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Sodium Bicarbonate

Lessons in Cancer and General pH Management (and other papers)

International Medical Veritas Association [IMVA
A Medical news commentaries internet posting of 2007 April 3 by Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD Director of
the International Medical Veritas Association. Email: .Wesites:
htt!:"" htt!:""$
Medical ne#s commentaries mailin$ list :
IM'O()A*) DIS+,AIME(: )he communication in this document is intended for informational
!ur!oses onl-. *othin$ in this document is intended to e a sustitute for !rofessional medical advice.
16. Addenda: the additional 3 articles:
16.1. Is Cancer Caused by the Candida Fungus? Interview with Doctor Tullio
16.". Cancer and Fungus: A #ath o$ #ersonal %esearch
16.3. elective Arteriogra&hy
1'. A (edical news co!!entaries internet $ollow u& &ost on "))' August 11:
1. Introduction
Most of us are $oin$ to e sur!rised to find out that there is an oncolo$ist in (ome Ital-, !r"
#ullio Simoncini, destro-in$ cancer tumors #ith sodium icaronate..i/ *see article 01.0 elo#/
Sodium icaronate is safe, e2tremel- ine2!ensive and unsto!!al- effective #hen it comes to
cancer tissues. It3s an irresistile chemical, c-anide to cancer cells for it hits the cancer cells
#ith a shock #ave of alkalinit-, #hich allo#s much more o2-$en into the cancer cells than the-
can tolerate. +ancer cells cannot survive in the !resence of hi$h levels of o2-$en. Sodium
icaronate is, for all intent and !ur!oses, an instant killer of tumors. 4ull treatment takes onl-
da-s, as does another cancer treatment that heats the cancer cells #ith laser $enerated heat. 5At
conclusion see cominin$ !6 shift #ith heat.7 ee Tullio i!oncini+s websites
htt&:,,www.cancer$!, and htt&:,,,
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 0
!r" #ullio Simoncini,
2. The extracellular (interstitial) pH (pHe) of solid tumours is
significantly more acidic compared to normal tissues. [ii]
Case one$ A !atient dia$nosed #ith !ulmonar- neo!lasm of the lun$, under#ent treatment #ith
sodium icaronate, efore sumittin$ to sur$er- to remove !art of the lun$. )reatment consisted of
sodium icaronate administered orall-, - aerosol, and IV. After first treatment reduction of nodules
and asor!tion #as evident, and after 8 months #as no lon$er visile at all. )reatments also reduced
si%e of the liver and results #ere confirmed - oth 9:ra- and +A) scan.
Studies have sho#n ho# mani!ulation of tumour !6 #ith sodium icaronate enhances some forms of
chemothera!-..iii/ 'roteins can e modified oth in vivo and in vitro - increases in acidit-. In fact !6
is the re$ulator- authorit- that controls most cellular !rocesses. )he !6 alance of the human
loodstream is reco$ni%ed - medical !h-siolo$- te2ts as one of the most im!ortant iochemical
alances in all of human od- chemistr-. !6 is the acron-m for ;'otential 6-dro$en;. In definition, it
is the de$ree of concentration of h-dro$en ions in a sustance or solution. It is measured on a
lo$arithmic scale from < to 0=. 6i$her numers mean a sustance is more alkaline in nature and there
is a $reater !otential for asorin$ more h-dro$en ions. ,o#er numers indicate more acidit- #ith less
!otential for asorin$ h-dro$en ions.
Our od- !6 is ver- im!ortant ecause !6 controls the s!eed of our od->s iochemical reactions. It
does this - controllin$ the s!eed of en%-me activit- as #ell as the s!eed that electricit- moves
throu$h our od-. )he hi$her 5more alkaline7 the !6 of a sustance or solution, the more electrical
resistance that sustance or solution holds. )herefore, electricit- travels slo#er #ith hi$her !6. If #e
sa- somethin$ has an acid !6, #e are sa-in$ it is hot and fast. Alkaline !6 on the other hand,
iochemicall- s!eakin$, is slow and cool.
3. Cancer tissues have a much higher concentration of toxic chemicals
pesticides etc then do healthy tissues.
In 0?@A, a stud- conducted - the De!artment of Occu!ational 6ealth at 6ere# Bniversit-:6adassah
Medical School in Cerusalem found that #hen cancerous reast tissue is com!ared #ith non:cancerous
tissue from else#here in the same #oman>s od-, the concentration of to2ic chemicals such as DD)
and '+Ds #as ;much increased in the mali$nant tissue com!ared to the normal reast and adEacent
adi!ose tissue.;.iv/ )his should sa- somethin$ to the oncolo$ists of the #orld aout chemical
etiolo$ies that are $oin$ undia$nosed and untreated.
