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Pre assessment

General Information
You think you know everything about dogs? Test your dog knowledge before
starting the course.
Read the sentences and mark them True or alse.
!. There is a strong bond between a dog and a man
"orrect #nswer$ True
eedback for both answers$ %e share many characteristics with dogs e.g. we are
sociable& territorial& emotional and e'(ress our feelings o(enly. That is why dogs
can become our best friends.
). #verage dog life e'(ectancy di*ers between breeds.
eedback$ +ogs can live u( to !, years but some bigger breeds and -ulldogs live
much shorter. .o matter how long they stay with us they still make great
/. There is no di*erence between behaviour in between se'es.
eedback$ 0ale dogs are more active and inde(endent& whereas female ones are
more friendly and attached to the owners. Think about that issue before
choosing a (u((y.
1. Training is not essential with all female dogs
eedback$ -oth se'es need training. The sooner you start training your dog& the
better. #lways remember to be consistent and understand your dog.
Pre assessment 0odule ,
0atching or choosing multi(le choice
"hoose the ob2ects you will 3nd useful when training your dog$
Rubber brush
# rubber toy
# collar
# lead
+og snacks
Post assessment arranging in the right order
"ommand "405 is vital when training your dog. 6ook at the ste(s when teaching
this command and (ut them in the correct order.
!. 7tay in a short distance from your (u((y 8 you can start with crouching9
). You can do the same in the garden or 3led& always remembering to
(rovide your dog with the (ositive stimulus when coming to you
/. 7how the bowl with the food to your dog
1. -e consistent and re(eat the action whenever feeding your dog
,. %hen the dog comes towards you : (raise 8 remember about the tone of
your voice9
;. If the command was unsuccessful& do not get discouraged : try again : you
can (ut the dog on a lead and when giving the command& (ull it gently.
<. You can add before the word come the name of your dog
=. Give the command "405

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