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Father's Name : ANAND MISHRA
Date of Birth : 28-09-1995
Email address :
Application number (available on application fee receipt AFTER payment) :

Please follow the following instructions strictly :
1. Download this page and print it.
2. Paste applicant's photograph and put his signature in the designated box.
3. Scan this page and upload it in the next (Identification Sheet Upload) stage. At the time of uploading, the system will ask
you to crop the photo with the cropper provided on the website. Please crop the photo along the red boundary so that only
the contents of the red boundary are uploaded.
4. After successful uploading, please make the payment via challan or by online means. An application number will be
generated which will be present on the payment receipt. Write that application number in the box provided at the bottom of
this page.
5. Post this page to the following address : Incharge, B.Sc. Nursing Entrance Test-2014, C/o Director, Institute of Medical
Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, VARANASi-221005.

Your form has been submitted.
Your provisional application ID is BscNursing/2535

Important Note : The photo should be a recent colored passport size photograph of the candidate with the face clearly
visible. The candidate should not be wearing colored glasses in the photograph. The signature should stay within the black
boundary and be made with a black ball pen.

Candidate Information :
Please do not leave Application number section above blank. It needs to be filled once you receive an application number
AFTER payment of fees.

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