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How to Crack CR - Section 1


Directions: Read the passages and answer the question given at the beginning / end of each

1! "ne #orning$ %eorge Petersen of Petersen&s %arage watches as a 1''( )a *o+o station wagon
is towed onto his +ot! ,ecause he -nows that near+. '0/ of the 1''( )a *o+o station wagons
brought to his garage for wor- in the past were brought in because of #a+functioning power
windows$ he reasons that there is an a+#ost ' to 1 chance that the car he saw this #orning has
a+so been brought in to correct its fau+t. power windows! Which one of the following employs
flawed reasoning most similar to that employed by George etersen!
011 2a.or 3ieber#an was ree+ected b. a #a4orit. of a+#ost 5(/! Since 6anine )avis voted in
that #a.ora+ e+ection$ the chances are a+#ost 3 to 1 that she voted for 2a.or 3ieber#an!
021 Each wee- nine out of 10 best-se++ing paperbac- boo-s at 7he Reader&s 8oo- are wor-s of
fiction! Since 8ash&s histor. of 9or+d 9ar :: was a#ong the ten best-se++ing paperbac- boo-s at
7he Reader&s 8oo- this wee-$ the chances are ' to 1 that it is a wor- of fiction
031 '0/ of those who atte#pt to get into 2.r#idon 2i+itar. ;cade#. are turned down! Since
the previous 10 candidates to the acade#. were not accepted$ *+adi#ir&s app+ication wi++ a+#ost
certain+. be approved!
0<1 "n+. one out of (0 app+ications for b.passing =oning regu+ations and estab+ishing a new
business in the %edford residentia+ district is accepted! Since on+. 12 such app+ications were
#ade +ast #onth$ there is virtua++. no chance that an. of the# wi++ be accepted!

2! ,io+ogists attached a radio trans#itter to one of a nu#ber of wo+ves that had been re+eased
ear+ier in the 9hite River 9i+derness ;rea as part of a re+ocation pro4ect! 7he bio+ogists hoped to
use this wo+f to trac- the #ove#ents of the who+e pac-! 9o+ves usua++. range over a wide area
in search of pre.$ and frequent+. fo++ow the #igrations of their pre. ani#a+s! 7he bio+ogists were
surprised to find that this particu+ar wo+f never #oved #ore than five #i+es awa. fro# the
+ocation in which it was first tagged! Which one of the following" if tr#e" wo#ld by itself
most help to e$plain the beha%ior of the wolf tagged by the biologists!
011 7he area in which the wo+ves were re+eased was roc-. and #ountainous$ in contrast to the
f+at$ heavi+.- wooded area fro# which the. were ta-en!
021 7he wo+f had been tagged and re+eased b. the bio+ogists on+. three #i+es awa. fro# a sheep
ranch that provided a +arge$ stab+e popu+ation of pre. ani#a+s!
031 7he 9hite River 9i+derness ;rea had supported a popu+ation of wo+ves in past .ears$ but
the. had been hunted to e>tinction!
0<1 ;+though the wo+ves in the 9hite River 9i+derness ;rea were under govern#ent protection$
their nu#bers had been sharp+. reduced$ within a few .ears of their re+ease$ b. i++ega+ hunting!

3! :t doesn&t surprise #e that the critic on our +oca+ radio station went off on another tirade toda.
about the cit. #en&s choir! 7his is not the first ti#e that he has critici=ed the choir! ,ut this ti#e
his criticis#s were si#p+. inaccurate and un4ustified! ?or ten #inutes$ he spo-e of nothing but
the choir&s +ac- of e>pressiveness! ;s a professiona+ voca+ instructor$ : have #et with these
singers individua++.@ : can state with co#p+ete confidence that each of the #e#bers of the choir
has quite an e>pressive voice! Which one of the following is the most serio#s flaw in the
a#thor&s reasoning!
011 Ae directs his argu#ent against the critic&s character rather than against his c+ai#s!
021 Ae ignores evidence that the critic&s re#ar-s #ight in fact be 4ustified!
031 Ae cites his own professiona+ e>pertise as the so+e e>p+anation for his defense of the choir!
0<1 Ae assu#es that a group wi++ have a given attribute if each of its parts has that attribute!

<! *ideo arcades$ +ega++. defined as video par+ors having at +east five video ga#es$ require a
specia+ cit. +icense and$ in pri#ari+. residentia+ areas such as East view$ a =oning variance! 7he
owners of the *ideo Bone$ popu+ar with East view teenagers$ have #aintained that their
estab+ish#ent requires neither an arcade +icense nor a =oning variance$ because it is rea++. a
retai+ out+et! Which one of the following is an ass#mption #pon which the arg#ment of
the 'ideo (one&s owners is based!
011 7he e>isting East view =oning regu+ations are unconstitutiona++. strict!
021 ;t no ti#e are #ore than four video ga#es in operation at the *ideo Bone!
031 Stores +i-e the *ideo Bone perfor# an i#portant socia+ function!
0<1 Retai+ estab+ish#ents require no specia+ +icenses or =oning variances in East view!

(! Choose the option that best completes the passage gi%en) "ne ta>-refor# proposa+ that
has gained increasing support in recent .ears is the f+at ta>$ which wou+d i#pose a unifor# ta>
rate on inco#es at ever. +eve+! "pponents of the f+at ta> sa. that a progressive ta> s.ste#$
which +evies a higher rate of ta>es on higher-inco#e ta>pa.ers$ is fairer$ p+acing the greater
burden on those better ab+e to bear it! Aowever$ the present cra=. qui+t of ta> deductions$
e>e#ptions$ credits$ and +oopho+es benefits pri#ari+. the high-inco#e ta>$ who is
consequent+. ab+e to reduce his or her effective ta> rate$ often to a +eve+ be+ow that paid b. the
+ower-inco#e ta>! 7herefore$ CCCCCC
011 higher-inco#e ta>pa.ers are +i-e+. to +end their support to the f+at-ta> proposa+ now being
considered b. Dongress
021 a f+at-ta> s.ste# that a++owed no deductions or e>e#ptions wou+d substantia++. increase
actua+ govern#ent revenues
031 the +ower-inco#e ta> #ight we++ be pena+i=ed b. the institution of a f+at-ta> s.ste# in
this countr.
0<1 the progressive nature of our pre sent ta> s.ste# is #ore i++usor. than rea+

6! Choose the option that best completes the passage gi%en) 7he #ost serious f+aw in
te+evisionEs coverage of e+ection ca#paigns is its tendenc. to focus on the horse-race side of
po+itics-that is$ to concentrate on the question F9hoEs winningGF at the e>pense of substantive
coverage of the issues and the candidatesE positions on the#! 7he end+ess interviews with
ca#paign #anagers$ discussions of ca#paign strategies$ and$ especia++.$ the obsession with
opinion po++s have surrounded e+ections with the at#osphere of a footba++ ga#e or a pri=efight!
7o refor# this situation$ a first step #ight we++ beCCCCCC
011 a shortening of the +ength of e+ection ca#paigns to a period of si> wee-s
021 a stringent +i#it on ca#paign spending
031 a reduction in the te+evision coverage of opinion po++s during e+ection ca#paigns
0<1 the pub+ication and distribution of voter-education +iterature to infor# the pub+ic about each
candidateEs position on the #a4or issues

