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Project #1 Video Analysis: Reflection

I chose to reflect on my project 1 video assignment. I thought this

assignment was great in helping me apply the different concepts that we have
learned in the class so far to the video to try and see how sociological theories
function in everyday life. This project helped me develop my ability to recall
previous knowledge that we had already learned, while also allowing me to see how
the concepts and ideas can be seen in different forums. It made me realize the
importance of actually engaging in our assignments and readings to get a better
understanding of what we are learning. I definitely think this assignment has
improved my academic skills.
At first, I struggled a little with applying the different theories (Marx, Comte,
and Durkheim) to my video. I didnt understand the concepts well enough to relate
it to the P& G commercial. However, as I continued to think about them and
researched a little more about their different sociological perspectives, I was able to
understand how each of the sociologists might view the my video. This was my
biggest challenge. I wanted my readers to be able to recognize where I was going
with each of my ideas and see how I was interpreting the different perspectives of
Karl Marx, Auguste Comte, and Emile Durkheim. In the end, I thought that I was able
to grasp the concepts and apply them to my video well enough so that the readers
would be able to understand where I was coming from.
Overall, I thought this assignment has improved my academic skills. It made
me step outside the box and look at a specific situation through a different lens.
There are things I definitely still need to work on for future assignments. I could
work on my organization and essay structure to better explain my thoughts.
However, in the end I am very proud of the outcome of this paper.

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