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 F
'art of an- successful cancer treatment includes chelation and deto2ification of heav- metals and a
host of to2ic chemicals, #hich are all invadin$ our odies3 ever-da-. It is literall- rainin$ mercur-,
uranium contamination is increasin$, lead #e are discoverin$ is even more to2ic than an-one ever
elieved and is even in the read that #e eat, arsenic is in our chicken, the $overnment still #ants -ou
to $et -our -earl- mercur- flu shot, dentists of course are still usin$ hundreds of tons of mercur-
e2!osin$ !atients to internali%ed to2ic #aste dum!s 5mercur- va!ors from hell7, fluoride is still !ut in
the #ater and chlorine is reathed in most sho#ers. )his Eust covers a small slice of the to2ic disaster
that is the hallmark of life in the F0st centur-. Dut oncolo$ists have Eust not een ale to understand
that cancer !atients are sufferin$ from !oisonin$ on a massive scale #ith all the chemicals scientists
have alread- estalished cause cancer. [PW Warren comment: A safe and simple way to eliminate
chemical toxins from the body involves using Liquid purified colloidal Zeolite drops clinoptilolite!
called "atural #ellular $efense "#$!% "#$ is the most efficient way to &'()*' chemical toxins%
Lots of information on toxins and "#$ is available on my website: http:++www%&',protocol%net- or go
to http:++my%waiora%com+home%php./01232 for information%4
)he IMVA .International Medical Veritas Association/ recommends alkaline foods and sodium
icaronate so that the !6 of the lood remains hi$h, #hich in turn means that the lood is ca!ale of
carr-in$ more o2-$en. )his in turn kee!s ever- cell in the od- at !eak efficienc- and hel!s the cell
eliminate #aste !roducts. Deto2ification and chelation #ill !roceed more easil- and safel- under
sli$htl- alkaline conditions. Increased urinar- !6 reduces o2idative inEur- in the kidne- so it ehooves
us to #ork clinicall- #ith icaronate.
Patients receiving sodium bicarbonate achieved urine p5s of 6%1 as
opposed to 1%6 with those receiving sodium chloride% 7his al8alini9ation is
theori9ed to have a protective effect against the formation of free:radicals
that may cause nephropathy% [v4
$r% (ichael (etro
Dod- !6 level chan$es are intense in the !rofundit- of their iolo$ical effects. Even $enes directl-
e2!erience e2ternal !6. !6 differentiall- re$ulates a lar$e numer of !roteins. Increased o2idative
stress, #hich correlates almost e2!onentiall- #ith !6 chan$es into the acidic, is es!eciall- dan$erous
to the mitochondria, #hich suffer the $reatest under o2idative duress. E!i$enetics, #hich ma- no#
have e$un ecli!sin$ traditional $enetics, commonl- descries ho# factors such as diet and smokin$,
rather than inheritance influence ho# $enes ehave.
7he great advantage of 8nowing the prime cause of a disease is that it can
then be attac8ed logically and over a broad front% $r% )tto Warburg
Dr. Otto Warur$, t#o times *oel 'ri%e #inner, stated in his ook, 7he (etabolism of 7umors that
the !rimar- cause of cancer #as the re!lacement of o2-$en in the res!irator- cell chemistr- - the
fermentation of su$ar. )he $ro#th of cancer cells is initiated - a fermentation !rocess, #hich can e
tri$$ered onl- in the asence of o2-$en at the cell level. What Warur$ #as descriin$ #as a classic
!icture of acidic conditions. Cust like over#orked muscle cells manufacture lactic acid -:!roducts as
#aste, cancerous cells s!ill lactic acid and other acidic com!ounds causin$ acid !6.
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 A
After #e Eust sa# ho# im!ortant sulfur is in human health and ho# useful a asic chemical like
sodium thiosulfate can e, #e no# $et a crash course in the !o#er of sodium icaronate and the act
of instantl- turnin$ cancer cells alkaline. Mi$ht as #ell shoot a $uided cruise missile at them : so
effective, safe, Guick and !recise is sodium icaronate, ine2!ensive as #ell. Cust a fe# !ennies a da-
of it #ill kee! cancer further a#a-, kee!in$ it at arms len$th from ourselves, !atients and loved ones. It
is somethin$ #e can use to treat our #ater #ith as #ell, e2cellent to !ut in distilled or reverse osmosis
#ater or an- #ater for that matter.
A true understandin$ of cancer is im!ossile #ithout understandin$ #h- some tissues in the od- are
deficient in o2-$en and therefore !rone to cancer. +ancerous tissues are acidic, #hereas health- tissues
are alkaline. Water 56FO7 decom!oses into 6H and O6:. When a solution contains more 6H than O6:
then it is said to e acid. When it contains more O6: than 6H then it is said to e alkaline. When
o2-$en enters an acid solution it can comine #ith 6H ions to form #ater. O2-$en hel!s to neutrali%e
the acid, #hile at the same time the acid !revents o2-$en from reachin$ the tissues that need it. Acidic
tissues are devoid of free o2-$en. An alkaline solution is Eust the reverse. )#o h-dro2-l ions 5O6:7
can comine to !roduce one #ater molecule and one o2-$en atom. In other #ords, an alkaline solution
can !rovide o2-$en to the tissues.
7he p5 scale goes from 2 to ;/ with 0 being neutral% ,elow 0 is acid and
above 0 is al8aline% 7he blood- lymph and cerebral spinal fluid in the
human body are designed to be slightly al8aline at a p5 of 0%/%
At a !6 sli$htl- aove @.= cancer cells ecome dormant and at !6 8.I cancer cells #ill die #hile
health- cells #ill live. )his has $iven rise to a variet- of treatments ased on increasin$ the alkalinit-
of the tissues such as ve$etarian diet, the drinkin$ of fresh fruit and ve$etale Euices, and dietar-
su!!lementation #ith alkaline minerals such as calcium, !otassium, ma$nesium, cesium and ruidium.
Dut nothin$ can com!are to the instant alkalini%in$ !o#er of sodium icaronate for safe and effective
treatment of cancer.
