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20042080 Introduction to Literature

Prof. Taher Badinjki

Zubaidah Abdul Rehman, BIS, 20042080
Literary Definitions in

Literary Definitions Outline
1. Picaresque Novel
2. Bildungsroman (Novel of Education)
3. Epistolary Novel

1. Picaresque Novel - TEXT
It relates the experiences of a vagrant
rogue (from the Spanish picaro) in his
conflict with the norms of society and tries
to lay bare social injustice in a satirical
way which all display specific traits of this
form of prose fiction.

1. Picaresque Novel - INTERNET
A picaresque novel is an early form of the
novel, some call it a precursor of the
novel. It presents the adventures of a
lighthearted rascal (pcaro=rogue). It is
usually episodic in structure, the episodes
often arranged as a journey. The narrative
focuses on one character who has to deal
with tyrannical masters and unlucky fates
but who usually manages to escape these
miserable situations by using her/his wit.

2. Bildungsroman (Novel of Education)
It is referred to by its German name that
describes the development of protagonist
from childhood to maturity. (TEXT)
A bildungsroman is a novel that traces the
development of a character from childhood
to adulthood, through a quest for identity
that leads him or her to maturity. The term
bildungsroman comes from the German
for "formation novel," or "education novel.

3. Epistolary Novel
It uses letters as a means of first-person
narration. (TEXT)
An epistolary novel is also called a novel of
letters, because the narration takes place in the
form of letters, possibly journal entries, and
occasionally newspaper reports. An epistle is an
archaic term for a letter. The epistolary novel is
an interesting literary technique, because it
allows a writer to include multiple narrators in his
or her story. (INTERNET)

1. http://www.anglistik.uni-

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