least read it. <A languages! 2Ck sa" rupaiya3, # words only.
What does the -ible say regarding 2)ydrology3+ -ible says in Genesis! Ch. No.9!
7erse No.<# to <=! that,
After God! at the time of Noah submerged the world by flood! and after the flood3
subsided! )e said, 2* put up a rainbow in the sky as a promise to the humankind ne"er
to submerge the world again! by water.3
To the unscientific person it may be quite good, 2/h rainbow is a sign of
Almighty God! ne"er to submerge the world by flood again.3 -ut today we know
"ery well! that rainbow is due to the refraction of sunlight! with rain or mist.
&urely there must ha"e been thousands of rainbows before the time of Noah!
peace be upon him. To say it was not there before Noah3s time you ha"e to
assume that the law of refraction did not eist $ which is unscientific.3
*n the field of medicine! the -ible says in the book of 1e"eticus! Ch. No.<6!
7erse No.69 to A# $ it gi"es a no"el way for disinfecting a house from plague of
leprosy, disinfecting a house from plague of leprosy. *t says that,
Take two birds! kill one bird! take wood! scale it $ and the other li"ing bird! dip it in
water, and under running water $ later on sprinkle the house = times with it.
&prinkle the house with blood to disinfect against plague of leprosy+ Iou know
blood is a good media of germs! bacteria! as well as toin ' * hope my Christian
freinds do not use this method of disinfecting.
*t is mentioned in the book of 1e"eticus! Ch.No.<.! 7erse No.< to A! and we
know medically! that after a mother gi"es birth to a child! the post$partal period!
it is unhygienic. To say it is 2unclean3! Deligiously $ * ha"e got no ob:ection. -ut
1e"iticus! Ch. No.<. 7erse No.< to A! says that,
After a woman gi"es birth to a male child! she will be unclean for = days! and
the period of uncleanliness will continue for ## days more. *f she gi"e birth to a
female child! she will be unclean for two weeks! and the period of uncleanliness
will continue for 88 days. *n short! if a woman gi"es birth to a male child, 2a
son3! she is unclean for 6E days. *f she gi"es birth to a female child, 2a
daughter3! she is unclean for FE days.3
* would like to ask my Christian friends to eplain to me scientifically! how come
a woman remains unclean for double the period! if she gi"es birth to a female
child! as compared to a male child.
The -ible also has a "ery good test for adultery $ )ow to come to know a woman
has committed adultery! in the book of Numbers! Ch. no.A 7erse No.<< to #<. *3ll
:ust say in brief. *t says that,
The priest should take holy water in a "essel! take dust from the floor! and put it into
the "essel $ And that is the bitter water 2And after cursing it! gi"e it to the woman And if
the woman has committed adultery! after she drinks it! the curse will enter her body! the
stomach will swell! the thigh will rot! and she shall be cursed by the people. *f the
woman has not committed adultery! she will remain clean and she will bear the seed.3
A no"el method of identifying whether a woman has committed adultery or not.
Iou know today in the world! there are thousands of cases pending in different
parts of the world! in different courts of law $ only on the assumption that
someone has alleged that a woman has committed adultery. * had read in the
newspapers! and * came to know from the media! that the Gresident of H.&.A @r.
-ill Clinton! he was in"ol"ed in a se scandal. * wonder! that why did not the
American court use this 2bitter water test3 for adultery+ )e would ha"e gone
scot$free immediately. Why did not the Christian missionaries of the world!
specially those who are in the medical field like my respected 4r. William
Campbell! use this bitter water test to bail out their Gresident! immediately.
@athematics3 is a branch! which is closely associated with science! with which
you can sol"e problems! etc. There are thousands of contradictions in the -ible $
hundreds deal with mathematics! and *3ll first touch on few of them. *t is
mentioned in CKra! Ch. No..! 7erse No.<! and Nehemiah! Ch. No.=! 7erse No.8!
the contet that,
When the people returned from eile! from -abylon! when king Nebucheldeser of
-abylon! when he released the men from *srael! they came back from capti"ity3
$ and the list of the people are gi"en. The list is gi"en in CKra! Ch. No..! 7erse
No.. to 8#! and Nehemiah Ch. No.=! 7erse No.= up to 8A0 the list is gi"en with
the names as well as number of people released. *n these 8E 7erses there are no
less than <F times $ the name is eactly the same but the number is different.