5! Choose the option that best completes the passage gi%en) :n opposing govern#ent
regu+ation of business$ conservatives often appea+ to the 6effersonian idea+ of +i#ited
govern#ent$ e>pressing the wish that govern#ent wou+d Fget off the bac-s of the ;#erican
peop+e!F Het$ parado>ica++.$ #an. of these sa#e conservatives address questions of private
#ora+it.$ such as those dea+ing with se>ua+ behavior$ b. ca++ing forCCCCCC
011 a return to the restrictive se>ua+ #ora+it. of the *ictorian era
021 a strengthening of the ro+e of the fa#i+. in setting #ora+ nor#s for societ.
031 a +i#itation on the a#ount of se>ua++. provocative #ateria+ appearing in boo-s$ #otives$ and
te+evision shows!
0<1 an increased govern#enta+ ro+e in the regu+ation and contro+ of private se>ua+ behavior

I! 6ohnson is on fir# ground when he asserts that the ear+. editors of )ic-insonEs poetr. often
distorted her intentions! Het 6ohnsonEs own$ #ore faithfu+$ te>t is sti++ gui+t. of its own for#s of
distortion! 7o standardi=e )ic-insonEs often indecipherab+e handwritten punctuation b. the use of
the dash is to render per#anent a casua+ #ode of poetic phrasing that )ic-inson sure+. never
e>pected to see in print! :t i#p+ies that )ic-inson chose the dash as her t.pica+ #ar- of
punctuation when$ in fact$ she apparent+. never #ade an. definitive choice at a++! Which of the
following best s#mmari*es the a#thor+s main point in the passage!
011 ;+though 6ohnson is right in critici=ing )ic-insonEs ear+. editors for their distortion of her
wor-$ his own te>t is gui+t. of equa++. serious distortions!
021 6ohnsonEs use of the dash in his te>t of )ic-insonEs poetr. #is+eads readers about the poetEs
031 ,ecause )ic-inson never e>pected her poetr. to be pub+ished$ virtua++. an. atte#pt at
editing it #ust run counter to her intentions!
0<1 ;+though 6ohnsonEs atte#pt to produce a #ore faithfu+ te>t of )ic-insonEs poetr. is we++-
#eaning$ his stud. of the #ateria+ +ac-s sufficient thoroughness!

'! Enro++#ent in graduate and professiona+ progra#s tends to be high in a strong econo#. and
#uch +ower during recessions! 7he perceived +i-e+ihood of future 4ob avai+abi+it.$ therefore$
affects peop+eEs wi++ingness to pass up i##ediate earning potentia+ in order to invest in career-
re+ated training! ,he arg#ment abo%e ass#mes that:
011 the perceived +i-e+ihood of 4ob avai+abi+it. has decreased in recent .ears!
021 a++ those who avoid graduate and professiona+ schoo+ during an econo#ic s+u#p do so
because of the perceived +ac- of future 4obs!
031 perceptions of the +i-e+ihood of 4ob avai+abi+it. are re+ated to the state of the econo#.!
0<1 those who enro++ in graduate and professiona+ schoo+s during a strong econo#. he+p increase
the econo#.Es strength!

10! Staff #e#bers at the 9i++ard )etention Denter t.pica++. oversee student schedu+es and #a-e
a++ fina+ decisions regarding the required activities in which students participate! Students are
per#itted$ however$ to #a-e their own decisions regarding how the. spend their free ti#e!
7herefore$ students shou+d be per#itted to #a-e their own decisions regarding the e+ective
courses that the. wish to ta-e! ,he concl#sion abo%e wo#ld be more reasonably drawn if
which of the following were inserted into the arg#ment as an additional premise!
011 )ecisions regarding required activities are #ore i#portant than decisions regarding the
e+ective courses that students ta-e!
021 Students are #ore wi++ing to ta-e e+ective courses than to participate in required Denter
031 Required activities contribute #ore to the rehabi+itation of students than do their free-ti#e
0<1 9hen co#pared for decision-#a-ing purposes$ e+ective courses are #ore +i-e free-ti#e
activities than required activities!

1! 1! %eorge Petersen gives us a +itt+e +esson on how not to use statistics! Ae -nows that '
out of 10 )a *o+os are brought to his shop because of #a+functioning windows$ so he
reasons that this particu+ar )a *o+o$ which is being towed in$ has probab+. a+so been brought
in for #a+functioning windows! Sure+. the fact that the car is being towed indicates that
there #ust be so#e #ore serious prob+e#! Petersen has #ind+ess+. app+ied a nu#erica+
for#u+a whi+e ignoring additiona+ infor#ation! 9here e+se do we see such reasoningG -./"
the correct answer" uses previous figures to conc+ude that there&s a ' to 1 chance that
8ash&s histor. of 9or+d 9ar :: is a wor- of fiction! 021 ignores the co#pe++ing contrar.
evidence 0that this boo- is a histor.1 and #ind+ess+. app+ies a nu#erica+ for#u+a where it
c+ear+. shou+dn&t be app+ied! 011&s use of statistics is reasonab+e! 9e don&t -now an.thing
specia+ about 6anine )avis@ she&s 4ust a voter! 7herefore$ since a+#ost 3 out of < voters
chose 3ieber#an$ there&s an a+#ost 3 out of < 0or 3 to 11 chance that 6anine voted for
3ieber#an! 031 reasons that *+adi#ir&s chances of being ad#itted into the acade#. have
been i#proved b. the re4ection of the previous candidates! 7hat&s not a persuasive +ine of
argu#entation$ but it&s nothing +i-e the sti#u+us! 0<1 is a straight nu#erica+ argu#ent! 7he
conc+usion see#s overstated 0even a 1 out of (0 chance isn&t Jvirtua++. no chanceK1$ but it&s
not at a++ +i-e the sti#u+us@ we&re not shown a particu+ar case with specia+ infor#ation that
goes against the nu#bers!

2! 2! 2ost wo+ves range over a wide area in search of pre.@ this particu+ar wo+f hung around
the sa#e area! ;n e>p+anation that i##ediate+. suggests itse+f is that this particu+ar wo+f
found enough pre. in this area$ so it didn&t have to run a++ over +oo-ing for food! ,his is the
tack taken by -./: :f the wo+f had a +arge stab+e popu+ation of sheep on which to pre. in
the i##ediate vicinit.$ there was no need for it to range over a wide territor. +oo-ing for
food! 011 doesn&t have #uch direct bearing on this particu+ar wo+f&s +ac- of #obi+it.! 9hi+e it&s
true that a wo+f #ight find it harder to #ove around in #ountainous countr.$ the sti#u+us
sa.s that wo+ves in genera+ tend to cover great distances in search of food! 7here&s no hint
that a wo+f in a #ountainous area shou+d prove an e>ception to this ru+e! 031 is irre+evant
9hi+e the 9hite River 9i+derness ;rea #a. once have supported a popu+ation of wo+ves$
-nowing this does nothing to e>p+ain the behavior of this particu+ar wo+f! 0<1$ if an.thing$
gives what see#s to be a reason for our wo+f to #a-e trac-s and #igrate so#ewhere e+se!
Dertain+. 0<1 doesn&t e>p+ain wh. our wo+f didn&t fo++ow usua+ wo+f hunting #ethods!

