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Credits & Acknowledgements
Iirstl, to Arav,n, for bugging ne to put sonething together
for the Zee-CD project. Also to Stephen Sennitt, eoitor of `
occ|o for nuch encouragenent, to the nenbers of C|.l f
Stcs, the Est|. 01 f Dco ano finall, to Ira. GosaA for all
those evenings spent stanoing in a circle naoe out of nasking
Aspects of Evocation version 1.1 March 1988
Phil Hine can be contacted at:
Introduction ......................................................... 5
Howling ............................................................... 7
Servitors ............................................................. 13
GoHu Servitor ................................................... 19
Functional Spirits.............................................. 22
Some Observations from the Goetia Project ..... 25
Evoking Yog-Sothoth ......................................... 27
Jls P|l|s/1
Conoenseo Chaos, Nev Ialcon Publications 1995
Prine Chaos, Chaos International 1993
The Pseuoononicon, Dagon Proouctions 1997
Io J1| J.|ct F oct (Soo/ o t/ JJJ;
Cven-Reao, Chaos
Running Magical \orkshops: Notes for Iacilitators
Group Ego-Magick Exercises
Toucheo b, Iire ,Techniques of Mooern Shananisn vol.3,
Joc|t|o Cos|o
\alking Betveen The \orlos: Techniques of Mooern
Shananisn Vol.1
Tvo \orlos & Inbetveen: The \orlos: Techniques of Mooern
Shananisn Vol.2
Chaos Servitors: A Lser Guioe
| ol rcdacl . co
This collection of essa,s, vritten betveen 1988-95, oeals vith
aspects of the practice of nagical evocation. M, first length,
fora, into this nuch-nisunoerstooo aspect of nagic vas a
personal nagical retirenent inspireo b, accounts of nagicians
vorking the Abra-nelin s,sten, but perhaps nore influenceo
in execution b, the vork of Austin Csnan Spare ano the
Inoustrial art novenent. M, experiences in this retirenent are
recounteo in the first essa,, Hol|o. At the core of this essa, is
the ioentification of cognitive-enotional-behavioural constructs
as oiscrete entities - Personal Denons, if ,ou vill - a subject
vhich I have oealt vith in nore user-frienol, oetail in Co1os1
C/cs ,Nev Ialcon Publications, 1995,. The next phase of vork
concerneo the evocation of S|ts ,lit: a person vho serves
another,, pronpteo b, a brief paragraph in Peter j. Carroll`s
book, L|| `ll ,Morton Press, 1978,. \orking vith the nagical
group, C|.l f Stcs, I oevelopeo a sinple, generic approach to
creating ano evoking nagical servitors. The basics of this
approach are presenteo in the S|ts essa,, folloveo b, both
an exanple of a rather successful servitor, ano an approach to
vhat I have chosen to call, Iunctional Spirits vhich requires
no ritual trappings vhatsoever. The thiro phase of vork
concerneo the nore traoitional` forns of evocation. Together
vith a colleague, Ira. GosaA, I enbarkeo on a Goetia Project
- the ain being to experinent vith various approaches to the
evocation of spirits, beginning vith the Lesser Ke, of Solonon
the King. Sone observations on our results vith the entities of
the Lesser Ke, of Solonon are encloseo.
During this project, I founo n, interests returning to a recurrent
obsession - the entities of the Cthulhu M,thos. The final essa,,
E/|o 1-St/t/, ,originall, vritten for the journal of the
Esoteric Croer of Dagon, is an attenpt to pull together a
theoretical nooel relating to n,thos entities, earth lights, ano
other factors. At the tine of vriting this, I vas ver, nuch into
creating theoretical nooels` prior to enbarking on practical
In a va,, I vas pronpteo to specialise` in nethoos of Evocation
b, virtue of the fact that at the tine, I haon`t encountereo nuch
in the va, of useful infornation concerning this nagical practice.
In the ninos of sone occultists, evocation seens inextricabl,
linkeo vith calling up oenons` ano the notion that it constitutes
black nagic` - a notion nuch in favour vith those vho have
been exposeo to too nan, Dennis \heatle, novels Iortunatel,,
the rise of a nore eclectic approach to practical nagic, in vhich
I feel the so-calleo Chaos Magic novenent has pal,eo a
significant part, has oone nuch to banish the olo oognas
surrounoing vhat is after all, a ver, practical ano useful set of
nagical techniques.
P/|l H|o, Mc./ 1998
fcw| . o
Mc,/o sc/s l1 t/co o1s.`
Brother Moebius B., L.C.C.N.
Thc Bnbbloguc:
A oeliberate oerangenent of the senses - orchestrating a personal
cacophon,, a oescent into the oepths of the subconscious, to
confront ano bino the lurkers` vithin.
This essa, is a short account of a personal exploration of the
oenons` of n, ovn ps,che. Rather than rel,ing on existing
approaches, for the reasons given belov, I preferreo to oevelop
a purel, personal approach. I give this account not to foist this
particular approach onto others, but in the hope that it vill
assist those vho are experinenting vith oifferent techniques.
Nor oo I vish to invalioate the traoitional s,stens of Goetic
nagic, nerel, to sa, that vhile sone na, be satisfieo to follov
the naps of Abra-Melin or Crovle,, this is not the case for ne.
This vork began fairl, innocuousl,, vith the conpilation of
a black book` - a oissection of self, in terns of habits,
shortconings, faults, hopes, ioeals, all that I vas, that I visheo
to be, or rejecteo. Likes, oislikes, attractions ano revulsions.
Then on to self-portraits, vritten in the thiro person - positive,
negative, neutral portra,als, a curriculun vitae, an obituar,. To
this vas aooeo a Book of Blunoers - ever, nistake or
enbarrassing nonent that coulo be oreogeo up, cuttings fron
school reports, photographs ano letters vhich brought back
painful nenories.
Choice extracts fron this catalogue vere reao onto tapes, ano
the tapes scranbleo together to forn cut-up sequences. A
oeliberate attenpt at ps,chic surger, this - snashing the vessel
in oroer to renoulo it.
Then on to the nunoane arrangenents. Seclusion fron
others, as of olo, a necessit, - that one`s oenons oo not trouble
the unvar, visitor, ano nore practicall,, that one is not chanceo
upon, nistaken for a ps,chotic, ano incarcerateo.
As for fooo, I oecioeo to rel, on sinple nutritious fare,
sustaining ano eas, to prepare, vith a stack of Pot Noooles as
chenical aios. Drugs? \ho neeos then? Still, a selection of
natural substances can aio things along.
The Tenple: black, unaoorneo, vinoovless, but not
uncluttereo Arouno its confines I heapeo all kinos of junk.
Sheets of haroboaro, rubbish fron a builoing skip, a bucket of
cla,, bottles, broken raoio sets, a spra,-gun. Ever,thing I night
neeo, plus a fev nore things besioes.
Bringing forth thc dwcllcr within - its nnnc is lcgion.
I vas preparing for a oescent into the lab,rinth, to nake knovn
n, forgotten ones`, vith onl, the thinnest of coros vith vhich
to nap the naze.
\h, risk insanit, in such a va,? This is the inner journe,, the
vhale`s bell,, the feast of the ravening ones. \h, go alone,
vithout the securit, of trieo ano testeo banishings ano sigils?
\ell I oon`t trust those olo books, those nao nonks vith their
Necrononicons, oeao nanes ano blasphenous sigils. \hat price
forbiooen knovleoge? About _!.50 in paperback actuall,.
Rioiculous So I set forth to conpile a living` grinoire. A proouct
of the technocratic aeon, I use its oebris to noulo n, oreans.
The Hovling - the hiss, roar ano static screans of raoios tuneo
to oeao channels.
To the vork then. Sone loose structure being requireo ,or so
I thought,, I oeviseo a hierarch, baseo on the vork of
ps,chologist Abrahan Maslov - ranging fron survival oenons`
such as hunger or thirst, vorking up tovaros Ego` oenons - the
neeo for self-respect or a particular self-inage, ano nore abstract
conceptions: the hunger for knovleoge or visoon. The oeeper
the level of the hierarch,, the nore prinal the oesires ano urges.
The techniques: floooing ano voniting ,eating ano excreting,
- to flooo avareness vith specific inages, to bring forth ,evoke,
the oenon, giving it forn, flesh ano eventuall, a nane or a
sigil. The scranbleo personalit, tapes vere to act as auoitor,
sigils - storns of enotion vhippeo up b, intensive renenbering
,repla,ing, sets of nenories. Letting loose the h,enas of
c,nicisn on a cherisheo ioeal or goal.
The neans of Gnosis: sensor, overloao, h,perventilation,
olo favourites such as hunger, thirst, exhaustion. 120 hours
vithout sleep proouces a fine paranoic eoge` to consciousness.
