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t o St ar t Trans f or mi ng
Your Home & Li f e Today!
Copyright Alison Forbes + Laura Forbes Carlin 2009
Design by: Kate Prentiss
Photos: Amy Rachlin
I nspi red Everyday Li vi ng
Our homes are connected to all aspects of our well being
physical, mental emotional and spiritual. When you create a home that expresses
certain qualities such as peace, beauty, abundance, creativityyou are bringing
those same qualities into your life.
It does not take a major renovation to change your home and life. In fact, it is often
the seemingly small changes that we make in our home and everyday routines that
have the greatest impact. Below are the top ten things that you can do to
produce positive changes in your home and life with a relatively small amount of
time and effort. Begin today and enjoy!
Move 27 Things. In Feng Shui, it is a well known saying to
move 27 things to change your life. By moving things around you are
shifting the energy in your environment and making a statement that
you are ready for changeto use another common expression, youre
shaking things up! So re-arrange 27 things in your home, such as furniture,
books, candles, plants, in a way that youve always wanted to try or you
think you might enjoy. While moving things around, hold the intention
that you are open to joyful change and you are welcoming in new,
positive opportunities.


Clear away your clutter.
Even 15 minutes will make a difference.
Essentially, clutter is anything that you do not
love or isnt useful. If an item is not functional,
adored, beautiful or does not reect your
current selflet it go. Clutter holds us back by
tying up our time and energy. Clear the way
for new opportunities to come into your life that
are in alignment with your current goals and
values. Choose one room (or even one closet or
drawer) and set a timer. Then for 15 minutes go
through the area you have chosen and
remove any items that you no longer need,
love, or use. Try this each day for a week and
youll be amazed how much clutter clearing
you can actually accomplish in 15 minutes!
Dont even worry about organizingthat can
come later. Focus on getting the stuff that no
longer supports you out of your home and then
experience the inspiration that comes from
living only with things that support your daily
routines, reect your best self, and bring you joy.
3. Place your bed and desk in command position.
In Feng Shui, the Command Position, also known as the Power Position, is used to describe
the place in a room or home where a person will feel the most protected and empowered.
No matter how secure your surroundings are, its human nature to feel more protected if you
have a solid wall behind you, and therefore relax knowing that you cant be surprised from
behind. Although logically we know its very unlikely that someone would approach us from
behind and harm us, our survival instincts stop our body and mind from feeling fully relaxed
unless we are in a position where we can see who or what is coming toward us. The Com-
mand Position is where you have a view of the door (without being directly in front of the
door) and, ideally, a solid wall behind your back. Placing your bed in the command position
of the room, will help you sleep better. If you have a window behind you, get a solid head-
board. Make sure that both you and your partner have a view of the door, but that your feet
are not pointed directly at the door. If you cant place your bed in Command, then place a
mirror opposite the door where you can see it while laying in bed. Being able to see the
reection of someone entering the room will compensate for not being in the Command
Position. Placing your desk in Command Position not only gives you the same secure and
comfortable feeling, but also symbolizes facing and welcoming opportunities. In addition, it i
s easier to focus and concentrate on work when you are not distracted, consciously or
unconsciously, by what may be happening behind you.