3! 3! 7he f+aw in the author&s reasoning +ies in his reasoning fro# part to who+e$ which is
i#p+ied rather than e>p+icit+. stated JEach of the singers has an e>pressive voice$ therefore
a++ the choir$ as a group$ #ust be e>pressive and the critic #ust be wrong!K ,ut 4ust because
each voice is e>pressive a+one doesn&t necessari+. #ean that a++ the voices wi++ be e>pressive
together! 0<1$ therefore$ is correct! 011$ a+though the author is rather vehe#ent in disputing
the critic&s c+ai#s$ he doesn&t address the critic&s character!

<! <! :n a nutshe++$ *ideo Bone&s owners are conc+uding that their operation is e>e#pt fro#
the require#ent to have an arcade +icense and a =oning variance in Eastview! 7heir evidence
is the fact that the. are a retai+ out+et! 7o connect this evidence to this conc+usion$ the.
#ust assu#e that no Jretai+ out+etK is required to obtain either the +icense or the variance$
which is choice 0<1! 011 Rather than assu#e the owners have i#p+icit+. accepted the
co##unit.&s =oning and other regu+ations@ a+though the. interpret the ordinances in a
#anner that #ight be open to question$ the. are not critici=ing the regu+ations the#se+ves!
021 9e can sur#ise that the contrar. is the case@ i!e!$ that at +east five video ga#es are in
operation at so#e ti#e! "therwise$ the *ideo Bone wou+d si#p+. not fa++ under the
co##unit.&s definition of Jvideo par+or$K and the issue of the possib+e need for an arcade
+icense wou+d not have arisen! 031 7here is no suggestion in the owners& argu#ent that the.
be+ieve$ or e>pect others to be+ieve$ that the business can be viewed as perfor#ing a socia+
function! 7heir argu#ent concerns c+assification$ not socia+ va+ue!

(! (! 0<1 7he sentence after therefore #ust be the conc+usion of the discussion above in the
passage! 0<1 recapitu+ates the passage in the best possib+e wa.!

6! 6! 031 Aere the author describes the prob+e# of the te+evision&s coverage of e+ection
ca#paigns as it introduces a sense of ga#b+ing and he co#pares opinion po++s with the
footba++ ga#e or a pri=e fight! 8ow the re#ed. or the refor#ation of this situation is to
reduce the te+evision coverage of the opinion po++s$ which is there in option 031! 011 and 021
distorts the the#e! 0<1 is not in +ine with the so+ution of the prob+e#!

5! 5! 0<1 is the on+. +ogica+ sentence that shou+d fo++ow!

I! I! 021 is short and concise epito#e of the passage!

'! '! 9e are as-ed to find an assu#ption! 7he assu#ption is the unstated notion that #ust
be true if the conc+usion is to stand! 7he argu#ent invo+ves a question of cause and effect!
Since enro++#ent in graduate and professiona+ progra#s tends to be high when the econo#.
is strong and +ow when it is wea-$ the reason #ust be$ according to the author$ a #atter of
perceptions of 4ob avai+abi+it.! Sounds reasonab+e$ but do a++ the ter#s #atch up with those
in this conc+usionG 9e -now fro# the question ste# that the. do not! 9hat is #issingG 9e++$
the evidence pertains to the state of the econo#.! ,ut the conc+usion stra.s into the area of
ps.cho+og.--perceptions! ;re these the sa#e thingsG 7he author treats the# as such b.
arguing fro# evidence regarding the state of the econo#. to a conc+usion based on
perceptions of the econo#.! 7he author ta-es the re+ationship between these for granted$
but technica++.$ in order for the argu#ent to wor-$ this #ust be estab+ished! Choice -./
revea+s this basic assu#ption!

10! 9e are as-ed to find an additiona+ pre#ise that wou+d #a-e the argu#ent #ore reasonab+e!
7his i#p+ies that .ou #ust first +ocate the evidence and conc+usion$ then identif. a centra+
assu#ption$ and fina++. find an answer choice that supports this assu#ption! 7he argu#ent here
is a si#p+e one Since students at the 9i++ard )etention Denter #a-e their own decisions about
free ti#e$ the. shou+d a+so #a-e their own decisions about e+ective courses! 7he argu#ent
assu#es that$ for these students$ decisions about what to do with free ti#e are si#i+ar to
decisions about what e+ectives to ta-e in schoo+! Since we are +oo-ing for a pre#ise to co#p+ete
the argu#ent$ +oo- for a choice that provides evidence that these things are si#i+ar! Choice -0/
pro%ides the e%idence we need! :f it is true that e+ective courses are #ore a-in to free ti#e
than to required activities$ then the conc+usion that students shou+d be ab+e to choose their own
e+ectives is #ore reasonab+e
1#ant ,icklers - 2

1! ;shish spends 10/ of his poc-et #one. on hi#se+f and gives his sister Rs!(! :f he sti++
has I0/ of the origina+ su#$ what was the a#ount he had as poc-et #one.G
2! ; owes , a su# of Rs!(000 to be paid 6 #onths fro# toda.! :f si#p+e interest L12/
p!a! is ca+cu+ated$ what su# sha++ ; have to pa. ,$ < #onths fro# now in fu++ discharge
of the debtG
3! 7he difference of 2 positive nu#bers is I1 and quotient obtained on dividing the one b.
the other is '! ?ind the first nu#ber!
<! ;nand goes to a shop to bu. the wa+-#an costing Rs!22(0! 7he rate of sa+es ta> is 6/
he wants the dea+er to reduce the price so that he has to pa. Rs!2000 inc+usive of ta>!
?ind the reduction needed in the percent of the wa+-#an!
(! P$M$ R enter a partnership where the. invest Rs! 20000$ Rs! 30000$ Rs! <0000 resp! P
withdraws Rs! 10000 after 2 #onths$ M withdraws Rs! 1(000 after < #onths and R
withdraws Rs! 2(000 after I #onths! 9hat wi++ be R&s share in the profit of Rs! 12<5<G
6! ; co#pan. dec+ares a dividend of 1(/ on Rs!1(0 shares! ; #an bu.s such shares and
gets 10/ on his invest#ent! ?ind at what price he bought the sharesG
5! :f > se++s for Rs!20 each$ 2(0 Rs!10 share in a co#pan. which pa.s a dividend of 10/
and then invests the proceeds of this sa+e in the purchase of Rs!( shares in another
co#pan. at Rs!< each$ find what difference is #ade in his inco#e if the co#pan. pa.s a
dividend of </G
I! N of one nu#ber O 2/3 of another P 3/I of their su#! ?ind the ratio of their nu#bers!
'! ;t how #an. distinct points do the diagona+s of a square intersect if no 2 diagona+s pass
through the sa#e pointG
10! Q bu.s an app+e fro# H for Rs!( and se++s it to B for Rs!10! Ae +ater bu.s the app+e bac-
fro# B for Rs!12 and se++s it to H for Rs!1(! 9hat is his profit over the ventureG

1) Rs) 245- .) 0647 8) 64 0) 17)109 2) 2708
7) ..2 :) .24 ;) 8::
6) 7he diagona+s of a square intersect at 1 point if no 2 diagona+s pass through the sa#e point
14) ;
How to Crack CR - Section .