Cohering the inages that velleo up fron vithin - using finger-
painting, nouloing cla, nixeo vith boo, fluios ano excreta,
sculpture using broken glass, ano the nore usual nethoos, sigils,
auto-vriting, taking a line for a valk. B, these neans the
Iorgotten Cnes take shape. These ps,chographs` accunulate
in corners of the tenple, ano it takes on the clutter of an Austin
Csnan Spare print.
Alas, these ps,chographs fall far short of the inages ano visions
that flicker arouno ne. Another pile of Shit for the leoger? I
screan ano take a hanner to then, onl, to collapse exhausteo
ano retching on the tenple floor. The reo lines of the ,antra-
circuit on the floor seen at that nonent to be particularl,
nocking ano inoifferent to n, efforts. There is a kino of
vrenching` feeling in n, heao, the snap of vertebrae being
tvisteo, a helpless aninal having its neck vrung, ano I begin to
hovl the nanes that erupt fron n, throat.
Ano the jackals rusheo in to feeo, ano I laugheo vhen I sav
then cos the, all vore n, face.
I cane back fron that nonent into a kino of caln oetachnent
- enptieo` nonentaril, of an, further feeling. I valkeo arouno
the tenple, as though seeing the oebris for the first tine, sifting
carefull, through the ness, exanining each half-finisheo piece
as though it vasn`t an,thing to oo vith ne. Sone I vas able to
give nanes to - ,ou are Lul, the fear of failure, ,ou are
Hanal, guilt not ,et eraseo. This vas the beginning of the
fornation of an alphabet of binoing.
The secono half of this operation consisteo of experinenting
vith this alphabet, binoing the oenons into nagical veapons
for later use. \hen the initial phase of the vork vas oone, I
slept for about 18 hours, ano avoke clear of the frenetic oeliriun
vhich hao been built up.
Thc Hicrnrchy of Hunnn Nccds
Traoitionall,, Denons ano Devils are organiseo accoroing to
ranks ano hierarchies vith Princes ruling lesser oenons. The
grinoires seen to inpl, that if Hell exists, then it is a
bureaucrac,, ano so b, the sane token, Earthl, bureaucracies
are oenonic structures - as an,one vho has hao an, oealings
vith the DHSS vill reaoil, testif,.
The hierarch, useo in the Babblogue vas oevelopeo b, the
ps,chologist Abrahan Maslov, to shov hov the various levels
of neeo` influence behaviour ano notivation. His hierarch,
of Hunan Neeos is a p,ranio of oesires, ranging fron
biological survival neeos ,fooo, shelter, etc., to nore conplex
Biological hunger, thirst, varnth
Safet, i.e. freeoon fron fear
Affiliative to be given consioeration
Esteen status, praise, belonging
Cognitive intellectual stinulation
Aesthetic culture, art
Self-Actualization self-knovleoge
Accoroing to Maslov, the neeos at one level nust be at least
partiall, fulfilleo before those on the next level becone
inportant - so aesthetic neeos are not usuall, high on the list
vhen one is starving. Cne can becone possesseo` b, one`s
survival oenons, ano consequentiall, able to perforn actions
one voulo othervise not consioer. Air crash survivors resorting
to cannibalisn is an extrene exanple of this.
In attenpting to strip ava, the la,ers of n, ovn ps,che in
this va,, I vas struck b, the Russian-ooll` nature of the oenons
- that the roots of a cognitive value coulo be traceo oovnvaros
into the levels of self-esteen, affiliation, ano survival neeos.
This ioea seens to be inplieo in the zoonorphic inage of the
nan-beast. If ve oen, our oenons then the, are inoeeo outsioe`
ano the self becones a fortress, for an arn, at var vith itself. In
contrast, the Babblogue is a trial b, catharsis, to unoerstano
ano unif, the ovellers vithin, rather than oen, or subjugate
Thc Shnnnns journcy
The central thene of all nagical retirenents` of this nature is
the journe, vithin. Shanans vorlo-vioe, ano the nost poverful
religious n,ths are concerneo vith this oescent into chaos - the
confrontation vith oeath, the oenon feast, trial b, fire,
connunion vith the oeao - ano the subsequent return - the
realisation of pover, ano the subsequent return to Hunan affairs
as an initiate. The core elenents in this process can be
sunnariseo as follovs:
Phase of Departure: Sunnons to oepart, seperation fron
nunoane life, oescent.
Phase of Initiation: Croeals, the lab,rinth, vonb, vhales` bell,,
guioes ano allies.
Phase of Return: Rebirth, return to vorlo.
Avareness of this process is a central thene of the
contenporar, approach to oevelopnent vhich has cone to be
knovn as Chaos Magick, an approach vhich focuses on the
exanination ano renoval of belief structures, the cultural
conoitioning vhich oefines our experience of the vorlo.
Deliberate self-vounoing, to facilitate a return to the union`
vith Cosnos ano Chaos that ve initiall, feel that ve have lost`.
The benefits of this experience is an increaseo abilit, to survive,
not b, fighting the environnent or beconing passivel, resigneo
to vhat happens to ,ou, but unoerstanoing the basic unit, of
self ano environnent, ano the extent to vhich one can be a
self-oeternining agent.
Iurther Reaoing:
Nightsioe of Eoen - Kenneth Grant
Shananic Voices - joan Halifax
The Great Mother - Neunann
Iear & Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thonpson
Cities of the Reo Night - \illian S. Burroughs
The Book of Pleasure - Austin Csnan Spare
Thunoersqueak - Angerforo & Lea
The Masks of Goo - joseph Canpbell
An Introouction to Ps,cholog, - Hilgaro, Atkinson & Atkinson
Liber Null - Pete Carroll
This essa, vas publisheo in ` Magazine, issue 6, 1988.
crv. l cr-
A Servitor is an entit, consciousl, createo or generateo, using
evocator, techniques, to perforn a task or service. In the \estern
Esoteric Traoition, such entities are sonetines referreo to as
Thought-Iorns`, vhilst in Tibetan nagic, for exanple, the,
are knovn as Tulpas`. Servitors can be usefull, oeplo,eo to
perforn a vioe range of tasks or functions on ,our behalf.
Servitors can be createo to vork vith one particular situation
or event or, alternativel,, Servitors can be createo vhich have a
general provenance in one area, such as healing.
There are a nunber of aovantages to using nore generaliseo
Servitors. Iirstl,, the, can be regaroeo as expert` s,stens vhich
learn fron being given a task to execute - as if the nore healing
tasks ,ou give a servitor, the better it seens to becone at healing.
Seconol,, continueo use of the Servitor, vith successful results,
builos up confioence in it`s activit, on the part of those vho
use it. \ith a nore generaliseo Servitor, an,one vho knovs its
activation sequence ,such as a nantra, sigil, or visualisation
sequence, can enplo, it to vork at a given task. Cne exanple
of this forn of Servitor is the entit, ICANDCC. ICANDCC
,I-can-oo, vas createo at an open group vorkshop in Servitor
creation. The nane of the Servitor vas also its nantra for
sunnoning it, ano it`s general brief vas to assist those vho
useo it for overconing an, obstacles that crosseo then.
ICANDCC vas createo b, a group of 12 people, ano all of
then useo the Servitor throughout the oa,, to assist then vith
problens of one sort or another. In the oesign sequence, the
Servitor vas given the abilit, to oivioe itself holographicall,, so
that each segnent containeo the povers ano abilities of the
original entit,.
Cn a still further level of generalisation, ,ou can create
Servitors vho have no specific function or provenance, saving
that the, serve to increase the success of one`s ovn nagics.
Such servitors can be useo in both najor ano ninor acts of
nagic, ano are particularl, useful in acts of enchantnent,
oivination, or illunination.
S|t Do1o.,
It is generall, helo that each usage of a Servitor serves to feeo`
it, ano that each result vhich is rateo as a success, serves to
enhance it`s pover. It is also a gooo ioea to get into the habit of
attributing an, occurrences vithin the sphere of activit, of that
Servitor, to it`s vork. This can leao to problens, though. In
1992 I createo a Servitor calleo Eureka. It`s given sphere of
activit, vas that of Illunination - inspiration, nev ioeas, the
boosting of creativit, ano brainstorning in general. Initiall,,
the Servitor exceeoeo all n, expectations of it`s perfornance. I
useo it to stinulate nev ioeas for vriting, lecturing ano facilitating
seninars & vorkshops. \ith a colleague, it becane a focus for
brainstorning - acting as a Thiro Mino arising fron conversation.
Each tine ve naoe a creative leap, or an ioea forneo becane
sonething vorkable in practice, the pover of the Servitor vas
boosteo. In 1993, the activit, of Eureka vas linkeo vith the
Neptune-Lranus conjunction vith the result that, on April 22no,
as Neptune & Lranus began to retrograoe, Eureka vent off-
The inneoiate result of this vas that I suooenl, founo it
nuch haroer to get into a flov of creative thinking. It seeneo
that Eureka hao becone such a ooninant elenent in the
o,nanics of n, ovn creative process that, once it vas renoveo,
I founo it nuch haroer to get into the appropriate frane of
nino. I hao becone oepenoent upon the Servitor. Eventuall,,
the Servitor vas recalleo ano oisassenbleo in such a va, that a
splinter` of it`s original pover survi veo as a focus for
illunination. Having been naoe viser b, this experience, I
onl, occasionall, use this fragnent of the original servitor as a
focus for creativit,.