There are no less than <F contradictions in less than 8E 7erses! of these two
Chapters. There are no less than <F different contradictions in less than 8E
7erses. (urther it is mentioned in CKra! Ch. No.. 7erse No.86 that,
The total congregation! , if you add up! it comes to 6.!#8E.3
And if you read in Nehemiah! Ch. No.=! 7erse No.88! there also the total is the
same 6.!#8E. -ut if you add up all these "erses $ which * had to do my
homework ' * ha"e got the list of CKra and the list of Nehemiah. CKra Ch. No .!
Nehemiah Ch. No = $ *f you add up $ * had to do my homework,if you add up!
CKra Ch. No. . $ *t does not come to 6.!#8E $ it comes to .9!F<F. And if you add
up Nehemiah! Ch. No.=! e"en then it does not come to 6.!#8E $ *t comes to
The author of the -ible! presumed to be 2Almighty God3! does not know simple
addition. *f you gi"e this problem! e"en to a person who has passed elementary
school! he will be able to get the right answer. *f you add up all the 8E 7erses! it
is so easy. Almighty God did not know adding ' NauKubillah,>God forbids? if we
presume! that this is the word of God.
(urther if we read! in CKra Ch. No. .! 7erse No. 8A! it says,
There were .EE singing men and women3
Nehemiah Ch. No. =! 7erse No. 8=,
There were .6A singing men and women.3
Were they .EE $ or were they .6A singing men and women+ Contet is the same
$ A mathematical contradiction. *t is mentioned in the .nd Bings! Ch. No .6!
7erse No F! that,
5ehoiachin was <F years old! when he began to reign 5erusalem! and he reigned
for # months and <E days.3
.nd Chronicles! Ch. No #8! 7erse No 9! says that,
5ehoiachin was F years old when he began to reign and he reigned for #
months! <E days. Was 5ehoiachin <F years when he began to reign! or was he F
years old+ 4id he reign for # months! or did he reign for # months <E days+
(urther it is mentioned in the <st Bings! Ch. No =! 7erse No .8! that,
*n &olomon3s temple! in his molten sea! he had .EEE baths.3
*n .nd Chronicles! Ch. No 6! 7erse No A! he had #EEE baths. 4id he ha"e .EEE
baths or did he ha"e #EEE baths+ ' That! * lea"e up to my Christian friends to
decide which is correct. There is a clear$cut mathematical contradiction.
(urther more it is mentioned in the (irst Bings! Ch. No. <A! 7erse No. ##! that,
-asha! he died in the .8th year of reign of Asa.3
And .nd Chronicles Ch. No <8! 7erse No <! says that,
-asha in"aded 5udah in the #8th years of the reign of Asa.3
)ow can -asha in"ade <E years after his death+ $ *t is unscientific. To make it
easier for my Christian friends to answer to the points * ha"e raised! * will :ust
mention it in brief $The points that * mentioned.
*oint )o.+ $ 2The creation of the Carth and the )ea"en $ the uni"erse was in
si! .6$hour days.
*oint )o., $ 1ight was then before the source of light '
*oint )o.3 $ 4ay came into eistence before creation of Carth.
*oint )o.- $ Carth came into eistence before &un.
*oint )o.. $ 7egetation came into eistence! before sunlight.
*oint )o./ $ 1ight of the @oon is its own light.
*oint )o.0 $ The earth $ Will it perish or will it abide fore"er+
*oint )o.1 $ The earth has got pillars.
*oint )o.2 $ The hea"ens ha"e got pillars.
*oint )o.+3 $ God said, 2Iou can ha"e all plants and all "egetation! including
the poisonous plants+3
*oint )o.++ $ The scientific test the falsification test! of @ark! Ch. No. <8! 7erse
No. <= and <F.
*oint )o.+, $ A woman remains unclean for double the period! if she gi"es birth
to a daughter! as compared to a son.