Ma$nesium chloride or sulfates are e2cellent emer$enc- medicines and asic chemicals, nutritional in
natureJ sodium icaronate is a nutritional medicine meanin$ it cannot and #ill not end u! controlled
- +ODE9. )o control icaronate the- #ould have to demand mothers sto! makin$ cake #ith it. %e
might thus identi&' sodium bicarbonate as an emergenc' medicine &or cancer #ith the aove
su!!ortin$ a!!roaches #orkin$ on roader levels to hel! overall !h-siolo$- chan$e to a de$ree #here
od- chemistr- is unfavorale for ne# cancer $ro#th.
+ancer seems to $ro# slo#l- in a hi$hl- acid environment 5ecause the acids cause it to !artiall-
destro- itself7 and ma- actuall- $ro# more Guickl- as -our od- ecomes more alkaline !rior to
reachin$ the health- !6 sli$htl- aove @.= #here the cancer ecomes dormant. )herefore it is
im!ortant to $et !6 aove @.= Guickl-. Once one has achieved a !6 aove @.=, it is useful to monitor
saliva !6 re$ularl- to ensure that the od- remains sufficientl- alkaline.
'arlier and more frequent use of sodium bicarbonate was associated with
higher early resuscitability rates and with better long:term neurological
outcome% <odium bicarbonate is beneficial during #P&%[vi4
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 =
)he thera!eutic treatment of icaronate salts can e administered orall-, throu$h aerosol,
intravenousl- and throu$h catheter for direct tar$etin$ of tumors.K All of Dr. )ullio Simoncini>s
. htt!:"""/ treatments #ith sodium icaronate are directed as s!ecificall-
as !ossile to the or$ans involved, for e2am!le, va$inall- as #ell as adominall- into the !eritoneal
s!ace for cervical cancer, throu$h the he!atic arter- for liver cancer in order to $et the solution as close
to the affected area as !ossile. Sodium icaronate administered orall-, via aerosol or intravenousl-
can achieve !ositive results in most tumors, includin$ the rain, #hile others, such as the serious ones
of the ones can remain unaffected. Dr. Simoncini, #ith the hel! of interventionist radiolo$ists #as
ale to reach those areas of the od- that had !reviousl- een inaccessile. )his #as achieved throu$h
!ositionin$ a!!ro!riate catheters either in cavities for !eritoneum and !leura, or in arteries to reach
other or$ans..vii/
7he most effective measure to treat &7:induced mucositis in patientsv with
head and nec8 cancer is frequent oral rinsing with a sodium bicarbonate
rinse- to reduce the amount of oral microbial flora%[viii4
Case t(o$ A nine:-ear:old child is hos!itali%ed and dia$nosed #ith E#in$3s Sarcoma on the ri$ht
humerus. Des!ite several chemothera!- c-cles sur$er- removed the humeral one. Lro#th of three
tumor masses continued des!ite continued efforts to sto! !ro$ression. Sodium icaronate salts
treatment #ere then started administered - catheter into the ri$ht su:clavian arter- in order to
administer the salts 5!hleocl-sis of I<< cc at five !er cent7 directl- on the tumoral masses. Of the A
masses sho#n - the sco$ra!hic scan of Ma- @, F<<0, #hose si%e is res!ectivel-:
a. 1,I cm
. =,= cm
c. F,= cm
After the sodium icaronate salts treatment onl- one tumor #as left, #ith a si%e of onl- 0.I cm, #hich
is most likel- residual scarrin$, as sho#n - the echo$ra!h- of Se!temer 0<, F<<0.
Sodium icaronate inEection is also indicated in the treatment of metaolic acidosis #hich ma- occur
in severe renal disease, uncontrolled diaetes, and circulator- insufficienc- due to shock or severe
deh-dration, e2tracor!oreal circulation of lood, cardiac arrest and severe !rimar- lactic acidosis.
Sodium icaronate is further indicated in the treatment of dru$ into2ications, includin$ ariturates.
Sodium caronate has een found effective in treatin$ !oisonin$ or overdose from man- chemicals and
!harmaceutical dru$s - negating the cardioto)ic and neuroto)ic e&&ects" [ix4
!. "odium #icar#onate is useful in treating neurological disorders in
Mno#led$e of sodium icaronate is im!ortant for !arents ecause the rate of childhood cancer is
$ro#in$ e2!onentiall-. Dut !arents #ho resist the radiation urnin$, cuttin$ and the lethal chemicals
are re$ularl- hauled efore the courts onl- to have their children taken a#a- from them. Oncolo$ists
are increasin$l- resortin$ to the Eustice s-stem to have children made #ards of the courts #ho then turn
them over to medicall- irres!onsile !ractitioners. It is ine2cusale se!aratin$ a child from his mother
and father in the middle of a medical crisis. Addin$ to the stress - tormentin$ !atients3 hearts and
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 I
souls has nothin$ to do #ith safe or effective medicine. )he naked truth is doctors and medical
institutions have not earned the necessar- trust for this level of intervention in !eo!le3s lives. With
!atient safet- sli!!in$ -ear - -ear,.2/ children are not safe in hos!itals, much less so if forced at
$un!oint from their !arents emrace.