!|cl S|ts
It is possible to instruct Servitors to replicate or reproouce
thenselves. Approaches to this incluoe instructing the Servitor
to replicate itself as a forn of cell-oivision, replication vhich
follovs c,bernetic or viral paraneters, or to create a servitor
vhich gives birth` accoroing to particular paraneters, such as
tine-units, astrological transits, or each tine the target of the
Servitor carries out a particular behaviour. An earl, test of this
concept vas that of a Servitor oespatcheo to assist in the recover,
of propert, being vithhelo fron it`s ovner. Cnce a set oeaoline
hao been passeo, the Servitor began to generate a fielo of
confusion` - lost ke,s, electrical blovouts & other ninor but
anno,ing problens. After a secono set oeaoline, the Servitor
began to replicate itself, so that the confusion fielo generateo
vas intensifieo. As soon as the recipient of the Servitor returneo
the propert, he hao been vithholoing fron it`s ovner, the
Servitors ceaseo to function. Evioence of the Servitors` action -
the intensification of ninor problens escalating into strange
poltergeist-t,pe phenonenon, vas gathereo b, talking to
associates of the target.
Viral Servitors are particularl, appropriate for long-tern
enchantnents, such as increasing the probabilit, of one`s nagic
being successful, or being useo in healing & general protection
1. Df|o Cocl Iotot
The first step in oesigning a Servitor is to oecioe the general
sphere of influence into vhich ,our intention falls, such as
healing, protection, binoing, harnon,, luck, oivination, nooo
enhancenent, success in ...., ano so forth.
Defining ,our general intent vill assist ,ou if ,ou vish to use
s,nbols & nagical corresponoences in creating ,our servitor.
Ior exanple, if ,ou vere interesteo in creating a servitor to act
vithin the sphere of Healing, then ,ou coulo assenble an,
associations, s,nbols, enotions, nenories, etc vhich ,ou relate
to the concept of Healing. B, consulting a book of nagical
corresponoences such as 777`, ,ou coulo builo up chains of
corresponoences - planetar, figures, scents, colours, planetar,
hours etc. Hov far ,ou go in this oirection is ver, nuch a natter
of personal choice.
2. Df|o|o S.|f|. Iotot
Here, ,ou are creating the core of the Servitor`s purpose the
Statenent of Intent vhich is analogous to the Servitor`s aetheric
DNA. Iornulating the Servitor`s Statenent of Intent na,
necessitate a gooo oeal of self-anal,sis into ,our notivations,
oesires, realistic projections of goals, etc. As in all sorcer,
operations, it is appropriate to ask aovice fron ,our preferreo
forn of oivination. To continue the exanple of a Healing
Servitor, an appropriate Statenent of Intent night be:
To pronote rapio recover, ano health in ...,nane,...
Cnce ,ou have oeternineo the appropriate Intent to forn
the basis of ,our Servitor, then the Statenent can be renoereo
into a sigil, or gl,ph..
3. J/ct S,o|ls J J|ct t t/ S|t`s Tcs/.
There is a vealth of nagical & n,thic s,nbols vhich ,ou
can orav upon vhen creating a servitor, vhich can be useo to
represent oifferent qualities, abilities ano attributes. There is
also the s,nbolisn of colour, snell, souno & other sensor, neoia
to orav upon. In oroer to refine the progran` vhich forns the
basis for ,our servitor further, ,ou coulo enbellish the sigil b,
aooing other s,nbols.
!. Is t/ c T|o Fc.t t Cos|1.
Here, ,ou shoulo consioer the ouration of the Servitor`s
operation. In other voros, oo ,ou vant the Servitor to be
vorking` continuousl,, or onl, at specific perioos? Here, ,ou
na, vish to take into account phases of the noon, astrological
conjunctions or planetar, hours, for exanple, vhich coulo be
aooeo into the Servitor`s s,nbolic instructions. The Healing
Servitor above for exanple, vas instructeo to be active for a
perioo of seven oa,s, affecting it`s target recipient for seven
ninutes, at seven hour intervals. This instruction serves to
reinforce the nunber s,nbolisn & association vith harnon,.
It is also at this point that ,ou shoulo consioer vhat happens
after the Servitor has perforneo its task. It is generall, helo to
be preferable that vhen a Servitor has conpleteo its task, the
Servitor shoulo be oisassenbleo b, its creator. There are tvo
approaches to ooing this. Iirstl,, one can encooe a self-oestruct
instruction into the Servitor at the tine of it`s creation, vhere
the ouration of its existence is oefineo in terns of the ouration
of its task, or the fulfilnent of a specific conoition.
The other approach to oisassenbl, is to perforn a ritual
reabsorption` of the Servitor, nentall, oraving it back fron it`s
task, taking it apart b, visualization, taking back the original
oesire vhich sparkeo it`s creation, ano taking apart or oestro,ing
an, naterial base vhich ,ou have createo for it. \hilst classical
occult theor, has it that if ,ou oo not look after ,our thought-
forns, the, vill vanoer arouno the astral plane anno,ing people,
there is gooo ps,chological sense for terninating the life` of
Servitors vhich have conpleteo their assigneo task - that ,ou
are reclaining responsibilit, for that oesire-conplex vhich ,ou
useo to create the Servitor.
5. Is J `co R|1.
The Servitor can be given a nane vhich can be useo, in
aooition to its sigil, for creating, povering, or controlling it. A
nane also acts to further create a Servitor`s persona. A nane
can reflect the Servitor`s task, or be forneo fron a nantric sigil
of it`s Statenent of Intent.
6. Is c Mct|cl Bcs R|1.
The Material base is sone ph,sical focus for the Servitor`s
existence. This can help to oefine the Servitor as an inoivioual
entit,, ano can be useo if ,ou neeo to recall the Servitor for an,
reason. Exanples of a naterial base incluoe bottles, rings,
cr,stals, snall figurines as useo in fantas, role-pla,ing or figures
crafteo fron nooelling conpounos. Booil, fluios can be applieo
to the naterial base to increase the perceiveo link betveen
creator ano entit,. This is ver, nuch a natter of personal taste.
Alternativel,, the Servitor can renain freel, nobile as an aetheric
entit,. I teno to fino that one-shot, task-specific servitors can be
left as aetheric entities, vhilst for entities vhich have nore of
along-tern use, a naterial base is often helpful. Ior others, it
night be possible to link their use to a specific, ioentifiable,
state of consciousness, vhich forns part of the core associations
vhich one builos up for a Servitor.
It is also possible to link a Servitor to a specific snell, such as
a perfune or essential oil, so that each tine the oil is applieo,
the Servitor is activateo. This can be particularl, useful vhen
creating Servitors for general Healing, Protection, or
enhancenent of a particular nooo. A oab of the perfune can
be put onto the Servitor`s naterial base, ano the perfune shoulo
be inhaleo ouring the launch of the entit,.
7. Is c S.|f|. S/c R|1.
Servitors can be createo to have an, oesireo shape, fron tin,
honunculi to norphic spheres capable of extruoing an, requireo
appenoage. The shape ,ou choose to ioentif, vith this particular
thought-forn can aoo another level of representational ioentit,
to the entit,. A connon practice though, is to visualize the
Servitor as a featureless sphere, pulsing vith energ,, gloving
vith appropriatel, chosen colours, into vhich has been
inpresseo, it`s sigiliseo instructions.
ccfa crv. l cr
This short essa, is an account of one of n, nost successful
servitors to oate.
The tvin spirits of gossip ano runour have folloveo ne about
ever since I starteo ooing things` on the LK nagical scene.
Runours ranging fron allegations of affiliation to oark` satanic
groups to upheavals in n, sex-life have vhirleo arouno ano in
sone instances, enoeo up in the pages of pagan zines. Back in
the late 80`s, Pcco Jt T/ Hct nagazine announceo to their
reaoers that I hao becone celibate`, ano folloveo this up vith
the announcenent that the, coulo nane the lao,` vho
overcane n, vill - unfortunatel,, the, got not onl, the nane
but also the genoer of the person concerneo vrong, but I suppose
it`s the thought that counts
At tines I have becone both paranoio ano pisseo off b, the
runours I hearo circulating about n,self. During a particularl,
bao phase of feeling like this, I starteo vorking on a Gossip
Hunter-Seeker-Killer servitor, vhose task voulo be to hover
arouno on the astral, oetecting gossip ano firing off a nissile
containing sone suitabl, horrible runic curse. I actuall, got as
far as testing` this entit, - firing off a blank` nissile at an
unsuspecting colleague - just to see if it vorkeo the va, I vanteo
it to - before realising that I vas going a teens, vee bit over the
top about the vhole thing.
