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EMAT6700 Applet Handout

Trigonometry and Geometry on the Unit Circle

1. First, utilize the checkboxes for each trigonometric function. Orient yourself with
what the graphic displays and the different units with which you can measure the

2. Return the angular units to degrees if you changed them, and uncheck the
and boxes. What do you notice about the segment that is supposed
to represent the tangent of ?

3. Prove that the length of this segment is actually equal to .

4-5. Unhide the segment. Repeat questions 2-3 for the secant of .

6. Prove geometrically the following identities:


7. Find a partner. One your respective screens, drag the point so that your angles
are between 0 and 90 degrees and are complementary (What are complementary

8. Compare screens. What do you notice?

9. Along with your partner, shift the points so that the angles are again
complementary. Observe the changes in the values of the trigonometric functions.
Can you make any conjectures?

10. Can you and your partner prove any of your conjectures?

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