11! ;dvertise#ent Muic-tra- is gaining #ore subscribers each .ear than an. other business
news service! Muic-tra- offers the #ost up-to-date internationa+ business news$ and the #ost
co#prehensive co#pan. infor#ation needed to #a-e wise invest#ent decisions! Muic-tra- is the
on+. service devoted e>c+usive+. to internationa+ business news and the financia+ ana+.sis of
corporations! So$ b. choosing a financia+ news service other than Muic-tra-$ .ou are doing .our
co#pan. a disservice! Which of the following is an ass#mption of the arg#ment in the
ad%ertisement abo%e!
011 ; subscription to Muic-tra- is not appreciab+. #ore e>pensive than a subscription to standard
business #aga=ines or newspapers!
021 ; significant portion of an. business invo+ves internationa+ trade or investing in other
031 Muic-tra- has #ore subscribers than other business news services!
0<1 7he #ar-et share of Muic-tra- is increasing!

12! <r#ce: ;+#ost a centur. ago$ countr. Q anne>ed its neighborEs western province$ c+ear+. an
un4ust act! :t is the ob+igation of countr. Q to return the province to its for#er possessors$ even
if doing so wou+d invo+ve great sacrifice on the part of those citi=ens of countr. Q who are
current+. +iving within that province!
=inda: ; nationEs para#ount responsibi+it. is the we++-being of its own citi=ens! Dountr. Q shou+d
#a-e the sacrifice of returning the province on+. if it can be sure that such an act wi++ provide
so#e tangib+e benefit to the citi=ens of countr. Q! 7he issue of whether the origina+ anne>ation
was 4ust is a secondar. consideration! =inda+s reply to <r#ce most closely conforms to
which one of the following principles!
011 ; nation is ob+iged to #a-e sacrifices on+. in order to fu+fi++ its para#ount responsibi+it.!
021 Aistorica+ wrongs can proper+. be redressed on+. when a++ interested parties agree that a
wrong has been co##itted!
031 8o nationa+ sacrifice is too great$ provided that it is underta-en in order to insure the future
we++-being of the nation!
0<1 7he views of the entire nation shou+d be consu+ted before the nation ta-es an action that
invo+ves considerab+e sacrifice fro# an. part of the nation!

13! >n the abo%e paragraph" to which of the following ?#estions wo#ld <r#ce and =inda
gi%e opposing answers!
011 Dan the origina+ anne>ation of the neighboring nationEs western province accurate+. be
characteri=ed as an un4ust actG
021 9ou+d the return of the anne>ed province to its origina+ possessors invo+ve appreciab+e
sacrifice on the part of the citi=ens of countr. QG
031 9ou+d the return of the anne>ed province to its origina+ possessors confer an. benefit on the
citi=ens of countr. QG
0<1 )oes countr. Q have the ob+igation to redress an historic in4ustice at the ris- of providing no
benefit to its own citi=ensG

1<! Choose the option that best completes the blank in the passage gi%en) 9ith the
outbrea- of hosti+ities in the %u+f$ it has beco#e a++ the #ore i#perative to i#prove the efficienc.
of PSRs! 0CCCCCCCC1! 7he budget deficit is +i-e+. to re#ain unco#fortab+e apart fro# the
precarious ba+ance of pa.#ents position! 7ransport wi++ be affected and the econo#. #a. #ove
into stagnation if there is no ear+. end to the %u+f war!
011 :raq is un+i-e+. to be ab+e to supp+. oi+ for quite so#e ti#e to co#e!
021 :ndia&s oi+ i#port bi++ has a+read. beco#e burdenso#e!
031 PSRs have been proving to be white e+ephants for the econo#.!
0<1 :ndia has been caught in the cross-fire of the %u+f war!

1(! Choose the option that best completes the blank in the passage gi%en) 9hat shou+d
be the focus of R S ) effort for the e+ectronics industr.G 7he Dentra+ Research 3aborator. 0DR31
of ,E3 in ,anga+ore and the E+ectronics Research and )eve+op#ent Dentre 0ER)D1 in 7rivandru#
appear to var. in perception! 0CCCCCCCC1! :t does not engage itse+f in pro4ect deve+op#ent$ but
on+. wor-s on enab+ing techno+ogies!
011 7he ,E3 +aborator.!s focus is basica++. on co##unications techno+og. and it is wor-ing at the
front-end of this!
021 8obod. see#s to be quite c+ear about what the focus of ,E3!s R S ) shou+d be!
031 7he ER)D see#s to be dup+icating so#e of the R S ) wor- a+read. done b. ,E3!
0<1 7he ,E3 engages itse+f in need+ess !bac--biting! of the wor- done b. the ER)D!

16! Choose the option that best completes the blank in the passage gi%en) Resources are
in severe crunch$ first and fore#ost! 9ith its capita+ structure consisting of equit. and +oans fro#
the %overn#ent and pub+ic sector underta-ings in the ratio of (< to <6$ the p+ant is natura++.
e>pected to service a +arge debt co#ponent$ an uphi++ tas-! 0CCCCCCCC1! :ts cost overruns are
such that the cost esti#ate with 1''0 first quarter as base is Rs!5$I(0 crores! 7he e>penditure
since its inception is Rs!6$<<2 crores!
011 7he #anage#ent see#s to be unab+e to reconci+e itse+f to the tas- of ta-ing the necessar.
steps towards overco#ing such a stiff proposition!
021 :n stee+ p+ants abroad$ the debt co#ponent during the set-up stage is c+oser to a #ore
#anageab+e 2( per cent!
031 7he #anage#ent has been as-ing for a restructuring of its capita+ base with an increase in
the equit. co#ponent to 50 or I0 percent so that its debt burden wi++ be +ightened in its
for#ative .ears!
0<1 :t is certain+. not too #uch to e>pect that the #anage#ent shou+d have ta-en this into
consideration at the ti#e of setting up the pro4ect!

15! Choose the option that best completes the blank in the passage gi%en) 7he econo#.
of the road transport industr. is in a bad shape as operationa+ costs have been increasing! ;n.
price contro+ on t.res wi++ affect the viabi+it. of co#panies$ co#pe++ing the# to reduce
production! 0CCCCCCCC1! 7he de#and for t.res shows no indication of pic-ing up though the
vehic+e #anufacturing industr.$ especia++. the heav. vehic+e seg#ent$ does not have #uch of a
prob+e# in turning out vehic+es$ but this cou+d on+. be a pre- budget pheno#enon!
011 7here is a boo# period in the offing for the industr.!
021 7his is a far cr. fro# the da.s when the do#estic industr. was accused of carte+isation
and price fi>ing!
031 ; reduction in production wou+d on+. further worsen the situation as heavier over head
absorption wou+d be required!
0<1 7his wou+d$ in turn$ serious+. affect the road transport industr.!

1I! Choose the option that best completes the blank in the passage gi%en) :n the initia+
stages$ the f+oor ti+es were of two categories$ g+a=ed and ung+a=ed! 7he g+a=ed ones were of
different co+ours! 7here were p+ain co+ours and c+oud. effects and se+f design ti+es! 0CCCCCCCC1!
Screen printing invo+ves an e+aborate technique of preparing a design and transferring it to
screens b. photographic process! Specia+ screen printing #achines are insta++ed a+ong the g+a=e
+ine to print ti+es!
011 ;t the outset there was a fair+. heav. de#and for such ti+es!
021 7o fo++ow was the introduction of screen printed ti+es with a variet. of designs!
031 Se+f design ti+es were targeted at individua+s who wished to create a designer +oo- b. using
such ti+es i#aginative+.!
0<1 D+oud. effect ti+es never rea++. caught on in a big wa.!