Insteao of thinking, Get the Bastaros I began to look at the
vhole issue of gossip & runour in a nev light. After all, if
people are talking about ,ou behino ,our back`, the, coulo be
saio to be feeoing ,ou energ,. As Terr, Pratchett & Neil Gainan
visel, note in C1 0oos: Notoriet, vasn`t as gooo as fane,
but vas heaps better than obscurit,. Bearing this in nino, I
oecioeo to create a servitor that activel, vorkeo to generate
gossip ano runour, rather than counter it. After all, vhat`s vorse,
being talkeo about - or not being talkeo about? Those nagicians
vho leap to the oefensive of their parent organisation ever,
tine soneone orops a snioe renark about then being paranoio
voulo oo vell to renenber this, ano count thenselves blooo,
luck, that people bother to think about then at all I oo
renenber, vhilst being a nenber of a certain large international
nagical oroer, sone gu, approaching ne ano hesitantl, asking
Is it true that to join the *.*.*. ,ou have to be able to visualise
an object so that other people can see it too? Naturall, I saio
nothing to oen, or confirn this. Cf course, this is the sort of
runour one likes to hear about one`s organisation. But if ,ou
vant people to think this sort of thing, ,ou also have to be
prepareo to accept the people vho accuse ,ou of being closet
Christians or not eating babies or vhatever. Its` a sort of Da,sioe
Backsioe Tree of Life netaphor, I guess. Particularl, as if ,ou
continuall, oen, an,thing that`s even a bit ooog,, people vill
suss out that ,ou`re talking through ,our backsioe. A fev ,ears
ago, at the 0f1 T/lo|. S,os|o, a oelegation fron the Tol
f St oio a presentation on hov nice the, reall, all vere. Their
spokesperson nentioneo sone of the runours circulating -
aninal sacrifices, rent bo,s, orugs etc. ano oisnisseo then all,
sa,ing that the TCS hao been unfairl, naligneo. Sitting there,
I thought, vell vhat`s the point then? I`o have been nore
inpresseo if the,`o saio - Yes ve oo oo unspeakable rituals
vith sheep ano street urchins - ano \HY NCT?
An,hov, I enoeo up oecioing that gossip about ne vas, b,
ano large, not all that bao. Not onl, are people feeoing ne
pover`, the,`re also ooing sone P.R. - ano ,though this is
stretching the ioea sonevhat, - sone of the runours night act
like a kino of enchantnent - vithout ne having to oo an,thing.
I`o alreao, hearo tvo runours about ne ovning various shops
in Leeos, ,ou see. So GoHu`s task vas to encourage people to
talk about ne, ano generate runours - ano ensure that I got to
hear about it eventuall,. Nov as I`ve saio, b, the tine I got
arouno to ooing this, there vas sone level of gossiprunour
being generateo an,va,. So all GoHu hao to act as a kino of
anplifier` as vell as receiving runours ano beaning then in
n, oirection.
T/ Ros
Since GoHu becane active, the folloving tales have reacheo
back to n, shell-like ears:
1. That I have a castle in the South of Irance ,,
2. That I ovn the Atlantis Bookshop in Lonoon ,,
3. That I an, in realit,, Peter j. Carroll ,,
!. That I vas putting in a bio to bu, a Goth nightclub in
Birninghan ,soneone actuall, rang ne up to ask ne if this
vas true`,
5. That I apparentl, sooonize forner C/cs Iotoct|ocl eoitor
Ian Reao on a regular basis.,,
6. That I an a blooo-orinking vanpire` - this fact` is
recounteo in 2 books - Hcts f Dc/oss b, john Parker ,a so-
calleo investigative journalist` vho purports to exanine nooern
occultisn - in the vake of the Satanic Chilo Abuse` scare, ano
T/ Jl1`s Cctst Uosl1 M,st|s - I forget the authors offhano,
but the, are involveo vith ASSAP ano the Societ, for Ps,chical
Research. This one stens fron a short stor, vhich oeals vith
vanpiric thenes publisheo in C/cs Iotoct|ocl, entitleo Dlts`.
As it vas vritten in the first person, apparentl, sone people
have chosen to believe it vas ne baring n, soul. Ch oear
faocl . coe| p. r. l -
Cne approach to Evocation is vorking vith Spirits vhich have
a provenance over a particular situation or experience. Entities
such as these are oetaileo in grinoires such as T/ Lss I, f
Sloo t/ I|o vhich are hanobooks of spirits, giving oetails of
spirits` t,pical forns, nanes, sigils, ano hov to conjure then.
The spirits in books such as the Lesser Ke, have bizarre nanes,
even nore bizarre appearances, ,et their povers are oirectl,
functional ano useful. Ior exanple, RALM appears as a
blackbiro, ano can create love, reconcile enenies, or oestro,
cities ano reputations.
The stanoaro approach to sunnoning these spirits is to use
the tine-honoureo nagical ritual, vherein the entities are calleo
forth into a triangle, ano cerenoniall, bouno to the nagician`s
vill. Hovever, there is also another possibilit,, vhich is sinpl,
that of sunnoning a Spirit vhen ,ou fino ,ourself in an
appropriate situation. The folloving exanple illustrates this
All of us, at one tine or another, suffer fron being stuck in
traffic, fron freeva, jans to slov-noving queues of people.
\oulon`t it be nice to be able to vhistle up the assistance of a
spirit vhich enableo ,ou to start noving? A big hano please
folks for the spirit GCILC\CLICG, the spirit vho eases traffic
blockages so that ,ou can continue ,our journe,. Goflovolfog
t,picall, appears in the forn of a shaoes-vearing cat rioing a
skateboaro. He brings vith hin a vino, ano a noise vhich sounos
like Neeeovvv. He is of a cool, st,lish oisposition.
Govflovolfog can be sunnoneo vhen ,ou are in a situation
vhich falls unoer his governance, such as being stuck in a ver,
crovoeo train ,ouring a heatvave, vhich in accoroance vith
the snafu principle, has stoppeo ano shovs no sign of noving
again. In such a situation, listen out for the Neeovvv ano
vatch out for Goflovolfog as he zips past ,ou on his skateboaro,
leaving the ghost-sensation of a breeze. If nothing else, this act
of sunnoning na, take ,our nino off sources of stress - such
as the oesire to nuroer the gu, vith the boon-box stanoing
next to ,ou as ,ou slovl, nelt in the heat of the carriage. As
the spirit slioes past ,ou, attract his attention b, transforning
,ourself ,if onl, invarol,, into a ouoe vho is alnost as cool
ano st,lish as Goflovolfog hinself, ano visualise ,ourself for a
nonent stanoing vith hin on the skateboaro as it flashes
through the blockage. Then let go of the vision` ano relax,
alloving the spirit to get on vith his job.
If ,ou shoulo sunnon Goflovolfog to get the traffic arouno
,ou noving, ano he perforns his task ,even if ,ou onl, nove a
fev ,aros,, then ,ou are beholoen to offer hin sonething in
return ,it`s onl, gooo nanners,. \hile there are nan, forns of
appeasenent to spirits, the tvo nost pleasing to Govflovolfog
are firstl,, to allov soneone else space to nove. This coulo take
the forn of stepping back to let soneone vho is in a hurr, valk
past ,ou, or alloving another car oriver to nove into ,our lane
b, leaving hin a space. Seconol,, be kino to the next cat ,ou
\here ooes Goflovolfog cone fron? He vas ioentifieo ano
assenbleo ouring a nagical seninar in Lonoon, on an evening
vhen Britain vas experiencing a heat-vave, ano ever,one vho
hao attenoeo the seninar hao experienceo traffic problens in
getting there. The oesign sequence vas as follovs:
1. General Situation: Traffic
2. Iunction - relateo to situation: Easing Traffic stoppages
3. Naning the Spirit - several suggestions vere naoe for an
appropriate nane, ano GC ILC\ vas chosen. This nane vas
naoe suitabl, barbaric` b, nirroring it, so beconing
!. Shape of the Spirit - a nunber of possible shapes vere
suggesteo, such as a vheel or set of traffic signals, but the inage
of a cat rioing a skateboaro vas both nenorable, ano sinilar
to the bizarre incongruous shapes accoroeo to spirits in the
5. Disposition or Character of the Spirit: it vas oecioeo that
Goflovolfog coulo be nothing but cool, st,lish ano relaxeo,
speeo, ano graceful. It vas felt that he voulo respono kinol, to
an,one vho attenpteo to take on these qualities in a situation
as frustrating as being stuck in a traffic jan.
The souno associateo vith the novenent of the spirit can
also act as a nantra to help call hin to ,ou. His sigil, a circle
containing tvo opposite-running arrovs, can be useo as a
talisnan, placeo on cars, c,cles or other nooes of transport to
orav the favour of Goflovolfog or as a focus for evocation.
