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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk implementasi dan evaluasi, murah,

resiko rendah, mengembangkan perawat mengenai [intervensi oral

care dan meminimalisir resiko vap.
Penurunan insiden vap dari 8,9%-,!% menunjukkan bahwa terjadi
penurunan resiko sebesar ",#$. %ebesar 8,9% pasien dengan &'P
atau !$,($ &'P per !""" hari ventilator berada pada akhir )ang
lebih rendah dari )ang dilaporkan dalam literature.
Penurunan resiko relative sebesar ",#$ ditunjukkan pada kombinasi
perawatan vap *&'P +are ,undle-. Pada penelitian sebelumn)a ,
chlorhe.idine memberikan penurunan resiko relative sebesar ",#(
*chan et al., /""0- dan suction oropharingeal memberikan
penurunan sebesar ",$/ *+hao et al., /""8-. ,eberapa literature
membahas mengenai dampak sikat gigi menggunakan
chlorhe.adine, pada penelitian berskala kecil *n1#$- oleh 2aoe et al.
*/"!!- men)ikat menggunakan distilled water secara signi3kan
dapat menurunkan insiden &'P dan plak gigi. %emua elemen dalam
regimen perawatan oral terkini didukung oleh evaluasi-evaluasi
internal )ang dilakukan maupun penelitian )ang telah diterbitkan.
In addition to reduction in antibiotic costs, further costsavings from potential
reductions in length of stay and asso-ciated critical care costs have not been
analysed here.However, based on the costs of intensive care bed daysthese
could run to many thousands (Groves, 200!. "he argu-ment that there are
bene#ts in terms of #nancial costs,reductions in associated morbidity and
mortality with $%&prevention are well made elsewhere ('I(), 200*!.
However,even limited analyses here demonstrate that small costs interms of
antiseptic products and time spent changing clinicalcare are worthwhile.
"he international economic climate is one driver forthe e+pected reductions
in healthcare costs and concur-rent improvement in ,uality of care. %s the
'H- in )nglandenters a new phase of commissioning based on reducing
costsand improving safety and ,uality, programmes to improvecare and
reduce avoidable harm to patients will be .ey forproviders

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