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The Second Red Scare

the CIA is established in 1947

The CIA is the US spy network.
As a result of the fear
of world-wide communist subversion,
1949- The Soviet Union explodes
its own nuclear weapon.
1949- China falls to the Communists
1950-53 The Korean War
The US fights a limited war of containment to stop
communist North Korea from taking over
South Korea.
The House on Un-American Activities Committee .
is formed to expose sinister plots by disloyal
Americans who may be behind a communist
takeover of the US.
Hollywood becomes the focus of the Red Scare.
In 1947, The Hollywood Ten,
a group of directors are
blacklisted for allegedly
supporting communist ideology.

Lucille Ball
1953-Investigated by HUAC for registering to
vote as a communist in the 1930s at the urging of
her Grandfather.

The only thing red about Lucy is her hair
& thats not even real.
- Alger Hiss testifies before
1948- One time aid to FDR, Alger Hiss accused of spying for Soviets
The Pumpkin Papers
Microfilm copies of secret State Department memos
hidden in a pumpkin patch,
are linked to Hiss typewriter.
Although no solid proof links Hiss to
espionage, his career in the US
government is ruined.
1950- Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
are accused of passing nuclear
secrets to the Soviets.
1953- The Rosenbergs executed
for espionage.
1950-Senator Joseph McCarthy
The Wisconsin Senator was looking for a campaign
issue to earn him some media attention to help
him get re-elected.
In a campaign speech in West Virginia,
McCarthy claims to have a list of 205 known communist
agents working in the US State Department.
McCarthyism- The use of unproven
accusations to label someone as a communist.
1954- The Army-McCarthy Hearings
In nationally televised hearings, McCarthy is exposed
as a bully and a fraud.
A Witch Hunt.
1954- McCarthy is censured by the US Senate
for conduct unbecoming his office.

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