1'! "f +ate$ Tarnata-a in genera+ and ,anga+ore in particu+ar$ have been in the news$ #ost+. for
the wrong reasons! 8otwithstanding the good and p+easant peop+e of the region$ unfortunate+.$
Tarnata-a has figured a#ong the four #ost corrupt states of a countr.$ that itse+ft ran-s a#ong
the #ost corrupt and the #ost difficu+t of countries in the wor+d to do business in - a distinction
both Tarnata-a and :ndia cou+d we++ do without! ;nd ,anga+ore has been attracting f+a- fro# the
industr. for its cru#b+ing infrastructure$ its woefu+ power situation$ its pathetic and narrow
roads$ the ti#e it ta-es to co##ute the shortest of distances$ the ti#e it ta-es to bui+d the
shortest of f+.overs$ the c+ogged drainage$ ha.wire traffic$ absent sidewa+-s$ and open sewers$
have a++ gone to wrin-+e the noses of not 4ust the :7 c=ars as wide+. reported in the press$ but of
the co##on #an as we++ U a fact #uch +ess reported! Choose the option that best capt#res
the essence of the passage)
011 ,oth Tarnata-a and :ndia cou+d do without the +abe+ as the #ost corrupt state and countr.!
,anga+ore has been further criticised for its infrastructure which is brea-ing down!
021 Tarnata-a is a#ong the four #ost corrupt states of :ndia$ which is a+so ran-ed as corrupt
and the #ost difficu+t to do business in! ,anga+ore has been criticised for its poor infrastructure
not on+. b. the :7 c=ars but b. the co##on #an as we++!
031 ,anga+ore$ Tarnata-a and :ndia have been critici=ed for corruption$ poor infrastructure and
being difficu+t to do business in despite the peop+e being good and p+easant! 7his has been the
case with not on+. the :7 c=ar but the co##on #an a+so!
0<1 ,oth Tarnata-a and ,anga+ore have been in news! 7he state is a#ong the four in the countr.
which have traditiona++. been he+d to be corrupt and difficu+t to do business in ,anga+ore too has
been the butt of critics for its poor power situation@ non-e>istent roads c+ogged drains open
sewers etc!

20! ?or decades asbestos has been -nown to cause cancer in those who inha+e its tin. fibres!
7hat has triggered restrictions on its use and$ u+ti#ate+.$ thousands of +aswsuits in the RS and
e+sewhere! ,ut in 6apan$ asbestos bare+. crac-ed the head+ines over the .ears$ +et a+one the
court s.ste#! :t was on+. +ast "ctober that 7o-.o fina++. banned asbestos in a++ but a handfu+ of
products - 1< .ears after si#i+ar action int he RS! Even then the govern#ent i#p+e#ented no
#easures to prevent asbestos - once wide+. used as fireretardant insu+ation - fro# being
re+eased into the air as o+der bui+dings were renovated or torn down! 7oda. the carcinogen is
sudden+. big news fro# T.ushu to Ao--aido! Recent+. far# #achiner. #a-er Tubota Dorp
ac-now+edged$ in response to inquiries fro# the dai+. V2ainichi Shi#bun&$ that since 1'5I$ 5' of
its wor-ers had died after inha+ing asbestos fibres! 9ithin da.s do=ens of co#panies reported
previous+. undisc+osed fata+ities b+a#ed on asbestos! 8ow the govern#ent is scra#b+ing to
e>p+ain wh. it paid scant attention to the issue for so +ong! J9e shou+d have banned asbestos
sooner$K hea+th$ +abour$ and we+fatre #inister Aidehisa "tsu4i to+d a par+ia#entar. co##ittee
recent+.! Choose the option that best capt#res the essence of the passage)
011 :nha+ation of asbestos fibre is -nown to be carcinogenous but it was banned in 6apan on+.
recent+.! Even then no steps were ta-en against its re+ease into the air! :t has beco#e news after
severa+ co#panies b+a#ed its inha+ation as the reason for the death of so#e of their wor-ers!
021 3awsuits in the RS have shown asbestos to be carcinogenous but 6apan banned it on+. when
severa+ co#panies ac-no+wedged that the inha+ation of asbestos fibre was the reason for the
death of so#e of their wor-ers! 7he hea+th #inister fe+t it shou+d have been done ear+ier!
031 ;sbestos can cause cancer which is wh. it is banned in the RS and e+sewhere! ,ut 6apan
wo-e up to this rea+it. on+. after the death of wor-ers in severa+ asbestos co#pan.!
0<1 ;sbestos beca#e big news in 6apan recent+. when severa+ co#panies thought their wor-ers
had died and we+fare #inister fe+t the step shou+d have been ta-en when the RS and other
countries banned asbestos production!


1!9e are +oo-ing for an assu#ption that connects evidence and conc+usion! ?irst$ read the
sti#u+us and identif. the argu#ent! Aow are the evidence and conc+usion different fro# each
otherG 7r. to wor- out the assu#ption that ho+ds the# together! 7he advertise#ent contains an
argu#ent bui+t on three pieces of evidence 1#icktrak is growing fastest@ Muic-tra- offers the
#ost up-to-date internationa+ business news$ and the #ost co#prehensive co#pan. infor#ation
needed to #a-e wise invest#ent decisions@ Muic-tra- is the on+. service devoted e>c+usive+. to
these two t.pes of news! ,ased on this evidence$ the advertise#ent conc+udes that subscribing
to an. other financia+ news service wou+d be a disservice to .our co#pan.! 7here are #an.
assu#ptions here! ,ut the #ost crucia+ assu#ption is that the two t.pes of news Muic-tra-
provides #ust be usefu+ to an. co#pan.! Choice -./ e$plicitly states the latter ass#mption
and is the correct answer)

2! 7he question wants the gist of 3indaEs response to ,ruceEs c+ai# that regard+ess of the
sacrifices entai+ed$ countr. Q shou+d give bac- the province it anne>ed a centur. ago$ on the
grounds that the anne>ation was Fun4ust!F 3inda rep+ies$ in essence$ Fun4ust$ #. foot!F 7o her$
the un4ustness of the origina+ act is beside the point@ what #atters is whether the return of the
province wi++ benefit countr. QEs own citi=ens! -1/" therefore" has it A#st right$ 3inda a+read.
has defined the enhance#ent of a countr.Es we++-being as that countr.Es Fpara#ount
responsibi+it.!F She sees that we++-being as a necessar. condition of an. act-such as the return of
the province-that wou+d require sacrifice! Dhoice 031 goes astra. on the sa#e issue-na#e+.$ the
a#ount of sacrifice required! 3inda never i#p+ies that there is no sacrifice too great for a nation
to #a-e 031! Aer on+. concern is in first estab+ishing the tangib+e benefit of a course of action
before ta-ing that action! ,oth choices have other prob+e#s$ of course 031Es reference to Ffuture
we++-beingF is too far re#oved fro# the concept of Ftangib+e benefit!F 0<1 3inda #a-es no appea+
to consensus as a precondition for returning the province! 9e canEt be sure how 3inda thin-s the
Ftangib+e benefitF wou+d be deter#ined$ whether through a po++ of the citi=enr. or b. so#e other

