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Prayer for Your Children

Be specifc
Pray scripture passages aloud
Pray in accordance with Gods will
Pray for your childrens future
o That Jesus Christ be formed in our children (Gal !"#$
o That our children % the seed of the righteous % will be deli&ered
from the e&il one (Pro& ""!'"$
o That our children will be taught of the (ord and their peace will
be great ()sa *!"+$
o That they will train themsel&es to discern good from e&il and
ha&e a good conscience toward God ( ,eb *!"- " Pet +!'"$
o That Gods laws will be in their minds and on their hearts (,eb
o That they will choose companions who are wise % 01T fools- nor
se2ually immoral- nor drun3ards- nor idolaters- nor slanderers-
nor swindlers ( Pro "+!'/4 " Cor *!""$
o That they will remain se2ually pure and 3eep themsel&es only
for their spouse- as3ing God for ,is grace to 3eep such a
commitment ( 5ph *!+- +"6++$
o That they will honor their parents (5ph 7!"6+$
o 1ur family will grow in our ability to feel the a8ection of the (ord
o 1ur family will grow in passion for Jesus
o God will protect s from all spiritual- physical harm each day
o God will put a guard o&er our mouth and 3eep us from any
9udgmental utterance
o 1ur family will wal3 in the glory of se2ual purity and our
childrens marriages made in ,ea&en by our God
o God will send belie&ing peers into our childrens li&es to help
them wal3 with the (ord
o The lo&e and anointing of God in us will draw people li3e

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