An extremely simple therapy used by physicians who treat autism is to
supply a mild antidote that neutrali9es the excess acids% 7he most
convenient product is a nonprescription drug called Al8a<elt9er =old>%
$o not use any other 8ind of Al8a<elt9er>% Al8a<elt9er =old> is simply a
very safe product sodium and potassium bicarbonate! that helps to
neutrali9e excess acids of any 8ind% $r% William <haw- Diolo$ical
)reatments for Autism and 'DD
One mother #rote, NIt #orked so #ell for oth of m- children that the die:off #as an uneventful
e2!erience, even thou$h the- oth had ver- hi$h levels of -east.K )he restorin$ of acid"alkaline
alance also relieves man- aller$ies. N)hese children also had $rave disturances in electrol-te
chemistr-, and tended to e acidotic 5lo# +O7. )he data that unfolded #as fascinatin$ and clearl-
earmarked the acidosis and h-!o2ic state 5lo# serum icaronate O lo# OF levels7. 'otassium
icaronate, sodium icaronate, ma$nesium caronate and the like #ere used. *o# #e e$an to
understand #h- so man- children res!onded to Duffered + 5!otassium icaronate, calcium caronate,
ma$nesium caronate7, and others needed a more s!ecific uffer 5in some children for e2am!le niacin
#as $rossl- de!leted and the- reGuired niacin icaronate7,K #rote 'atricia Mane.
$. The acid%al&aline #alance is one of the most overloo&ed aspects of
health though many have 'ritten much a#out it. In general the (merican
pu#lic is heavily acid excepting vegetarians.
Case three$ A 1F:-ear:old !atient under$oes sur$er- in Decemer 0??8 for endometrial
adenocarcinoma, follo#ed - successive c-cles of radiothera!- and anti:hormone thera!-. )here then
follo#ed the thickenin$ of the !eritoneum and the $ro#th of several l-m!h nodes due to carcinosisJ
from the clinical !oint of vie#, the !atient3s condition deca-ed #ith the !resence of e2haustion, $eneral
s#ellin$, intestinal meteorism, irre$ularit- of evacuation, stead- feelin$ of heaviness and lood
!ressure instailit-. )reatment #ith a IP sodium icaronate solution administered alternatel- thru an
endo!eritoneal catheter and via IV sho#ed ra!id im!rovement to a normal condition of health. A final
+A) scan confirms the re$ression of the !eritoneal carcinosis and a staili%ation of the si%e of the
l-m!h nodes #hen com!ared to the !recedin$ -ear.
7he 8idneys are usually the first organs to show chemical damage upon uranium exposure% (ilitary
manuals suggest doses or infusions of sodium bicarbonate to help al8alini9e the urine if this happens%
7his ma8es the uranyl ion less 8idney:toxic and promotes excretion of the nontoxic uranium:carbonate
complex% 7he oral administration of sodium bicarbonate diminishes the severity of the changes
produced by uranium in the 8idneys%[xi4
Case &our$ A =<:-ear:old !atient under#ent sur$ical intervention 5left radical mastectom-7 for
mammarian carcinoma seven months earlier. After three months of chemothera!-, the !atient is
affected -: Ndiffused !ulmonar- and he!atic metastasisJ one metastasis !articularl- to the fifth and
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 1
si2th lumar verterae, #ith invasion and com!ression of the medullar channel, #hich is causin$
e2treme !ain #hich makes the !atient unres!onsive to an- treatment.K All !ain su!!ressant dru$s Q
mor!hine included Q are totall- ineffective and the !atient is totall- !rostrate even unale to slee!.
Delievin$ that fun$al colonies amassed in the medullar channel #ill res!ond to administration of
sodium icaronate salts, lumar inEections are e$un.
!r #ullio Simoncini recounts: NAs I administer it - slo#l- inEectin$ I< cc of sodium icaronate
solution at 8.= P, the !atient tosses and #ith a thread of a voice confesses to me that she has sle!t onl-
t#o hours in the last #eek. E2hausted, she #his!ers to me: >If onl- I could slee! half an hour toni$ht.>
Dut the da- after, she calls me on the !hone and sa-s: >I have sle!t all ni$ht.> After t#o more lumar
inEections of the icaronate salts in the ne2t month, the !ain disa!!eared com!letel-. Ma$netic
(esonance ima$in$ re!orts !erformed efore and after treatment #ere defined - hos!ital head of the
radiolo$- de!artment as >shockin$.>;
). *eneral information on "odium +icar#onate
Sodium icaronate is the chemical com!ound #ith the formula *a6+OA. Sodium icaronate 5akin$
soda7 is commonl- used as an antacid for short:term relief of stomach u!set, to correct acidosis in
kidne- disorders, to make the urine alkaline durin$ ladder infections and to minimi%e uric acid
cr-stalli%ation durin$ $out treatment. 'rescri!tion sodium icaronate !roducts are $iven - inEection
to treat metaolic acidosis and some dru$ into2ications. Sodium icaronate is availale as a
non!rescri!tion medical as #ell as a $eneral house hold item. It is also used #ith other non:!rescri!tion
dru$s for short:term treatment of various conditions to treat an-thin$ from fever to moderate !ain.
,. "odium #icar#onate possesses the property of a#sor#ing heavy metals
dioxins and furans. Comparison of cancer tissue 'ith healthy tissue from
the same person sho's that the cancer tissue has a much higher
concentration of toxic chemicals pesticides etc.
Sodium icaronate neutrali%es acids !resent in $ases 5in !articular h-drochloric acid, su!hur dio2ide,
h-drofluoric acid7 to form sodium salts 5sodium chloride, sodium sul!hate, sodium fluoride, sodium
caronate7, #hich are all kno#n as (esidual Sodium +hemicals. Sodium icaronate can e made into
a !aste salve #ith vine$ar, it relieves urnin$ from u$ stin$s 5!articularl- ee stin$s7, !oison iv-,
nettles, and sunurn. It is used as an antacid to treat acid indi$estion and hearturn. Mi2ed #ith #ater
in a 0<P solution can soften ear#a2 for removal.