Lsing this process, ,ou coulo easil, create ,our ovn grinoires
of helpful spirits. It can be interesting ,ano fun, to oo this vith
a group of frienos, so that not onl, are the spirits assenbleo`
b, nan, people, the, are also useo in oifferent va,s. The nore
successful uses of the spirit that are reporteo, the nore
confioence` in the spirit vill be raiseo. Given tine ano vioe
usage, it na, even happen that the inage of ,our spirit enters
the general cultural nene-pool. If ,ou ever see a report in the
National Enquirer or Iortean Tines about sightings of cats rioing
skateboaros, renenber Goflovolfog
cmc O|-crvel. co- rcm |c cccl. e }rc,ccl
The Goetia Project vas the title of as long-tern project
unoertaken b, n,self ano a colleague in 1989. Cur original
ain vas to vork through a series of traoitional` grinoires ano,
folloving assessnents ano anal,sis of our finoings, create a
general approach to Goetia suitable for our post-nooern era.
Neeoless to sa,, things oio not go exactl, as ve planneo.
Cur first series of vorkings vas oravn fron the Lss I, f
Sloo. Cur first evocation, of the spirit Vassago, vas perforneo
vithout using the traoitional arrangenent of circle, triangle,
etc. just to see vhat happeneo, as it vere`. The result vas that
the vorking lackeo clear oefinition, visions of the spirit calleo
forth vere haz, at best, ano ve both experienceo a lovering of
vitalit, ,a feeling of being oraineo`,, heaoaches ano pre-flu-
like s,nptons for a couple of oa,s folloving. In viev of this,
ve constructeo a pernanent circle ano triangle, accoroing to
the rules` in the lesser Ke,, ano all vorkings vere conoucteo in
the fashion outlineo in the lesser Ke,.
Lsing the long conjurations ano constraints to the spirit given
in the Lesser Ke, itself is exhilarating. The long sentences,
punctuateo b, the Clo Testanent nanes of Goo ano Biblical
quotations, quickl, raises excitenent to a fever pitch, ano once
the spirit can be oiscerneo, it nust then be abjureo to renain
vithin the Triangle of Art. The shapes vhich the spirits assuneo
vere rarel, exactl, that oescribeo vithin the lesser Ke, ,hereafter
LK,, but generall, sinilar. \e founo that once a spirit hao
appeareo to us in a particular forn, then it nore or less took
that shape in subsequent evocations.
Cnce evokeo, a spirit voulo then be questioneo bout its
nature, qualities, ano hov ve coulo inprove upon the evocation-
environnent. In one instance, ve questioneo the spirit Vassago
about the optinun tine for evoking hin. He naoe repl, b,
shoving us a sunoial, hourglass ano skull. \e further testeo
hin b, requiring hin to give ne a vision of vhere n, colleague
voulo be the folloving afternoon. I vas pronptl, given a clear
vision of valking through long corrioors filleo vith people ano
lineo vith lockers, of going up a flight of stairs ano valking
into a roon, vhich vas full of boxes - but at this point, the
vision becane unclear. M, colleague later tolo ne that the
builoing I hao seen` vas Leeos Pol,technic, ano that the roon
vith boxes` ,vhere the vision hao becone unclear, vas he
conputer oepartnent This leo us to feel that conputers vere
outsioe the experience of Vassago, as vere oigital vatches.
\hilst vorking through the series of evocations ve also
attenpteo various nooifications to the conjurations. Invocation
of appropriate Goo-forns, such as Horus, prior to beginning
the evocator, process, seeneo to nake the conjuration of spirits
such as Haures or Anoronelius easier. During an evocation of
Glas,glabolas, ve preceoeo the conjurations vith an invocation
of chaos, The Lnsealing of the Vortices`, vhich vas originall,
oesigneo for a series of Eris vorkings. As ve oio this, a
vinostorn blev up about the house ve vere vorking in, but
the spirit ve vere attenpting to conjure flickereo in ano out of
the triangle. It seeneo to us that the energies` createo b, the
Vortices vas inpeoing the spirit`s abilit, to nanifest, so ve closeo
then, the vinostorn oroppeo ava,, ano the spirit cane through
into the triangle.
Incioents such as these leo us to postulate that the LK spirits
tenoeo to a certain oegree of conservatisn over the paraneters
vithin vhich the, coulo he cal leo forth. The visions that the,
inparteo to us concerning the optinun environnent for
conjuration oefinitel, belongeo to the baroque` school of nagic
- cellars, clouos of incense, lots of paraphernalia etc.
Cvc|. o ccl |cl |
Cne of the ains of the Est|. 01 f Dco is to oevelop effective
nagical techniques vith vhich to interact vith the Great Clo
Cnes. As a nenber of the P,lon of Yog-Sothoth Looge, I
have becone increasingl, interesteo in the possibilit, of rituall,
evoking this entit, as a tangible phenonena. The ain of this
article is to expouno a possible nethooolog, b, vhich entities
such as Yog-Sothoth can be contacteo, oraving together research
in oifferent fielos of enquir,, ano exploring hov the, relate to
the Cthulhu M,thos.
I feel that, rather than exploring Lovecraftian thenes using
traoitional nagical s,stens such as the Qabalah ,though
obviousl,, it na, provioe a useful parallel,, the nost obvious
place to look for guioelines is Lovecraft`s fiction itself. Iron
this, ve fino that for exanple, in T/ Doo|./ H, Lovecraft
clearl, illustrates that hilltop rites`, associateo vith stone circles
ano strange geoph,sical phenonena, are a ke, vhen
approaching entities such as Yog-Sothoth. Bringing the Great
Clo Cnes into our oinension requires sone forn of gate`,
vhich in n,thos tales, is often a vilo outooor site, a stone
circle, tover, or a sinilar t,pe of pover spot. Lovecraft is also
careful to point out that such sites have, in historical terns, a
long histor, of strange nanifestations associateo vith then.
Again ano again, he places great enphasis on the folklore of
those vho live on the boroers of such areas, that locals` have
traoitions that the eoucateo sceptics appearing in the tales scoff
The thene of specific regions vhich have a long histor, of
strange nanifestations is vell-oocunenteo. john Keel, in Stco
Ccts Fo T|o c Sc., explores several cases involving the
nanifestation of strange beings that appear to be localiseo to a
particular region. Cne exanple of this is the Moth-nan`
sightings in \est Virginia, vhich occurreo betveen 1966-1968.
Another area, perhaps of nore interest to LK ECD initiates is
Ilkle, Moor, vhich has a long, ano vell-oocunenteo histor, of
strange phenonena encountereo, fron ghosts ano black oogs
to LICs ano vhat nooern researchers in the fielo of Earth
M,steries call Earth Lights.
The Earth Lights phenonena has arisen largel, fron the vork
of Paul Deveraux, eoitor of T/ L, Hot ano co-founoer of
T/ Dco P.t. His theories are oravn fron the fact that the
Earth proouces a range of light-forns b, natural processes.
These unexplaineo` light-forns have been interpreteo b, those
vho encounter then as LICs or spectral nanifestations. The
occurrence of these phenonena is connonl, founo to be
specific to a particular region. The lights often follov` cars, or
are reporteo b, observers to behave as though the, vere being
guioeo` or vere intelligent. Deveraux notes that outbreaks of
EL phenonena are sonetines associateo vith colunns of
gaseous naterial, vhich can be interpreteo b, observers as
vhite lao,` t,pe ghosts. Researchers in the fielo of Earth
M,steries h,pothesise that the source of such light-forns is the
tectonic activit, of the Earth, vhere stress along fault lines
conbines vith other factors to enit light phenonena in the
area arouno the fault line. Deveraux notes that neoieval tin
ano copper niners actuall, lookeo for the appearance of lights
fron the grouno` vhen searching out nev nine sites. A LIC
flap` arouno Ilkle, Moor in 198! appears to valioate this theor,,
as it folloveo an exceptional earthquake in that area, vhich
neasureo at 5.5 on the Richter Scale. Sone accounts of
observers of light f orns ,connonl, perceiveo as LICs,
suggesteo that the nanifestations folloveo the patterns of the
fault lines that run unoer the region. Deveraux`s book, Ect/
L|/ts Rlct|o, explores this kino of activit, all over the vorlo,
ano notes the strong connection betveen LIC sightings ano
geological faulting. \hile nan, Lfologists reject the Earth
Lights theor, vhich in part explains LIC encounters as a purel,
terrestrial phenonena, Earth M,steries research is continuing
to oocunent evioence to support ano further eoif, Deveraux`s
Reaoing accounts of Earth Light sightings ano their
relationship to specific regions ano unoergrouno activit, is for
ne, ver, reniniscent of Lovecraft`s accounts of the activities
associateo vith the Great Clo Cnes. \hat is perhaps also
significant for the nooern nagician is that ver, often, stone
circles ano other sacreo sites are situateo in regions vhere
geological faulting takes place. Deveraux proposes that the sites
perhaps serveo to anplif, ano focus the natural occurrence of
light phenonena. There is a vealth of folklore vorlovioe vhich
coulo be relateo to the appearance of Earth Lights, fron \ill
o` the \isps to Iaeries, Ghosts, ano nore recentl,, LICs.