*oint )o.+3 $ Hsing blood to disinfect the house! against plague of leprosy.
*oint )o.+- ' )ow do you find out the bitter water test for adultery+
*oint )o.+. $ Cighteen different contradictions in less than 8E 7erses of CKra!
Ch. .! and Nehemiah! Ch. =. * did not count them as <F different $ * counted
them only as one. *oint )o.+/ $ The total is different is both the chapters.
*oint )o.+0 $ Are there .EE singing men and women! or are there .6A singing
men and women+
*oint )o.+1 $ Was 5ehoiachin <F years old! or was he F years old when he
began to reign+
*oint )o.+2 $ 4id he reign for # months! or # months <E days.
*oint )o.,3 $ 4id &olomon had #EEE baths! or .EEE baths+
*oint )o.,+ $ *s that -asha! how could he in"ade 5udah! <E years after his
*oint )o.,, is $ Almighty God $ )e said! * put up a rainbow in the sky! as a
promise to the human kind! ne"er to submerge the world again by water.
* ha"e listed only .. abo"e! out of the hundreds a"ailable unscientific points in
the -ible, scientific errors $ And * request our Christian -rothers to answer
them. And irrespecti"e whether they uses the 2concordance approach3 or the
2conflict approach3, as long as thet are logical! they will ne"er be able to pro"e
scientifically! all these .. aspects * ha"e mentioned. We agree in 5esus Christ
peace be upon him $ to him was re"ealed the *n:eel. This is not the *n:eel $ *t
may contain part of God $ -ut the other unscientific portion is not the word of
God. * would like to end my talk by gi"ing the quotation of the Glorious ;ur3an!
from &urah -aqarah! Ch. No. .! 7erse =9 ,. >Arabic?,.
Woe to those who write the book with their own hands! and then say this is
from Allah! to traffic with it for a miserable price. Woe to those for what they
write! woe to those for what they earn.3
*oint no.,3 $ *n the field of Loology! it is mentioned in 1e"iticus! Chapter No.<<
7erse No.8! that,
)are is a cud chewer.3
We know that )are! does not chew cud3 $ Gre"iously people thought by the
mo"ement of the hare. Now we know hare is not a cud chewer! neither does it
ha"e a compact mentalised stomach.
*oint )o.,- *t is mentioned in the Gro"erbs! Chapter No. 8! 7erse No. =! that,
Ant has got no ruler! no sear! no chief.3
Today we know that ants are sophisticated insects. They ha"e a "ery good
system of labour! in which they ha"e chief! they ha"e foreman! they ha"e
workers. They e"en ha"e a queen! they ha"e a ruler $ Therefore -ible is
*oint )o.,.. (urther more! it is mentioned in the -ible! in Genesis! Chapter #!
7erse <6! and *saiah Chapter 8A! "erse No. .A! that,
&erpents eat dust.3
No Geological book says 2&erpents eat dust.3
*oint )o. ,/
*t is mentioned in the -ook of 1e"iticus! Chapter No.<<! 7erse No..E,
Among the abomination things! fowls with four feet $ They are an abomination.3
And some scholars say that 2fowl3 is a wrong translation of the )ebrew word 2uff.3
*n Bing 5ames! it should be 2insect3 or 2winged creature.3 And in New
*nternational 7ersion! it says, 2Winged creature.3 -ut it says, 2All insects which
are four footed! are an abomination $ They are detestful for you.3 * want to ask
which insects ha"e got four feet+3 C"en a student! who has passed elementary
school! knows that insects ha"e got 8 feet. There is no bird in the world! there is
no foul in the world! there is no insect in the worlds! which ha"e got four feet.
*oint )o.,0 (urthermore there are mythical animals! and fabulous animals
mentioned in the -ible! as though they eist $ (or eample unicorn. *t is
mentioned in the -ook of *saiah! Chapter #6! 7erse No.=! talking about unicorn
as though it eists. Iou look open the dictionary! it says, 2An animal which has
got a horses3 body! and a horn which is only a"ailable in myths.3
More Mathematical 5ontradictions
*oint )o.,1
*t is mentioned in the .