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 @
<ubstituting a sodium bicarbonate solution for saline infusion prior to
administration of radiocontrast material seems to reduce the incidence of
nephropathy%[xii4 $r% 7homas P% ?ennedy American Medical Association
Decause sodium icaronate has lon$ een kno#n and is #idel- used, it has man- other names
includin$ sodium h-dro$en caronate, sodium icar, akin$ soda, read soda, cookin$ soda, icar
soda, saleratus or icaronate of soda. It is solule in #ater. )his #hite solid is cr-stalline ut often
a!!ears as a fine !o#der. It has a sli$ht alkaline taste resemlin$ that of sodium caronate. It is a
com!onent of the mineral natron and is found dissolved in man- mineral s!rin$s. It is also !roduced
artificiall-. World #ide !roduction is on the scale of 0<<,<<< ton"-ear. Sodium icaronate is !rimaril-
used in cookin$ 5akin$7 #here it reacts #ith other com!onents to release caron dio2ide, that hel!s
dou$h ;rise.;
It is commonl- used to increase the !6 and total alkalinit- of the #ater for !ools and s!as. Sodium
icaronate can e added as a sim!le solution for restorin$ the !6 alance of #ater that has a hi$h level
of chlorine. It is sometimes used in se!tic tanks to control !6 and acteria.
<odium bicarbonate:rich mineral water in con@unction with a low:salt diet
may have a beneficial effect on calcium homeostasis%[xiii4
Distilled #ater is not safe, it lacks icaronates and minerals and -es, it is acid formin$ to the od-.
Ret it is an e2cellent aid in deto2ification and chelation for its !urit- !ulls on to2icities in the od-.
'art of the reason #h- our od- is acid is that it lacks enou$h icaronate necessar- to neutrali%e the
acid. Whenever the #ater lacks the !ro!er icaronates to neutrali%e the #ater in distilled #ater -our
od- asicall- ecomes a little more acid. Dut #e can easil- treat distilled or reverse osmosis #ater -
addin$ icaronate and ma$nesium and !erha!s even some sodium thiosulfate. 5)he art and science of
#ater treatment #ill e covered in #he %aters o& Li&e, another IMVA !ulication due out later this
-ear. )he conscious use of #ater favoral- increases medical outcomes, often it even determines the
!ro$nosis. Rou cannot se!arate out h-dration from !6. Deh-dration #ould certainl- !ush the od-
to#ard acidit-.7
-. pH of the #lood is the most important factor to determine the state of
the microorganisms in the #lood.
)he native chemical and !h-sical !ro!erties of sodium icaronate account for its #ide ran$e of
a!!lications, includin$ cleanin$, deodori%in$, ufferin$, and fire e2tin$uishin$. Sodium icaronate
neutrali%es odors chemicall-, rather than maskin$ or asorin$ them. +onseGuentl-, it is used in ath
salts and deodorant od- !o#ders. Sodium icaronate tends to maintain a !6 of 8.0 5@ is neutral7
even #hen acids, #hich lo#er !6, or ases, #hich raise !6, are added to the solution. Its ailit- to
staili%e makes it a $ood effervescent in$redient in antacids and denture cleanin$ !roducts. Sodium
icaronate is also found in some anti:!laGue mouth#ash !roducts and tooth!aste.
Sodium icaronate also is indicated in severe diarrhea #hich is often accom!anied - a si$nificant
loss of icaronate. Vi$orous icaronate thera!- is reGuired in an- form of metaolic acidosis #here
a ra!id increase in !lasma total +OF content is crucial e.$. cardiac arrest, circulator- insufficienc- due
to shock or severe deh-dration , and in severe !rimar- lactic acidosis or severe diaetic acidosis.
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 8
Sodium Dicaronate InEection, BS' is administered - the intravenous route. In cardiac arrest, a ra!id
intravenous dose of one to t#o I< m, vials 5==.1 to 0<< mEG7 ma- e $iven initiall- and continued at
a rate of I< m, 5==.1 to I< mEG7 ever- I to 0< minutes if necessar- 5as indicated - arterial !6 and
lood $as monitorin$7 to reverse the acidosis. +aution should e oserved in emer$encies #here ver-
ra!id infusion of lar$e Guantities of icaronate is indicated. Dicaronate solutions are h-!ertonic and
ma- !roduce an undesirale rise in !lasma sodium concentration in the !rocess. of correctin$ the
metaolic acidosis. In cardiac arrest, ho#ever, the risks from acidosis e2ceed those of h-!ernatremia.
In the current s-stem, if a !romisin$ com!ound can3t e !atented, it is hi$hl- unlikel- ever to make it
to market S no matter ho# #ell it !erforms in the laorator- or in emer$enc- room situations. )he
hormone melatonin,.2iv/ sold as an ine2!ensive food su!!lement in the Bnited States, has re!eatedl-
een sho#n to slo# the $ro#th of various cancers #hen used in conEunction #ith conventional
treatments. Dr. 'aolo ,issoni, another Italian oncolo$ist has #ritten man- articles aout this hormone
and conducted clinical trials. Dut he has des!aired over the !harmaceutical industr-3s total lack of
interest in his treatment a!!roach.