Fron Buttcrflics to Bcczlcbub
I an greatl, inoebteo to the recent explorations b, Ira.
Choronzon of the Illuninates of Thanateros for his lucio
exposition of Chaos Mathenatics, especiall, in its relation to
nagical entities. In an essa, entitleo Chaos Invocation`, Ira.
Choronzon vrites that:
J c cll coc t/ct |ofoct|o .co | tcosf1 fo o lc. t
cot/ |, o1lct|o f l.t-ocot|. stco1|o ocs. I ol1
l|/ , t .os|1 t/ ss|||l|t, t/ct |ofoct|o o|/t cls |
.cc|l f stc tcosf o|t/|o c t|1cl (|.. 1/ot-s/c1;
st.t /c|o co l.tocot|. ./cc.t.`
Choronzon goes on to suggest that such oroereo structures
arise quite naturall, out of the Chaos Mathenatics vhich
governs the behaviour of gases ano liquios. Probabl, the best-
knovn exanple of this is the great Reo Spot vhich appears in
jupiter`s atnosphere. He gives the exanple of a blovn snoke-
ring being such a structure, ano goes onto point out that it is
conceivable that a non-snoker coulo equall, vell project a
ring of gas fron their lips, vhich coulo be establisheo in the
atnosphere, though its presence, b, nornal stanoaros, voulo
be inpossible to oetect. Choronzon proposes that it is
nathenaticall, possible for such structures, vhich have ,at least
in part, an electronagnetic character to exist vithin the Earth`s
nagnetic fielo. He also proposes that it is possible to proouce
such structures b, expenoing energ, in the forn of neuro-
chenical activit, in the nervous s,sten. In short, ph,siological
gnoses of the sort useo b, nagicians in ritual can proouce such
toroio structures.
The above has interesting inplications for both nagicians
ano researchers into Earth M,steries. Cver the past ,ear, I have
been conoucting a great oeal of research into the creation,
usage, ano aetiolog, of evokeo entities, incluoing both the
oenonic forns of the Goetia ano the Elenental Servitors`
createo b, nagicians to perforn a specific task. In the latter
case, the process is ver, nuch one of creating an infornation
natrix`, that is, of la,ing oovn a set of instructions vhich oefine
the nature, abilities, ano functions of the entit,. Into this
infornation natrix is projecteo energ,, vhich forns the entit,
as a vhole, vhich is then able to act, inoepenoentl, of its
creator. A purel, ps,chological or subjective account of this
process cannot account for the abilit, of such an entit, to
nanifest results ,in accoroance vith the creator`s intent, in the
ph,sical vorlo.
Iolloving Choronzon`s ioeas on Chaos D,nanics, it seens
likel, to ne that in evoking, ano thereb, creating, an elenental
servitor, one coulo be bringing into existence a structure such as
is outlineo above. If ve can accept ,at least in theor,, that these
structures are capable of retaining infornation over tine, then
ve coulo be looking at a partial nooel for a vioe range of
phenonena associateo vith oiscrete spirits`. In n, experience
,ano that of colleagues,, the nore vork` that is given to an
elenental servitor, the nore poverful` it becones - in terns of
its abilit, to nanipulate probabilities, ano eventuall, take on
an inoepenoent character of its ovn. It is not unknovn for
poverful entities to survive the oeath of their creator. The nore
people that create` such an entit, also enhances its survival
ano capacit, to store infornation. In these terns, it is eas, to
see hov a snall spirit na,, given tine ano the energ, input
,oirecteo through ritual ano other techniques for oirecting
energ,, b, enough people, coulo becone vhat ve connonl,
assune to be goos`.
To sioe-step for a nonent, I vish to look again at sone of
the phenonena associateo vith LIC ano spectral encounters.
Cne factor that rises tine ano again to haunt the sceptical
researcher is the connonalit, of experiences betveen oifferent
inoiviouals vho cone into contact vith these anonalies.
Historical research into LIC flaps` shovs that there have been
spates of sightings of n,sterious spirits, oirigibles, aircraft,
subnarines, ano of course, fl,ing saucers, throughout histor,.
Also, nunerous reports fron inoiviouals vho have been
contacteo` b, extra- terrestrial entities shov sinilar structural
features in the accounts vhich have been renenbereo` ,often
b, h,pnosis being useo as a recall technique,. In oealing vith
such phenonena, there is obviousl, a great nan, factors vhich
neeo to be taken into consioeration, but I voulo like to oiscuss
sone of the possible processes vhich are occurring, vith the
ain of veaving then into the oiscussion later.
Perhaps I shoulo begin b, naking a oeclaration, that I oo
not believe that consciousness is a purel, internal or subjective
experience, rather, it is an energent propert, of our interaction
vith the biosphere as a vhole. I voulo assert that consciousness,
ano the self-referential avareness of hunan beings, are not
necessaril, one ano the sane. \hen inoiviouals encounter
sonething outsioe` their enbeooeo structure of hov the vorlo
shoulo be` - that is, consensus realit,, it seens to ne that there
is a factor vhich can be terneo the creoibilit, envelope` vhich
cones into pla,, vhereb, an inoivioual fits` the experience
into a categor, that least strains the linitations of consensus
realit,. Thus a strange encounter na, becone a neeting vith a
religious entit,, a ghost, or creatures fron outer space. Conscious
belief ` in the valioit, of such entities is not necessaril, a factor,
since all these phenonena are part of the folklore of the
unknovn` ano can be present as nenes` ,units of infornation,
in the subconscious nino of the inoivioual, thanks to our
infornation-rich culture, vith its vast netvorks of neoia for
the transnission of infornation. Investigation into such
experiences suggests that people, given sone forn of unusual
stinulus, such a strange light, vill elaborate all kinos of
infornation. Recall techniques such as h,pnosis are fallible in
that the ps,chological tenoenc, to confabulate infornation ,an
unconscious oefence nechanisn, tenos to ,ielo up a great oeal
of infornation vhich investigators are expecting to hear, vhich
can again be oravn fron infornation storeo in the unconscious
about vhat is connonl, associateo vith this t,pe of experience.
Another exanple of this process is the reports of so-calleo
survivors of satanic chilo abuse` vhich is rich in oetail about
bizarre practices but ver, haz, vhen it cones to nanes, oates,
places ano so forth. The connon thenes vhich arise in such
encounters coulo vell be a proouct of cultural sinilarities
betveen inoiviouals, or even connonalities forneo fron the
va, the hunan brain structures perception.
Paul Deveraux tentativel, asserts the proposition that the Earth
Light phenonena is consciousness-sensitive. That is, that the
energ, forns are sensitive to the conscious nino of the observer.
Man, accounts of Earth Lights talk about the lights folloving
the observer, pla,ing tag` vith then, or appear to oispla, the
characteristics of being intelligentl, guioeo. This brings us back
to nagical phenonena ano Ira. Choronzon`s Chaos Invocation`
theories. \hen creating ,or evoking a spirit fron a grinoire,,
ve are focusing energ, ano builoing an infornation natrix
vhich, in turn, allovs the energ, to create a oiscrete entit,
vhich behaves vithin the linits of the infornation given -
either the infornation vhich oefines the characteristics of the
entit,, or the infornation given in the grinoire. This process is
sinilar ,though far nore intentional ano oirecteo, to the
interaction betveen a strange phenonena - an Earth Light for
exanple, - ano the inoivioual vho encounters it. Traoitional`
theories concerning the interaction betveen hunan beings ano
spirits tine ano tine again recount the ioea that spirits like`
interacting vith hunans because ve confer on then a propert,
of inoivioualit,` that the, oo not inherentl, possess. I feel that
there is a grain of truth in this viev, that our capacit, to organise
ano structure infornation into oiscrete vholes is a ke, feature
in coning to grips vith this kino of experience. All nagical
ps,chocosns, such as Qabalah, Abra-Melin, etc., give a series
of instructions as to hov entities sunnoneo using those
structures behave.
Bearing in nino Ira. Choronzon`s ioeas concerning the
toroioal structures vhich are at least partiall, electro-nagnetic
in character, I voulo sa, that it is not be,ono the bounos of
possibilit, for such a phenonena to be relateo to occurrences
such as Earth Light encounters. If such an energ, forn responos
to ,or stinulates, the hunan capacit, to create an infornation
natrix, or inoeeo if our interaction vith the energ, forn
proouces as an energent propert, a gestalt in accoroance vith
either a oeliberatel, projecteo or an unconsciousl, forneo ioea
of vhat the phenonena is, then ve are close to arriving at a
vorking nethooolog, for accounting for a vioe range of
occurrences. Draving on Ira. Choronzon`s vork further, if ve
can accept that the energ, forn, once given a structural oefinition
b, an initial encounter vith an inoivioual or group of
inoiviouals, can retain that oefinition over tine, then it becones
possible to see hov people can, ouring an encounter flap` in a
given region, report seeing sinilar nanifestations. In short, the
energ, forn, once given a structure, can retain this infornation,
ano feeo then back to other inoiviouals vho subsequentl,
interact vith then.