Visualize your
Ideal Home.
Take time to visualize and think about
your ideal home. Not only the look of your
home, but also how you would feel in your
dream home. Now write down the quali-
ties of your ideal home. Spend some time
clipping pictures from magazine of homes
that inspire you. We cant always redeco-
rate or move right away, but having a
clear vision of your ideal home, will help
you stay on the path to creating it. If your
current home, doesnt match your ideal
home yet, you can place objects that
remind you of your ideal home in every
room. For example, if your ideal home is
in Hawaii, place shells or a coffee table
book about the tropics on your shelves.
Take the time to nd one thing you love in
every room in your home. If you need to
move things around so that you have one
inspirational object in each room, do it.
Next, write down everything you are love
about your current home. Even if every-
thing isnt perfect, there are always
blessing to be found, and the more we
are grateful and focus on the positive,
the more uplifted and positive we will feel.
5. Clear Your Inner Clutter.Inner clutter is the running to-do list that weighs
on our minds. Set aside some quiet time when you know you will have an uninterrupted half-
hour. Take a blank piece of paper and write down absolutely everything on your mindfrom
defrosting your freezer to asking your boss for a raiseno task is too small or too big so dont
stop to judge or organize what youre putting on your list, just keep writing. The simple act of
writing down all the things on your mind will help clear your inner clutter and ease your stress.
Often we think we are overwhelmed by all the things we need to do, but in fact we are
overwhelmed because we really dont have a clear idea of what it is we should be doing.
Once you have it all down on paper, you can prioritize your list and make a plan to tackle
what needs to be done rst.
Photo: Amy Rachlin
Set intentions and create a visual affirmation.
Make a list of the things you value. Next write down any areas of your life that you would
like to change and make a list of goals, dreams or positive outcomes for each area. Once
you have written down your intentions, create a visual afrmation. There is a saying that we
end up becoming our homes, so we better make sure our homes reect who we want to
become. Anchor your dreams in your home. If you desire more wealth, create abundance
in your surroundings. If you are looking for love make sure your bedroom is romantic and
sensual. You may wish to be even more specic. Think of one dream or goal you would like
to attain. Now think of something that represents that goal to you. For example, if youd like
to write a book nd a book from an author you admire or if youd like to eat better nd an
image of healthy, but delicious, food or if youd like more romance in your life buy candles
and owers. Now place the item/s you have chosen somewhere you can see them every-
dayplace the book on your desk or the picture of a healthy meal on your refrigerator, or
the candles and owers on your bedside table. Every time you look at these items you will be
reminded of your goal and inspired to achieve it.
7. Open your windows and let in fresh air and sunlight.
A study by the Environmental Protection Agency found that pollution inside a home could
be two to ve times higher than outside the home, even in large, industrialized cities. Open
your windows to ventilate your home on a regular basis. Opening windows creates a way for
chemicals released from common household items to exit and fresh air to enter. Even open-
ing your windows for thirty minutes a day can make a difference. Fresh air also cleanses the
energy in a room. Have you ever been to a place that looks great, but somehow feels off?
Or have you walked into a room after someone has had an argument and sensed the tension
in the air? If so, youre probably responding to the energy in the space. Opening windows to
let in sunlight and allow fresh air to circulate will help renew the energy in your home.


8. Fix whats broken. A burnt out light bulb, a broken toaster, a stuck drawer
these things are not only annoying but over time can drain our energy and wear on our self-
esteem. If its a big project to x, at least take the rst stepwhether thats ordering a part,
going to the hardware store, calling a handyman, researching where you can x it, or putting
it in your car to take to a repair shopjust do something. If you cant get it xed, or realize
youre not going to take the time it would require, throw it away or give it to someone who
could use it and has the time and to x it. If you have a lot of things that need repair, make
a list of everything that needs to be done, and make at least one step toward xing the rst
thing on your list.
9. Take steps toward
creating a healthier,
greener home.
A simple step that can have a big
impact is exchanging your
conventional cleaning products
for natural cleaning products. Many
household cleaning products con-
tain chemicals such as ammonia and
phenol, which can irritate your skin
and lungs, and can cause headaches.
Reduce toxins in your environment by
buying non-toxic, environmentally safe
household cleaning products that are
better for your body and better for the
planet. There is now a range of all-
natural cleaning products widely avail-
able in stores. Many of these products
contain essential oils, so they have the
added benet of a pleasant aroma
of lavender, basil, orange, or lemon. If you cant nd natural cleaning products in a store
near you, you can make your own using common household products like white vinegar
and baking soda. Now that you have your new cleaning products, start cleaning! Simply
said, a clean home feels great. And the process of cleaning, and the sense of accomplish-
ment when done, can feel great too. So play your favorite music and tackle the laundry,
the dirty dishes, or that dusty furniture.


People you love contribute
the most to the energy of
your home. You dont need a
perfect home or an occasion
to have people over. Cook,
order takeout, host a potluck,
a book club, a wine tasting
for one person or 50what-
ever you choose to do
make a plan to invite people
you care about to your home
and celebrate love and life.
Inspired to do more?
Here are a few ways you can get more information about
how to transform your home to transform your life!
1) Subscribe to our blog at
2) Visit us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!
3) Check out our online course.
4) Buy our Feng Shui App and/or eGuides.
We hope to hear from you soon!
Laura & Alison
Inspired Everyday Living


Copyright Alison Forbes + Laura Forbes Carlin 2009
Design by: Kate Prentiss

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