3!Aere weEre as-ed for a question that ,ruce and 3inda wou+d answer different+.! Hour best
approach is to ta-e each question in turn$ and specu+ate as to how each debater wou+d respond
to it! 011 ,ruce wou+d rep+. with a definite Hes$ but 3indaEs c+ai# that the in4ustice issue is
Fsecondar.F cannot be read as an. -ind of a 8o! She #a. we++ agree that the origina+ anne>ation
was un4ust$ but sti++ cares #ore about the effect on toda.Es citi=ens of reversing that act! 021
3inda see#s to be+ieve that the answer here is Hes$ but ,ruceEs phrase FEven ifF ta-es this issue
off the tab+e Ae doesnEt care whether the answer is Hes or 8o$ because he wants the province
returned regard+ess! Since ,ruce and 3inda cou+d agree on a Hes answer to both 011 and 021$
both choices are incorrect! 031 3inda wou+d certain+. want this question answered before
agreeing to return the province$ but she never indicates what she thin-s the answer wou+d be!
,ruce$ #eanwhi+e$ shows no interest in the issue so cannot be said to have a position on it! -0/
,ruce c+ear+. be+ieves that the answer is Hes@ 3inda$ who sees tangib+e benefits to citi=ens as a
precondition for redress$ 4ust as c+ear+. sa.s 8o! 7his is e>act+. what the test-#a-ers are +oo-ing

<!of increase in i#port bi++! Choice -./

(!Dhoice 011 is the #ost appropriate choice which can co#p+ete the paragraph! 7he paragraph is
about Jfocus of R S ) effort in e+ectronics industr.K and choice 011 te++s us about the focus of ,E3
+aborator.! Dhoices 021$ 031 and 0<1 cannot fit into the b+an- +ogica++.! Choice -1/

6!Dhoice 031 is the appropriate choice because in the paragraph it is #entioned that resources
are in severe crunch because of the capita+ structure consisting of equit. and +oans due to which
the #anage#ent has been as-ing for a restructuring of its capita+ base which is #entioned in
031! Aence 031 is the answer! Choice -8/

5!Dhoice 0<1 is the appropriate choice because as said in the paragraph price contro+ on
co#panies co#pe+s the# to reduce production which in turn wou+d serious+. affect the road
transport industr.! Choice -0/

I!introduction of screen printed ti+es with a variet. of designs! Choice -./

'!7he #ain points in this te>t are 011 Tarnata-a is a#ong the four #ost corrupt states of :ndia!
021 :ndia ran-s a#ong the #ost corrupt and the #ost difficu+t of countries to do business in! 031
,anga+ore has been critici=ed for its poor infrastructure b. the :7 c=ars as we++ as the co##on
#an! Dhoice 1 is too brief and #isses so#e essentia+ points! Dhoice 2 is right! Dhoice 3 is
incorrect as it c+ubs together ,anga+ore$ Tarnata-a and :ndia on the one hand and the criticis#
+eve+ed against each of the# on the other$ thereb. #a-ing the criticis# co##on to a++ three!
Dhoice < is wrong as it gives the e>a#p+es of poor infrastructure! Choice -./

10!7he #ain points in the te>t 011 :nha+ation of asbestos fiber is -nown to cause cancer 021
6apan banned it on+. recent+.$ sti++ no steps were ta-en regarding its re+ease into the
at#osphere! 031 :t beca#e big news when severa+ co#panies attributed the death of so#e of
their wor-ers to asbestos fiber inha+ation! Dhoice 1 is right! Dhoice 2 is wrong because it sa.s
+awsuits in the R!S! #ade peop+e rea+i=e that asbestos is carcinogenus! Dhoice 3 is inco#p+ete!
Dhoice < is wrong when it attributes to the #inister that asbestos shou+d have been banned
when it was done in the R!S! Choice -1/

How to Crack CR - Section 8

21! "ne of the truis#s of the advertising industr. is that it is rare+. necessar. to sa. so#ething
of substance in an advertise#ent in order to boost sa+es! :nstead$ one on+. needs to attract the
potentia+ custo#erEs attention@ #e#or. does the rest$ for it is #ore i#portant for sa+es that
peop+e -now of a product than that the. -now so#ething about it! Which of the following is
ass#med by the arg#ment!

011 Peop+e can re#e#ber a product without having #uch infor#ation about it!
021 ;dvertise#ents$ in their own wa.$ function to i#prove peop+eEs #e#ories!
031 ;ttracting a potentia+ custo#erEs attention is a si#p+e #atter!
0<1 7he advertising industr. -nows +itt+e of substance about the products it pro#otes!

22! 9h. save endangered speciesG ?or the genera+ pub+ic$ endangered species appear to be +itt+e
#ore than bio+ogica+ oddities! ; ver. different perception is gained fro# considering the issue of
e>tinction in a wider conte>t! 7he i#portant point is that #an. #a4or socia+ advances have been
#ade on the basis of +ife for#s whose worth wou+d never have been perceived in advance!
Donsider the i#pact of rubber-producing p+ants on conte#porar. +ife and industr.
appro>i#ate+. two-thirds of the wor+dEs rubber supp+. co#es fro# rubber producing p+ants and is
#ade into ob4ects as diverse as rubber washers and rubber boots! ,he point of the passage is
made chiefly by
011 ac-now+edging the va+idit. of two opposing points of view
021 appea+ing to the e#otions of the audience rather than to their inte++ects
031 suggesting a usefu+ perspective for viewing the question raised at the beginning of the
0<1 to discredit the view of an opponent without presenting an a+ternative h.pothesis

23! "n+. a #e#ber of the Regiona+ist part. wou+d oppose the bi++ for a new rec.c+ing +aw that
wou+d protect the environ#ent fro# industria+ interests! E++en cannot be a #e#ber of the
Regiona+ist part. because she supports the bi++! 9hich of the fo++owing state#ents points out wh.
the conc+usion is inva+id+. drawnG Choose the option that best capt#res the essence of the

011 Regiona+ist part. #e#bers have organi=ed to oppose industria+ interests on severa+ other
021 :ndustria+ interests need not oppose the protection of the environ#ent!
031 Past atte#pts to protect the environ#ent through rec.c+ing +aws have fai+ed
0<1 :t is possib+e that so#e Regiona+ist part. #e#bers #a. not oppose the bi++ for a new
rec.c+ing +aw!

2<! Roberta was born in 1'65$ and so in 1'56 she was nine .ears o+d :t is c+ear fro# this
e>a#p+e that the +ast two digits of a personEs birth .ear wi++ be the sa#e as the +ast two digits of
the .ear of that personEs ninth birthda.$ e>cept that the position of the digits wi++ be reversed
9hich of the fo++owing is the best criticis# of the assertions #adeG Choose the option that
best capt#res the essence of the te$t)

011 7he genera+i=ation is va+id on+. for those birth .ears that do not end in two =eroes!
021 7he e>a#p+e does not e>hibit the sa#e princip+e as is e>pressed in the genera+i=ation based
on it!
031 7he genera+i=ation is va+id on+. for those birth .ears in which the +ast digit is one greater than
the second-to-+ast digit!
0<1 7he e>a#p+e cannot be shown to be correct un+ess the truth of the genera+i=ation is a+read.

