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Types of information system

a) Manangement Information System (MIS) provide information support to users at all
levels of a company. These systems can analyze data, generate information for
manage and control business process. For example, hen a company sells products
to a customer, a transaction processing system records the sale, updates the customer!s
"alance and ma#es deduction from inventory.
") Transaction $rocessing System (T$S) also #non as operational system "ecause
they collected data from daya-to day business includes recording, filling and
retrieving records or filling out order forms and chec#s. The data is stored in data"ase.Its
supports low-level employees in performing routine business. For example,
customer "illing, ma#ing a "an#ing deposit and reserving an airline seat or rooms for
c) %ecision Support System (%SS) is used to analyzed complex and nonroutine
decisions especially helps managers focus on the future. The manager may gathers
and use data from ide range of sources to select the most right strategic.The system is
not stand alone information resources "ut a com"ination of data"ase or program and
might use MIS first. For examples, detailed analysis of product demand are perform,
suppliers and commodities, exchange rates and employment cost an manufacturing
capacity and costs to help manager ma#es a decision on hich pro&ect via"ility and
profita"ility for a company.
d) 'xecutive Information System('IS) used by top executives to quickly identify
problems, spot products trends and set strategic long and short term
objective.For examples, the report such as sales figures in many categories "y region,
"y state, "y ee#, "y month, "y year. It also has the capa"ilities for doing (what if)
features. The system also have the capa"ility to summari*ed information.
e) 'xperts System ('S) + also #non as ,noledge Management System. 'S have
appeared from the artificial intelligence field where stimulate human reasoning
and sensation. It has "een used "y management and non-management to solve
spscific pro"lems such as increase or#ers!s productivity and maximi*e profit or
minimi*e production cost. For examples in medical field, an expert system can help
doctor to diagnosing a patient!s condition "ased on the symptoms and further .uestion
clarification. The system should "e a"le to suggested further test or provide a list of
possi"le causes.
2 !tate the usage of "nformation !ystems
'ducation /
1) ,eep trac# of students statistics and a grades.
0) 1elp students and teachers in online learning and discussion.
2) Store su"&ect content.
3usiness /
1) 4arry out online "uying and selling
0) 1elp the delivery of goods and services.
2) Ma#e room "oo#ings and chec#ing the "est rates
Management /
1) See employee record
0) 5naly*e products services and product prices
2) $rocess customer orders, organi*e production times and #eep trac# of product
1. 6enis sistem ma#lumat
a) Sistem $engurusan Ma#lumat (MIS) mem"eri#an so#ongan ma#lumat #epada
pengguna di semua pering#at syari#at. Sistem ini "oleh menganalisis data,
menghasil#an ma#lumat untu# mengurus dan mengendali#an proses
perniagaan.Misalnya, #eti#a syari#at men&ual produ# #epada pelanggan, se"uah
catatan transa#si sistem pemprosesan &ualan, update "a#i pelanggan dan
mem"uat dedu#si dari persediaan.
") Sistem $emprosesan Transa#si (T$S) &uga di#enali se"agai sistem operasi
#erana mere#a mengumpul data dari daya-#e hari #er&a termasu# ra#aman,
mengisi dan mengam"il nota atau mengisi "orang tempahan dan ce#. %ata
disimpan di dalam data"ase.Its menyo#ong pe#er&a pering#at rendah dalam
men&alan#an perniagaan rutin. 4ontohnya, "il pelanggan, mem"uat deposit
per"an#an dan tempahan #erusi pener"angan atau ruang "agi pelanggan.
c) Sistem So#ongan ,eputusan (%SS) diguna#an untu# #eputusan yang
#omple#s dan tida# rutin dianalisis terutama mem"antu pengurus menumpu#an
pada masa depan. $engurus "oleh mengumpul dan mengguna#an data dari
pel"agai sum"er untu# memilih sistem strategic.The yang paling tepat adalah
tida# "erdiri sendiri sum"er ma#lumat tetapi ga"ungan data"ase atau program
dan mung#in mengguna#an MIS pertama. Se"agai contoh, analisis terperinci
tentang permintaan produ# yang mela#u#an, pem"e#al dan #omoditi, nilai tu#ar
dan #os #er&a #apasiti pengeluaran dan #os untu# mem"antu pengurus mem"uat
#eputusan yang pro&e# #elangsungan hidup dan #euntungan "agi syari#at.
d) Sistem Ma#lumat '#se#utif ('IS) yang diguna#an oleh para e#se#utif anda
dengan cepat mengenalpasti masalah, spot produ# trend dan menetap#an
strategi# &ang#a pende# dan &ang#a o"&ective.For contoh, laporan seperti ang#a
pen&ualan dalam "anya# #ategori mengi#ut ilayah, oleh negara, dengan
minggu, "erdasar#an "ulan, tahun. 1al ini &uga memili#i #emampuan untu#
mela#u#an 7"agaimana &i#a7 ciri-ciri. Sistem ini &uga mempunyai #emampuan
untu# diring#as#an ma#lumat.
e) Sistem $a#ar ('S) - &uga di#enali se"agai Sistem $engurusan
$engetahuan. 'S telah muncul dari "idang #ecerdasan "uatan mana
merangsang a#al manusia dan sensasi. Telah diguna#an oleh piha# pengurusan
dan non-pengurusan untu# menyelesai#an masalah spscific seperti
mening#at#an produ#tiviti pe#er&a dan mema#simum#an #euntungan atau
meminimum#an #os pengeluaran. 8ntu# contoh dalam "idang peru"atan, sistem
pa#ar dapat mem"antu do#tor untu# mendiagnosis #eadaan pesa#it "erdasar#an
ge&ala dan #larifi#asi pertanyaan le"ih lan&ut. Sistem terse"ut harus dapat
disaran#an le"ih mengu&i atau mem"eri#an senarai #emung#inan penye"a".
0. 9egara penggunaan Sistem Ma#lumat
1) Mendapat#an statisti# pela&ar dan nilai.
0) 3antuan pela&ar dan guru dalam pem"ela&aran online dan per"incangan.
2) Simpan isi pela&aran.
1) Mela#u#an &ual "eli online dan
0) 3antuan penghantaran "arangan dan per#hidmatan.
2) Mem"uat tempahan "ili# dan menyema# #adar ter"ai#
1) :ihat nota pe#er&a
0) Menganalisis produ# per#hidmatan dan harga produ#
2) $roses tempahan pelanggan, menetap#an masa pengeluaran dan men&e&a#i
persediaan produ#.

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