Bings! Chapter No.F! 7erse No..8! it says that,
AheKia, that AheKia! he was .. years old! when he began to reign.3
Chronicles! Chapter No. ..! 7erse No. .! says that, 2)e was 6. years old!
when he began to reign. Was he .. years old! or was he 6. years old+ ' A
@athematical contradiction.
*oint )o.,2 (urther more! in .
Chronicles! Chapter No. .<! 7erse No. .E! it
says that, 25oaram! the father of AheKia! he reigned at the age of #. $ and he
reigned for F years! and he died at the age of 6E. *mmediately, AheKia became
the net ruler at the age of 6.. (ather died at the age of 6E $ *mmediately son
takes o"er! who is at the age of 6.. )ow can a son! be two years older than the
father+3 -elie"e me e"en... e"en in )ollywood film! you will not be able to
produce it. *n )ollywood film! you can produce a 2unicorn3 which * mentioned in
my talk. Hnicorn, you can ha"e Coccrodyasis! which the -ible speaks about!
Concrodyasis and dragons and serpents. -ut in )ollywood you cannot e"en show
a son! being two years older than the father. *t cannot e"en be a miracle $ C"en
in miracles0 it is not possible ' *mpossible. *n miracle! you can ha"e a person
being born of a "irgin birth ' but in miracle you cannot ha"e a son being older
than the father! by . years.
*oint )o.33 *t is mentioned in the -ible! in .
&amuel Chapter No .6! 7erse
No 9! that, 2The people that were in"ol"ed in the battlefield. *t gi"es a list of
these people! in .
&amuel! Chapter .6! 7erse No. 9! and it says that,
Geople that took part FEE thousand of the men of *srael! took part $ and AEE thousand
of the men of 5udah came.3
*f you see other places! <
Chronicle! Chapter .<! 7erse No. A! it says that,
< million $ )undred thousand people took part in the battle field! from the men of *srael
$ and ten thousand four hundred and sity men took part of 5udah.3
Was it FEE thousand people who took part from the men of *srael! or was it <
million $ <EE thousand+ Was it A lakh people of 5udah that took part or <E!68E+
A clear$cut contradiction.
*oint )o. 3+ *t is mentioned in the -ible in .
&amuel! Chapter No. 8! 7erse
No .#! that,
@ichael the daughter of &aul $ she had no sons3$ .nd &amuel3!
Chapter .<! 7erse No. F,
@ichael the daughter of &aul had A sons.3
/ne place it says, 2No children! no son! no daughter3 $ /ther place, 2A sons.3
*oint )o.3, (urther more if you read! it is mentioned in Gospel of @athew!
Chapter No. <! 7erse No. <8 $ it says about the genealogy of 5esus Christ peace
be upon him $ as well as 1uke Chapter No. #! 7erse No. .#! and it says that,
5esus3 father! that is 5oseph $ his father was 5acob3
@athew! Chapter <! 7erse <8. And 1uke! Chapter No #! 7erse No .#,
5esus3 father, 5oseph $ his father was )ailey.
4id 5esus3 father, 5oseph! had two fathers+ What do you call a person who has
got two fathers + /r was it )ailey $ or was it 5acob+ Clear$cut contradiction.
* would like to end this article and apologiKe if * ha"e hurt the feelings of any
Christians $ That was not my intention. *t was to pro"e that -ible! though a
portion we do consider! may be the word of God $ Complete is not the word of
God $ *t is not in conciliation. And * would like to end my talk with some of the
quotations of the Glorious ;ur3an from &urah (ussilat! Ch. 6<! 7erse A#! which
That soon We shall show them /ur signs in the farthest reaches of the horiKons!
and into their souls! until it is clear to them! that this is the truth.3
And also from &urah *sra Chapter.<=! 7erse No.F<! which says,>Arabic?,
When truth is hurled against falsehood! falsehood perishes! for falsehood is by its
nature bound to perish.3
Wa Aakhrudawana Anil )amdulillahi Dabbil Aalameen.>And the conclusion of our
prayer is : Graise be to Allah! 1ord of the WorldsM?

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