2(! 7he greatest chance for the e>istence of e>traterrestria+ +ife is on a p+anet be.ond our so+ar
s.ste#! 7he 2i+-. 9a. ga+a>. a+one contains 100 bi++ion other suns$ #an. of which cou+d be
acco#panied b. p+anets si#i+ar enough to Earth to #a-e the# suitab+e abodes of +ife! 7he
state#ent presupposes which of the fo++owingG Choose the option that best capt#res the
essence of the te$t)

011 3iving creatures on another p+anet wou+d probab+. have the sa#e appearance as those on
021 3ife cannot e>ist on other p+anets in our so+ar s.ste#!
031 :f the appropriate ph.sica+ conditions e>ist$ +ife is an inevitab+e consequence!
0<1 :t is +i-e+. that +ife on another p+anet wou+d require conditions si#i+ar to those on Earth!

26! So#e decisions wi++ be fair+. obvious - Jno-brainers!K Hour ban- account is +ow$ but .ou have
a two-wee- vacation co#ing up and .ou want to get awa. to so#e p+ace war# to re+a> with .our
fa#i+.! 9i++ .ou accept .our in-+aws& offer of free use of their ?+orida beachfront condoG Sure! Hou
+i-e .our and fee+ read. to #ove forward in .our career! 9i++ .ou step in for .our boss
for three wee-s whi+e she attends a professiona+ deve+op#ent courseG "f course! Choose the
option that best capt#res the essence of the te$t)

011 So#e decisions are obvious under certain circu#stances! Hou #a.$ for e>a#p+e$ readi+.
accept a re+ative&s offer of free ho+ida. acco##odation! "r step in for .our boss when she is
021 So#e decisions are no-brainers! Hou need not thin- when #a-ing the#! E>a#p+es are condo
offers fro# in-+aws and 4ob offers fro# bosses when .our ban- account is +ow or boss is awa.!
031 Eas. decisions are ca++ed Jno-brainersK because the. do not require an. cerebra+ activit.!
E>a#p+es such as accepting free ho+ida. acco##odation abound in our +ives!
0<1 ;ccepting an offer fro# in-+aws when .ou are short on funds and want a ho+ida. is a no-
brainer! ;nother no-brainer is ta-ing the boss&s 4ob when she is awa.!

25! Ph.sica++.$ inertia is a fee+ing that .ou 4ust can&t #ove@ #enta++.$ it is a s+uggish #ind! Even if
.ou tr. to be sensitive$ if .our #ind is s+uggish$ .ou 4ust don&t fee+ an.thing intense+.! Hou #a.
even see a traged. enacted in front of .our and not be ab+e to respond #eaningfu++.! Hou
#a. see one person e>p+oiting another$ one group persecuting another$ and not be ab+e to get
angr.! Hour energ. is fro=en! Hou are not de+iberate+. refusing to act@ .ou 4ust don&t have the
capacit.! Choose the option that best capt#res the essence of the te$t)

011 :nertia #a-es .our bod. and #ind s+uggish! 7he. beco#e insensitive to tragedies$
e>p+oitation$ and persecution because it free=es .our energ. and decapacitates it
021 9hen .ou have inertia .ou don&t act a+though .ou see one person e>p+oiting another or one
group persecuting another! Hou donEt get angr. because .ou are incapab+e!
031 :nertia is of two t.pes U ph.sica+ and #enta+! Ph.sica+ inertia restricts bodi+. #ove#ents!
2enta+ inertia prevents #enta+ response to events enacted in front of .our!
0<1Ph.sica+ inertia stops .our bod. fro# #oving@ #enta+ inertia free=es .our energ.$ and stops
.our #ind fro# responding #eaningfu++. to events$ even tragedies$ in front of .ou!

2I! 7r. before .ou bu.! 9e use this #e#orab+e to urge .ou to e>perience the
consequences of an a+ternative before .ou choose it$ whenever this is feasib+e! :f .ou are
considering a van after having a+wa.s owned sedans$ rent one for a wee- or borrow a
friend&s! ,. e>periencing the consequences first hand$ the. beco#e #ore #eaningfu+! :n
addition$ .ou are +i-e+. to identif. consequences .ou had not even thought of before! 2a. be .ou
wi++ discover that it is difficu+t to par- the van in .our s#a++ par-ing space at wor-$ but that$ on
the other hand$ .our e+der+. father has a #uch easier ti#e getting in and out of it! Choose the
option that best capt#res the essence of the te$t)

011:f .ou are p+anning to bu. a van after being used to sedans$ borrow a van or rent it and tr. it
before deciding to bu. it! 7hen .ou #a. rea+i=e that par-ing a van is difficu+t whi+e it is easier for
.our e+der+. father to get in and out of it!
021 ,efore choosing an a+ternative$ e>perience its consequences if feasib+e! :f$ for e>a#p+e$ .ou
want to change fro# sedans to a van$ tr. one before it! Hou wi++ discover aspects .ou #a.
never have thought of!
031 ;+wa.s tr. before .ou bu. an.thing! Hou are bound to discover #an. consequences! "ne of
the consequences of going in for a van is that it is #ore difficu+t to par- than sedans at the office
car par-!
0<1 9e urge .ou to tr. products such as vans before the#! 7hen .ou can e>perience
consequences .ou have not thought of such as par-ing prob+e#s! ,ut .our father #a. find vans
#ore co#fortab+e than cars!

2'! :t is i#portant for shipping co#panies to be c+ear about the ob4ectives for #aintenance and
#ateria+s #anage#ent U as to whether the pri#ar. focus is on service +eve+ i#prove#ent or
cost #ini#i=ation! "ften when certain s.ste#s are set in p+ace$ the cost #ini#i=ation ob4ective
and associated procedure beco#e #ore i#portant than the f+e>ibi+it. required for service +eve+
i#prove#ent! 7he prob+e# rea++. arises since cost #ini#i=ation tends to focus on out of poc-et
costs which are visib+e$ whi+e the opportunit. costs$ often greater in va+ue$ are +ost sight of!
Choose the option that best capt#res the essence of the te$t)

011Shipping co#panies have to either #ini#i=e costs or #a>i#i=e service qua+it.! :f the. focus
on cost #ini#i=ation$ the. wi++ reduce qua+it.! 7he. shou+d focus on service +eve+ i#prove#ent$
or e+se opportunit. costs wi++ be +ost sight of!
021Shipping co#panies shou+d deter#ine the pri#ar. focus of their #aintenance and #ateria+s
#anage#ent! ?ocus on cost #ini#i=ation #a. reduce visib+e costs$ but ignore greater invisib+e
costs and i#pair service qua+it.!
031;n. cost #ini#i=ation progra# in shipping is bound to +ower the qua+it. of service! 7herefore$
shipping co#panies #ust be c+ear about the pri#ar. focus of their #aintenance and #ateria+s
#anage#ent before e#bar-ing on cost #ini#i=ation!
0<1Shipping co#panies shou+d focus on qua+it. +eve+ i#prove#ent rather than cost cutting! Dost
cutting wi++ +ead to unto+d opportunit. costs! Do#panies shou+d have s.ste#s in p+ace to #a-e
the service +eve+ f+e>ib+e!