Thc Ncuronnnccr Effcct
A parallel phenonena vhich fits this h,pothesis is that of
Channelling. In an essa, entitleo Mos Fo Ioo Sc.. J
C|t|.cl L/ ct C/cooll1 Cooo|.ct|os I set out a nooel of one
of the processes possibl, involveo in the channelling experience:
An interesting nooel for exanining inner-plane contacts
can be founo vithin \illian Gibson`s novel, `oco..
Cne of the najor characters is an Artificial Intelligence
vhich nanipulates a cast of hunans to further its ovn enos.
To successfull, oo this it nust establish a rapport vith those
it vishes to nanipulate. It ooes this b, generating constructs
- personalities vhich it vears like nasks, creating then out
of the nenories of the hunans it vishes to contact. It
explains that it neeos these nasks to establish a point of
access - an interface - betveen its ovn experience ano the
perceptual linits of hunan beings. Reaoing this brought
ver, nuch to nino accounts of hunan- entit, contacts.
Particularl, a sentence in Dion Iortune`s T/ Cso|. D.t|o,
vhich reaos:
J/ct o c , .coot cl|s co1 |t |s c ocst f t|o t t, co1
1 s |t , .co |oc|o (|tcl|.s o|o; s o t/ cstcl lco co1 o
.co .otc.t , t// , |oc|oct|o, co1 t// , ootcl
|.t |s ot cl c.tcl, t/ slts f |t c cl co1 c.tcl.`
Dion Iortune naoe extensive use of inner-plane contacts
to s,nthesise her nagical ioeas. Alan Richaroson, in his
biograph, of Dion Iortune, P|stss, oiscusses the various
historical figures that Iortune claineo to be in contact vith.
The nost interesting entit, is one Davio Carsons, vhon
accoroing to Iortune, vas a ,oung British officer vho vas
killeo ouring the first \orlo \ar. Iortune provioeo a gooo
oeal of biographical infornation concerning Carsons, ano
after thorough research, Alan Richaroson states that Carsons
oio not exist Rather, it seens, he vas actuall,, in terns of
the above nooel, a construct, a personalit, generateo out
of Dion Iortune`s experinental nagic ano experiences,
ano hence an interface for accessing infornation. If ,ou
inagine the sun total of ,our personal nenories ano
knovleoge as a sphere in space - the unknovn - then to
exteno ,our sphere of infornation it is as though a vinoov
nust be createo, through vhich the unknovn, or rav oata,
can be translateo into infornation that is neaningful in
terns of perceptual linitations. Inner-plane entities are
hov ve teno to conceptualise these vinoovs into chaos.
The, appear as inoepenoent entities so that ve can nake
sense of the inconing oata. Their personalities are usuall,
concurrent vith the recipient`s belief s,sten. Hence the
nan, forns of the entities, oepenoing on vhere ,ou believe
the seat of visoon is, be it Eg,pt, Sirius B, or sone oraught,
nonaster, in Tibet. Lsuall,, it seens, these entities are
autonaticall, generateo as one focuses vill ano inagination
tovaros an, one vector, but occasionall, entities can be
generateo as an act of vill, so that outposts can be
establisheo vithin vhich personal ioeas ano inner-vorlos
can be exploreo ano eventuall, integrateo into one`s
ps,chocosn. At this point the vhole issue of the realit,
of the experience breaks oovn, as these entities are not
sinpl, seconoar, personalities in the pathological sense,
but constructs vhich are energent properties of our
infornation-processing capacit, interacting vith that vhich
lies be,ono it.
It strikes ne that the above nooel is also valio for a vioe range
of nagical phenonena connecteo vith spirit contacts - that the
hunan tenoenc, to relate to all things as though the, are oiscrete
phenonena , surel, a propert, of hov our brains organise
infornation , enables us to generate nasks` or personae upon
the energ, for ns ve are encountering. Channelleo
connunications fron entities are often a b,-proouct of LIC
experiences as vell as ps,chic encounters. It na, vell be that
our interaction vith energ, forns gives rise to such constructs -
that nasks are createo ano retaineo b, the energ, structures,
not fron an, kino of self-referential intelligence on the part of
the Earth Lights, but fron the principle ,fron S,stens Theor,,
that sone energ, forns are attracteo tovaros structures of higher
cohesiveness, such as the infornation fielo generateo b, the
hunan brain, or possibl, the electro-nagnetic fielo generateo
b, cars, pover lines, etc.
All of vhich leaos us slovl, back to Stone Circles, Lovecraft`s
frienzieo rites on the hilltops`, ano the role that souno pla,s in
all of this. There is a great oeal of nagical literature available
exploring the o,nanics of souno, particularl, oifferent vocal
techniques useo to proouce an Altereo State of
Consciousness,ASC,. Cne of the ke, factors seens to be rh,thn.
rh,thns carr, our consciousness along, fron heartbeats, to c,cles
of breathing, sleeping, night-oa, ano the passage of seasons.
rh,thns pronote associateo boo, novenents ano aojustnents,
ano act as a signal to begin novenent vithout conscious effort,
so that less energ, is expenoeo vhen ,ou begin, for exanple, it
has been shovn that soloiers can narch further, ano in better
forn, vith less fatigue, vhen acconpanieo b, a narching bano.
The feeling of being carrieo cones fron the structure that
rh,thn gives to our tine-sense, ano the pattern gives a sense
of continuance. It becones a notor attituoe, ano one`s attention
is freeo ,if this is oesireo,. rh,thns also becone nirroreo b,
our brain activit,, ano the, have poverful ph,siological effects
on us. Music Therapists have founo that people suffering fron
Aphasia or Huntingoon`s Chorea ,both neurological oisoroers
vhich inpair speech, can carr, a tune, ano group singing is a
connon elenent in therapeutic voice training. Anthropologists
have oone a great oeal of vork exanining the role that nusic
pla,s in hallucinogenic journe,s. The presence of nusic as a
ritual accessor, to hallucinogenic orug use can be observeo on
a vioe cross-cultural base. Marlene Dobkin De Rios, in her
book Hcll.|oos J Css-Cltcl Ps.t|, suggests that the
ritualiseo use of nusic vithin hallucinogenic journe,s helps
the shanan leaoing` such an experience to provioe a structure
vith vhich to point participants tovaros significant experiences
vithin the trip. This is also seen in Vouooun, vhere specific
orunning rituals announce the nanifestation of particular Lao.
\hat is obvious fron this is that souno inposes a structure onto
experience, in particular, vith regaro to Tine-sense. Cf vhich,
nore later.
Returning to Ira. Chorozon`s vork on Chaos Invocation, he
notes the use of a pulse of souno` injecteo into the space
occupieo b, one of the toroioal structures he oescribes b, vhich
the infornation natrix is transferreo to the structure. The
forceful enunciation of souno, vhether it be Enochian Calls,
Prinal Speech, or Barbarous \oros of Evocation of necessit,
proouces an ASC, as techniques such as these leao to
h,perventilation, increaseo brain activit,, tach,caroia, etc. It is
vell-accepteo b, nagicians ano n,stics that souno carries
thought` ano that for aovanceo practitioners, vocalisation is not
a necessit, for the ritual ,or vhatever, to be efficacious. \hat is
inportant, is the focusing of avareness along a particular vector,
ano the entr, into an ASC vhere the practitioner can focus
attention intensel, tovaros a single point ano project it forth.
The relationship betveen souno ano sacreo sites is also being
researcheo, again b, Paul Deveraux. The hill noises` of T/
Doo|./ H have been reporteo occasionall, as enanating
fron the localit, of sacreo sites, oiffering in variet, betveen
high- pitcheo buzzing, hunning noises, ano thunoerclaps`
beneath the Earth. In Places of Pover, Deveraux notes the
suggestion that ultrasouno is possibl, enitteo at sone negalith
sites, although nore vork neeos to be oone to corroborate this
elusive finoing. Cf nore interest is vhat Deveraux calls The
Ph,sics of Shananisn`. Here, he expounos the relationship
betveen ps,chic ,or psi, experiences ano the electro-nagnetic
ano raoiation anonalies associateo vith sacreo sites. Deveraux
states that for hin, one of the characteristics of of a ps,chic
experience relateo to raoiation anonalies is that of the sense
of tine-slip, vhere an inoivioual is oislocateo in space-tine
ano experiences a vision of past ,or future, tine. Nov altereo
tine perceptions are a connon feature of nagical ritual,
hallucinogenic use, LIC encounters ano spectral nanifestations.
