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Classroom Management Planning Grid M.


Self discipline- you are responsible
Respect self, people, and property
Follow policies- rules are there for our
Communicate- talk about it at an appropriate
Class routines, Dress code, Food/drinks,
Be on time and prepared for class, Attendance,
In class materials, Missing/ Make up work,
Turning in work, Home Work, Cell phones,
Exit slips, Comment box, Extra help, Grades,
Office hours, Technology, Tests and cheating
The four classroom rules will be the basis from
which they earn positive and negative
consequences for their behavior. A daily
progress log : Verbal warning, Final warning,
Talk after class, Call parent, Lunch sit in, After
school , Office and referral.
Based on student action the teacher has a right
to skip steps and enact appropriate
Success without a material reward
Verbal or written praise
End of the year certificate for classroom
rewards (most improved, perfect attendance)
One project a semester to replace a low quiz
5 assessments during a grading period and take
the best 4 out of 5.
Goals for my students:
Along with the language arts objectives, students need to be able to make inferences and draw
conclusions on their own. Students will follow class policy, become responsible and successful citizens
and excel on the standard state assessments.

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