We need a ne# a!!roach to fi$ht cancer, one that #ill #ork safel- and effectivel- since the maEorit- of
us are no# destined to have to suffer throu$h cancer at one !oint or another in our lives. )he situation
in the field of oncolo$- is horrendous and in the area of childhood oncolo$- the- have earned their
!lace in the ook 7he 7error of Pediatric (edicine, 5#hich one can do#nload as a free e:ook
htt!:"""ooks.shtml .7
Most !eo!le toda- crin$e at the idea of findin$ a cancer then slashin$, urnin$ and !oisonin$ it to
smithereens. Most #ould a$ree that the mainstream cancer a!!roach offers onl- mar$inal enefits at
est, and !roviders !ush screenin$ and a$$ressive treatment in !art ecause the- have nothin$ else to
$ive, and also ecause it3s ver- !rofitale.
9. If the bodys cellular metabolism and pH is balanced it is susceptible to
little illness or disease.
Since 0?@0, #hen 'resident *i2on declared #ar on cancer, the ud$et of the *ational +ancer Institute
has increased to T=.8 illion from half a illion and cancer rates are still $oin$ u!. 4or most of the !ast
half:centur-, medical treatment of invasive tumors like those of the reast and colon has relied mainl-
on dru$s, radiation or oth, in effect car!et:omin$ the D*A of cancer cells. )hese hi$hl- to2ic
treatments do not address the root causes of cancer and are e2tremel- dan$erous medical a!!roaches
involvin$ the hi$hest risks.
1.. The great variety of cancers must reflect a fundamental mechanism #y
'hich the disease arises one that has not #een so clearly apparent until
)hou$h allo!athic medicine alread- uses sodium icaronate it #ill not an- da- soon turn to its o#n
arsenal of alread- availale safe and ine2!ensive medications like sodium icaronate or ma$nesium
chloride. )he medical industrial com!le2 seems un#illin$ to chan$e its vie#s on cancer so !atients
#ill need to Guietl- ask their doctors for intravenous icaronate #ithout s!ecif-in$ it as a sustance
the- #ant to use to cure their cancer. It #ill e easier to find someone if one a!!roaches #ith a need to
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 ?
treat acidic conditions than the actual cancer. 4e# doctors are #illin$ to risk their licenses so it is
etter not to !ut them in an uncomfortale situation that the- cannot control.
11. The closer the pH is to ,.3$ / ,.!$ the higher our level of health and
'ell #eing and our a#ility to resist states of disease.
Sadl- this does not address the need for the use of catheters #hich tar$et tumors more directl- thus
!ushin$ us to#ard a more com!lete !rotocol that #ill tar$et cancer in a more $eneral and
com!rehensive #a-. )his needs to e done an-#a- ecause killin$ the tumor #ith a rush of alkalinit-
that !rovokes an o2-$en rush into the cells #ill not !revent the condition from reoccurrin$. )hou$h #e
can think that acidit- is a asic cause of cancer, a more asic cause is addressed #hen #e look at #hat
leads to the acidic conditions that are so !revalent in our odies toda-.
12. "odium #icar#onate is an anti/fungin su#stance that is very diffusi#le
and thus very effective.
!r #ullio Simoncini sa's* NIt is useful to consider the e2treme sensitivit- of fun$i to saline and
electrol-tic solutions. )hese solutions, ecause of their e2treme ca!acit- for diffusion, are ale to reach
all the m-celiar iolo$ical e2!ressions, includin$ the most infinitesimal ones. Salts and bicarbonates*
b' ma+ing the ,terrain- completel' inorganic* eliminates the slightest organic &onts that &ungi
could use &or nourishment" In this conte2t, sodium icaronate, #hich is currentl- used in children3s
oral candidoses, a!!ears to e a sim!le and hand- #ea!on ca!ale of u!rootin$, inhiitin$, or
attenuatin$ an- neo!lastic formation #herever it is !ossile to easil- a!!l- it.K
13. Cancer is actually a four/letter 'ord 0 (CI1 especially lactic acid as a
'aste product due to the lo' oxygen level and 'aste products of yeast
and fungus.
4or centuries, medicated aths have een one of the first lines of treatment for !soriasis. Even toda-,
#ith so!histicated immunosu!!ressive treatments availale, Dead Sea salts and s!a #aters are
reco$ni%ed to e eneficial in the mana$ement of !soriatic !atients.
)o assess statisticall- the efficac- of sodium icaronate aths in !soriasis !atients, thirt-:one !atients
#ith mild:moderate !soriasis #ere studied. Almost all !atients #ho used *a6+OA
re!orted a
statisticall- valuale im!rovement. *a6+OA
aths reduced itchiness and irritationJ in $eneral, the
!atients themselves reco$ni%ed a eneficial im!act on their !soriasis, so much so that the- have
continued to athe in *a6+OA
even after the end of the stud-. .2v/
NSodium icaronate thera!- is harmless, fast and effective ecause it is e2tremel- diffusile. A
thera!- #ith icaronate for cancer should e set u! #ith stron$ dosa$e, continuousl-, and #ith
!auseless c-cles in a destruction #ork #hich should !roceed from the e$innin$ to the end #ithout
interru!tion for at least @:8 da-s. In $eneral a mass of F:A:= centimetres #ill e$in to consistentl-
re$ress from the third to the fourth da-, and colla!ses from the fourth to the fifth. Lenerall- s!eakin$,
the ma2imum limit of the dosa$e that can e administered in a session $ravitates around I<< cc of
sodium icaronate at five !er cent solution, #ith the !ossiilit- of increasin$ or decreasin$ the dosa$e
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 0<
- F< !er cent in function of the od- mass of the individual to e treated and in the !resence of
multi!le localisations u!on #hich to a!!ortion a $reater Guantit- of salts,K instructs !r Simoncini"
In the early stages of acidic p5 in the od-3s tissues, the #arnin$ s-m!toms are mild. )hese include
such thin$s as skin eru!tions, headaches, aller$ies, colds, flu and sinus !rolems. )hese s-m!toms are
freGuentl- treated 5mani!ulated7 #ith antiiotic dru$s and su!!ressive medications. )he lon$er and the
dee!er #e ecome acidic the more our illness takes hold so it3s est to fi$ht acidic conditions earl- on
and in ever- !resentin$ clinical situation. +ertainl- a hi$hl- to2ic dru$ like anti viral )amiflu #on3t do
a fraction of the Eo sodium icaronate #ill do es!eciall- if it3s comined #ith ma$nesium chloride
and iodine as #ell as hi$h levels of vitamin +.