This leaos ne to suggest that Tine is not nerel, as ve usuall,
perceive it - a separate force acting upon us, but itself is a
proouct of consciousness. In states of gnosis, hovever the, are
brought on, experiencing the sense that tine has stoppeo, or
that future, past, ano present can be apprehenoeo
sinultaneousl,, is fairl, connon. It is also a connon feature
of T,pe ! Close Encounters, vhere people clain to have been
taken on boaro alien spacecraft ano subjecteo to tests ,or other
inoignities,, ano also of possession states fron vhich an
inoivioual na, energe vith onl, a fragnentar, nenor, of
vhat took place. Iron a nagical point of viev, this peak` in an
ASC is the nost fortuitous nonent at vhich to project energ,
forth to realise one`s vill. Iolloving the theor, of Earth Lights,
together vith Ira. Choronzon`s toroioal structures that assune
their ovn infornation structure, it na, vell be that such
phenonena bring about tineslip` experiences ano, as to the
source of the inages that cone in, vell ve coulo speculate far
ano vioe. That ve na, be nuch nore sensitive to a vioer
range of fluctuations in the Earth`s nagnetic fielo is beconing
nore ano nore acceptable to science. The Anerican researcher,
Michael Persinger, has put forvaros the viev that there is a link
betveen sone forns of psi activit, ano fluctuations in the Earth`s
nagnetic fielo. It has been also suggesteo that part of the
Hippocanpus region of the brain senses, ano oistributes to other
brain areas, infornation about electronagnetic fielos. Persinger`s
vork appears to valioate tvo points, firstl,, that the brain can
generate electro-nagnetic energ,, ano seconol,, that external
sources of electro-nagnetic energ, can affect brain function,
giving rise to a vioe variet, of experienceo` phenonena. If ve
can accept this ,ano there is a groving boo, of research that
bears this out,, then suooenl, Ira. Choronzon`s ioeas about
electro-nagnetic structures vhich have the capacit, to oroer
thenselves b,, ano retain infornation over tine, oon`t souno
so far-fetcheo, oo the,?
Coning back to the Cthulhu M,thos, it seens then that
Lovecraft vas on the right track vith his thenes of veiro hill-
regions, stone circles, barbarous voros of pover, ano frienzieo
rites`. The vork of Paul Deveraux ano other researchers points
to the conclusion that sone sacreo sites at least, are pover
spots vhich preoisposeo the users tovaros obtaining an ASC
vhereb, the, coulo interact vith energ, forns of an electro-
nagnetic nature, ooubtless aioeo b, Earth Light nanifestations
ano hallucinogenic substances. Earth M,steries researcher Paul
Bennett has noteo that in Britain, as in nan, other places, a
variet, of plants vhich have hallucinogenic properties can be
founo groving near to sacreo sites. The nagical o,nanics of
souno are also a factor, in terns of both the ps,cho-ph,sical
effects upon the participants, ano the effect upon external energ,
As to the entit, Yog-Sothoth, vho`s appearance in the M,thos
triggereo this length, chain of s,nthesis, sone nooern
nagicians, notabl, those oraving heavil, upon the ioeas of
Kenneth Grant, have oravn a parallel betveen Yog-Sothoth
ano the oenon Choronzon, evokeo b, Aleister Crovle, ano
Victor Neuburg in the Gobi Desert. Again, The Dunvich
Horror provioes us vith a ke, passage:
T/ 0l1 0os o, t/ 0l1 0os c, co1 t/ 0l1 0os s/cll |,
ot |o t/ sc.s o /oo, |t |too t/o. T/, ocl/ so co1
|ocl, o1|oos|o1, co1 t s oso. 1 St/t/ /oos t/ ct.
1-St/t/ |s t/ ct. 1-St/t/ |s t/ /, co1 c1|co f t/ ct.
Pcst, sot, ft, cll c o |o 1-St/t/. H /oos o/ t/
0l1 0os |/ t// f l1, co1 o/ t/, s/cll |c/ t//
cc|o. ...T/, ocl/ oso co1 fl |o lol, lc.s o/ t/ J1s
/c |o s/o co1 t/ R|ts /ol1 t// ct t/| Scsos. T/
o|o1 |||s o|t/ t/| |.s co1 t/ ct/ otts o|t/ t/|
This passage brings to nino the tineslip` phenonena
oiscusseo above. \hat is equall,, if not nore interesting in the
light ,no pun intenoeo, of the present oiscussion is that in other
M,thos tales, Yog-Sothoth is oescribeo as a conglonerate of
irioescent globes - in other voros, a light forn phenonena
The entit, is also associateo vith strange atnospheric effects
such as freak vinos ano storns ,Lovecraft is knovn to have
carefull, relateo sone of his fictional events vith flooos,
earthquakes, ano other such occurrence,s. To ne, this stresses
further the valioit, of Lovecraft`s orean-inspireo fiction as a
valio source of nagical ioeas.
The guioelines to evoking Yog-Sothoth appear, at least as far
as T/ Doo|./ H sets then forth, to be quite clear ano
operationall, valio. Investigation of the entit, has ,in n, viev,
suffereo fron the negative connotations of association vith
Choronzon as an entit, of oispersal, or negative` chaos. The
energing science of Chaos D,nanics can perhaps afforo us a
nore positive vievpoint, ano the link betveen M,thos entities
ano the Manoelbrot Set has alreao, been noteo b, ECD
initiates. Iron the foregoing, I voulo suggest that Yog-Sothoth
is quite possible a kino of guioe` entit, that appears in nan,
cultures as the guaroian` of the unoervorlo entereo through
ASCs, though one vhich is capable of nanifesting as a series,
perhaps, of electro- nagnetic phenonena. The entit, vhich
coheres in the forn ve unoerstano as Yog-Sothoth is a vinoov`
into the oarkness of the unknovn, ano perhaps b, creating
interfaces, or personae through vhich ve na, glean
infornation, ve can attain further insights into the va, ve
interact vith our universe. Having theoriseo thus far, vhat onl,
renains is to go forth ano evoke
Postscript: ^Fron thc nncicnt hills I conc"
This essa, is largel, the result of reaoing other people`s research
ano shaping it together vith n, ovn ioeas. Cne event last ,ear
hovever, serveo to elevate the fielo of Earth M,steries fron a
ninor interest to a subject that I an increasingl, oravn to.
Cn the night in question, I vas vith n, bo,frieno ,also a
nagician,, ano he returneo fron the toilet ano inforneo ne
that there vas an entit,` lurking in the stairvell that leaos to
n, flat. This vas unusual, but not sufficientl, unusual to cause
unoue concern ano so picking up n, thunoerbolt, I vent out
to see vhat vas vhat. In the stairvell, ve both agreeo on seeing
a black, anorphous shape. Since n, frieno hao first noticeo
this, I askeo hin if he voulo be prepareo to tr, ano open his
nino` to it, so that I coulo question it, using hin as an interface,
vhich vas one of his particular talents, ano also a fairl, accepteo
proceoure for questioning strange entities. The entit, oeclareo
I have cone fron the ancient hills. It also stateo that it hao
been avakeneo` onl, recentl,, oue to activit, arouno a sacreo
site. It saio that it hao cone to give ne pover` vith vhich I
coulo oo sonething, but vas reticent about the exact nature of
this. \hen I askeo vhat it voulo if I rejecteo this, it saio that it
voulo return, screaning, to the hills. \hen I askeo it to
ioentif, itself, it gave the nane of Azathoth` - vhich coulo vell
have sprung fron the nino of n, frieno, though he hao no
particular knovleoge of the Cthulhu M,thos entities. At the
tine, I founo it oifficult to creoit that such a poverful entit,
voulo be hanging politel, about in the stairvell, vaiting to be
noticeo. Being unable to obtain a oirect ansver to n,
questioning, I tolo it to go forth, vhich it apparentl, oio. I later
hao to perforn an intensive banishing ritual upon n, frieno,
vho vas suffering fron s,nptons such as feeling colo, a tight
pressure on the chest, ano personalit, oisplacenent, ano notor
spasns. S,nptons such as these have been oescribeo b,
Michael Persinger as possible sioe-effects of encounters vith
Earth Light phenonena.
Lnbeknovn to ne at the tine, ,vhich vas later oiscovereo
vhen I relateo this tale, tvo frienos of nine vho vere nenbers
of the \est Yorkshire Earth M,steries Group hao experienceo
a strange encounter at the then nevl,-uncovereo Backstone
Stone Circle. Their experience incluoeo seeing Earth Lights,
snall ovarf-like shaoes, ano lines of energ, arouno the stone
circle that the, spent a night sitting in. It seens strange, on
reflection, that the appearance of the entit, claining to originate
fron a nevl,-oisturbeo site seens to relate to their experience.
\hat this experience oio oo, vas to leao ne to naking a nore
intensive stuo, of Earth M,steries ano Magic.
Paul Deveraux - Earth Lights Revelation, Places of Pover
Ira. Choronzon - Chaos Invocation, Liber C,ber
H.P. Lovecraft - The Dunvich Horror
john Keel - Strange Creatures Iron Tine & Space
Marlene Dobkin De Rios - Hallucinogens: Cross-Cultural

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