30! Hou see#ed at first to ta-e no notice of .our schoo+-fe++ows$ or rather to set .ourse+f against
the# because the. were strangers to .ou! 7he. -new as +itt+e of .ou as .ou did of the#@ this
wou+d have been the reason for their -eeping a+oof fro# .ou as we++$ which .ou wou+d have fe+t
as a hardship! 3earn never to conceive a pre4udice against others because .ou -now nothing of
the#! :t is bad reasoning$ and #a-es ene#ies of ha+f the wor+d! )o not thin- i++ of the# ti++ the.
behave i++ to .ou@ and then strive to avoid the fau+ts which .ou see in the#! 7his wi++ disar# their
hosti+it. sooner than pique or resent#ent or co#p+aint! Choose the option that best capt#res
the essence of the te$t)

011 7he disco#fort .ou fe+t with .our schoo+ fe++ows was because both sides -new +itt+e of each
other! Hou shou+d not co#p+ain un+ess .ou find others pre4udiced against .ou and have
atte#pted to carefu++. ana+.=e the fau+ts .ou have observed in the#!
021 7he disco#fort .ou fe+t with .our schoo+ fe++ows was because both sides -new +itt+e of each
other! ;void pre4udice and negative thoughts ti++ .ou encounter bad behaviour fro# others$ and
then win the# over b. shunning the fau+ts .ou have observed!
031 Hou encountered hardship a#ongst .our schoo+ fe++ows because .ou did not -now the# we++!
Hou shou+d +earn to not #a-e ene#ies because of .our pre4udices irrespective of their behaviour
towards .ou!
0<1 Hou encountered hardship a#ongst .our schoo+ fe++ows because .ou did not -now the# we++!
Hou shou+d +earn to not #a-e ene#ies because of .our pre4udices un+ess the. behave bad+. with


21! 21! 7he passage discusses how advertising usua++. need on+. draw peop+eEs attention to a
product and need not provide an. substance for peop+e to re#e#ber the product! 7hus$ the
passage i#p+ies that peop+e can re#e#ber a product without having #uch infor#ation about it$
and 1 is the correct answer) 021 is incorrect! 7he passage suggests that if advertise#ents
draw peop+eEs attention to a product$ the peop+e are #ore apt to re#e#ber the product! 7he
advertise#ent is not said to i#prove peop+eEs #e#ories$ on+. to draw peop+eEs attention so the.
wi++ use their e>isting #e#ories! 031 is a+so incorrect! 7he passage sa.s that a++ one usua++.
needs to do is attract a potentia+ custo#erEs attention! :t does not sa. how eas. or difficu+t that
is! 7he fourth answer choice is incorrect! 7he passage sa.s that it is rare+. necessar. to sa.
so#ething of substance in an advertise#ent but does not suggest that the advertising industr.
-nows +itt+e of substance about the product!

22!7he passage suggests that considering the possibi+it. of e>tinction with an e.e toward the
possib+e uti+it. of a previous+. unva+ued species wi++ +ead to a different answer to the question
than considering the possibi+it. of e>tinction fro# a #ore genera+ perspective! -8/ describes
the a#thor+s proced#re of s#ggesting a new perspecti%e and is th#s the correct
answer) 7he first choice is incorrect! 7he author argues that it is i#portant to preserve
endangered species without endorsing an. opposing point of view! 7he view attributed to the
genera+ pub+ic is not accepted@ rather$ an argu#ent is given to show what that view #isses! 021
is incorrect! 7he author uses an approach that is pri#ari+. factua+$ and does not see- to arouse
the e#otions of its audience! 0<1 is a+so incorrect! 7he author tries to under#ine an opposing
position b. presenting an a+ternative to it!

23!7he fact that on+. a #e#ber of the Regiona+ist part. wou+d oppose the bi++ does not i#p+.
that a++ #e#bers of the Regiona+ist part. wou+d oppose the bi++! ,ased on the initia+ state#ent$
E++en #a. or #a. not be a #e#ber of the Regiona+ist part. if she supports the bi++! ?or the
conc+usion to be va+id$ the initia+ state#ent wou+d have to read$ F;++ #e#bers of the Regiona+ist
part. wou+d oppose the bi++ for a new rec.c+ing +awWF ,h#s" the choice of -0/ makes the
rele%ant logical point) 7he first three answer choices are incorrect! Each presents at best a
piece of bac-ground infor#ation without being specifica++. re+ated to the question of whether a++
Regiona+ist part. #e#bers wou+d oppose the bi++!

2<!7he genera+i=ation is on+. true for so#e birth .ears! ; good criticis# of the genera+i=ation
wou+d show when the genera+i=ation is not true! -8/ does A#st that and th#s is the correct
answer) -1/ is incorrect! :t is fa+se that the genera+i=ation ho+ds for a++ .ears that do not end in
two =eros! ?or e>a#p+e$ 1'50 is a birth .ear that does not end in two =eros! Aowever$ 1'50 p+us
nine equa+s 1'5'$ and hence this is a case for which the genera+i=ation is not va+id! Since this
answer choice is fa+se$ it cannot be a good criticis# of the assertions! 7he second answer choice
is a+so incorrect! :n the e>a#p+e$ the +ast two digits of the personEs birth .ear-65-are the sa#e
as the +ast two digits of the .ear of the personEs ninth birthda.-56-e>cept reversed! 7hus$ the
e>a#p+e does in fact e>hibit the sa#e princip+e as the genera+i=ation! 7he fourth answer choice is
incorrect! 7he difference between 1'56 and 1'65 is nine! 7he correctness of the first state#ent
depends on+. on this fact and the fact that Roberta was born in 1'65 and was sti++ a+ive in 1'56!
7hus$ the truth of the genera+i=ation is not presupposed!

2(!:n stating that p+anets #a. e>ist that are si#i+ar enough to Earth to #a-e the# suitab+e for
supporting +ife$ the author i#p+icit+. ru+es out p+anets dissi#i+ar to Earth as +i-e+. to support +ife!
7he assu#ption the state#ent is that +ife on another p+anet is +i-e+. to require
conditions si#i+ar to those on Earth! ,herefore" -0/ is the correct answer) -1/ is not correct!
7he state#ent presupposes nothing about the appearance of e>traterrestria+ +ife! 021 is incorrect!
7he state#ent i#p+ies that it is re+ative+. un+i-e+. that +ife e>ists on other p+anets in our so+ar
s.ste#$ but it #a-es no presupposition abso+ute+. ru+ing out the possibi+it. that such +ife e>ists!
7he answer choice of 031 is incorrect! ;+though the state#ent suggests that there is the greatest
chance for +ife when ph.sica+ conditions are appropriate$ it +eaves open the possibi+it. that no +ife
wi++ e>ist even with appropriate conditions!

26!;ns! 011 7he use of the word Jcircu#stancesK #a-es this the best choice!
25!;ns! 0<1! ; and , do not differentiate between #enta+ and ph.sica+ inertias! D doesn&t
describe or e>e#p+if. the of Vevents&! Aence ) is correct sentence!
2I!;ns! 021 :t is the best worded of a++!
2'!;ns! 021! , is short$ si#p+e and precise!
30!;ns! 021!

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