In late stages of acidic p5 #e need to turn to the most alkaline minerals to increase the amount of
alkalinit- into cancer cells. Mass s!ectro$ra!hic and isoto!e studies have sho#n that !otassium,
ruidium, and es!eciall- cesium are most efficientl- taken u! - cancer cells. )his u!take #as
enhanced - Vitamins A and + as #ell as salts of %inc and selenium. )he Guantit- of cesium taken u!
#as sufficient to raise the cell to the 8 !6 ran$e. [xvi4
)here seems little $race left in medicine and it is a dis$race that allo!athic medicine does not even use
its o#n emer$enc- medicines, !roven heavies like ma$nesium sulfate and chloride, sodium
icaronate and iodine to an-#here near a thousandth of a !ercent of their real medical !otentials.
1!.Com#ining pH shift 'ith Heat
In the o!enin$ !ara$ra!h of this cha!ter #e mentioned killin$ cancer cells #ith lasers, #ith heat.
=ive me a chance to create fever and A will cure any disease%
Parmenides F,<<< -ears a$o
4ever is one of the od->s o#n defensive and healin$ forces, created and sustained for the delierate
!ur!ose of restorin$ health. )he hi$h tem!erature s!eeds u! metaolism, inhiits the $ro#th of the
invadin$ virus or acteria, and literall- urns the enem- #ith heat. 4ever is an effective !rotective and
healin$ measure not onl- a$ainst colds and sim!le infections, ut a$ainst such serious diseases as !olio
and cancer.
)he idea of destro-in$ cancer #ith heat is certainl- not ne# and has een #idel- acce!ted for a ver-
lon$ time, ut has had ver- limited a!!lications ecause it #as finall- concluded that, in order to
ensure destruction of the cancerous $ro#th, it is necessar- to reach a tem!erature deadl- to health-
cells as #ell. Man- attem!ts have een made to -!ass this !rolem and some methodolo$ies have
een develo!ed like: locali%ed h-!erthermia, laserthermia, radio:fractionated h-!erthermia and ))).
Dut the- all have limitations and cannot com!lete the Eo, ecause the- cannot achieve total necrosis
and, unless the entire mass of neo!lastic tissue is destro-ed, the cancer #ill continue to $ro#. Dut:
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 00
H'perthermia cancer a hard time$
0. removin$ accumulations of stored to2ic chemicals that cause cancer
F. im!rovin$ circulation so that tissues are oth nourished #ith o2-$en and flushed of
acidic metaolic #astes
A. #eakenin$ or even killin$ cancer cells that have a lo#er tolerance for heat than
health- cells.
)hus #e should easil- conclude that far:infrared sauna treatments are $oin$ to hel! a cancer sufferer
no matter #hich #a- #e slice the treatment !rotocol. Dut for a more tar$eted heat to kill cancer tumors
#e have Dr. Antonella +ar!enter #ho has !erfected the treatment of cancer cells #ith heat throu$h her
use of lasers. She $enerates the death of the cells - suffocation via heat. Dr +ar!enter, a !h-sicist
#ith a clinic in ,ittle (ock, sa-s, NAs lon$ as the entire neo!lastic mass is e2!osed to the laser li$ht,
for the correct amount of time, the success is com!lete and the results, as #ell as the healin$ sta$es, are
al#a-s the same.K 6er cancer treatment is called Light Anduced 'nhanced <elective 5yperthemia
[L'A<54- [http:++www%lasemedinc%com+L'A<5B7herapy%html 4 #hich in itself !rett- much summari%es
all the characteristics of this ne# thera!-. With this form of treatment cancer cells reach a deadl-
tem!erature level Guickl- and are suEect to irreversile dama$e and therefore die, either immediatel-
or #ithin =8 hours.
In a se!arate cha!ter #e #ill e talkin$ aout h-!erthermia in another conte2t, that of the hot athtu
#hich #e #ill learn to fill #ith healin$ sustances like sodium icaronate. We #ill e creatin$ our
o#n hot s!rin$s, healin$ !ools that #ill do #onders for our health. Medical treatments of the first order
can e had ri$ht inside -our ver- o#n athtu.
1$. 2eferences
.i/ 6olister, Emma 5F<<@ March7 ;Is cancer caused - the +andida 4un$usV Intervie# #ith Doctor
)ullio Simoncini,; htt!:""candida:international.lo$s!"F<<@"<A"is:cancer:caused:-:
candida:fun$us.html .see article 01.0. elo#/
.ii/ ;Enhancement of chemothera!- - mani!ulation of tumour !6.; (a$hunand *, 6e 9, van Sluis (,
Mahone- D, Da$$ett D, )a-lor +W, 'aine:Murrieta L, (oe D, DhuE#alla WM, Lillies (C.
