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300 ml (10 fl oz) milk

3 bay leaves
2 slices of onion
2 lemon slices
6 black peppercorns
275 g (10 oz) undyed smoked haddock fille
6 eggs
20 g (3!" oz) unsaled buer
2#3 ablespoons double cream
2 ablespoons finely graed $armesan cheese
%al and freshly ground black pepper
&i' he milk (ih 300 ml (10 fl oz) (aer) pour i ino a large shallo( pan* +dd he bay leaves) onion
slices and peppercorns and bring o he boil* +dd he smoked haddock) bring back o a genle
simmer and poach for abou 3 # " minues unil he fish is ,us cooked hrough* -if he fish ou on o
a plae and leave unil cool enough o handle) hen break i ino flakes) discarding any skin and
$re#hea he grill o high* .hisk he eggs ogeher (ih some seasoning* /ea a 23 # 25 cm (0 #10
inch) non#sick frying pan over a medium hea) hen add he buer and s(irl i around o coa he
base and sides of he pan* $our in he eggs and as hey sar o se) drag he back of a fork over he
base of he pan) lifing up lile folds of egg o allo( he uncooked egg o run underneah*
.hen he omelee is se underneah bu sill very mois on op) sprinkle over he flaked smoked
haddock* $our he cream on op) sprinkle (ih he $armesan cheese and pu he omelee under he
grill unil lighly golden bro(n* %lide i on o a (armed plae and serve (ih a crisp green salad*

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