Ari%ona +ancer +enter, )ucson 8I@F=:I<F=, BSA.
.iii/ ;Enhancement of chemothera!- - mani!ulation of tumour !6.; (a$hunand *, 6e 9, van Sluis
(, Mahone- D, Da$$ett D, )a-lor +W, 'aine:Murrieta L, (oe D, DhuE#alla WM, Lillies (C.
Ari%ona +ancer +enter.
.iv/ Cerome D. Westin and Elihu (ichter, ;)he Israeli Dreast:+ancer Anomal-,; in Devra ,ee Davis
and David 6oel, editors, 7&'"$< A" #A"#'& ()&7ALA7C A" A"$D<7&AAL #)D"7&A'<
5*e# Rork: *e# Rork Academ- of Sciences, 0??<, !!. F1?:F@?. 4ollo#in$ !ulic outcr-,
Israel anned these chemicals from ein$ used on feed for dair- co#s and cattle. Over the ne2t
ten -ears, the rate of reast cancer deaths in Israel declined shar!l-, #ith a A<P dro! in
mortalit- for #omen under == -ears of a$e, and an 8P overall decline. At the same time, all
other kno#n cancer risks :: alcohol consum!tion, fat intake, lack of fruits and ve$etales in the
diet :: increased si$nificantl-. Durin$ this !eriod, #orld#ide death rates from cancer increased
- =P. )he onl- ans#er scientists could find to e2!lain this #as the reduced level of
environmental to2ins.
.v/ Metro, M.C. ;Sodium Dicaronate Infusion 4ound to (educe (isk of +ontrast:Induced
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 0F
*e!hro!ath-,; F<<= Dro 7oday
und&to&reduce&risk&of&contrastinduced&ne!hro!ath-.html .availale also on
.vi/ Dar, Cose!h L et al ;(esuscitation outcome in emer$enc- medical s-stems #ith increased usa$e of
sodium icaronate durin$ cardio!ulmonar- resuscitation.; Acta Anaesthesiol <cand. F<<I
CanJ=?507:1 'ntre9 Pub(ed
.vii/ With the aim to reach the ma2imum effect, sodium icaronate should e administered directl- on
the neo!lastic masses #hich are susce!tile of re$ression onl- - destro-in$ the fun$al
colonies. )his is !ossile - the selective arterio$ra!h- 5the visualisation throu$h
instrumentation of s!ecific arteries7 and - the !ositionin$ of the arterial !ort:a:cath 5these
devices are small asins used to Eoin the catheter7. )hese methods allo# the !ositionin$ of a
small catheter directl- in the arter- that nourishes the neo!lastic mass, allo#in$ the
administration of hi$h dosa$es of sodium icaronate in the dee!est recesses of the or$anism.
With this method, it is !ossile to reach almost all or$ansJ the- can e treated and can enefit
from a thera!- #ith icaronate salts #hich is harmless, fast, and effective Q #ith onl- the
e2ce!tion of some one areas such as verterae and ris, #here the scarce arterial irri$ation
does not allo# sufficient dosa$e to reach the tar$ets. Selective arterio$ra!h- therefore
re!resents a ver- !o#erful #ea!on a$ainst fun$i that can al#a-s e used a$ainst neo!lasias,
firstl- ecause it is !ainless and leaves no after effects, secondl- ecause the risks are ver- lo#.
.See article 01.A. elo#/
.viii/ Shih A, Miasko#ski +, Dodd MC, Stotts *A, Mac'hail ;A research revie# of the current
treatments for radiation:induced oral mucositis in !atients #ith head and neck cancer.; )ncol
"urs Eorum. F<<F Au$JF?5@7:0<1A:8<.
.i2/ )hese include, Den%otro!ines 5valium7 c-clic antide!ressants 5am-tri!ta-ine7, or$ano!hos!hates,
methanol 5Meth-l alcohol is a chea! and !otent adulterant of illicit liGuors7 Di!henh-dramine
5Denedr-l7, Deta lockers 5!ro!analol7 Dariturates, and Salic-lates 5As!irin7. 'oisonin$ -
dru$s that lock volta$e:$ated sodium channels !roduces intraventricular conduction defects,
m-ocardial de!ression, rad-cardia, and ventricular arrh-thmias. 6uman and animal re!orts
su$$est that h-!ertonic sodium icaronate ma- e effective thera!- for numerous a$ents
!ossessin$ sodium channel lockin$ !ro!erties, includin$ cocaine, Guinidine, !rocainamide,
flecainide, me2iletine, u!ivacaine, and others.
.2/ 'atient safet- incidents in B.S. hos!itals increased - three !ercent overall from F<<A to F<<I, and
the error $a! et#een the nation>s est: and #orst:!erformin$ hos!itals remained #ide.
America>s to! rated centers had =< !ercent lo#er rates of medical errors than the !oorest:
!erformin$ hos!itals, the stud- sho#ed. )he fourth annual 6ealthLrades 'atient Safet- in
American 6os!itals Stud-, !ut out - 6ealthLrades, an inde!endent health care ratin$s
com!an-, e2amined over =< million Medicare hos!itali%ation records at almost I,<<< hos!itals
from F<<A to F<<I.
.2i/ Loto, Min$o ;A stud- of the acidosis, lood urea, and !lasma chlorides in uranium ne!hritis in the
do$, and the !rotective action of sodium icaronate.; 7he Fournal of 'xperimental (edicine,
Vol FI, 1?A:@0?, +o!-ri$ht, 0?0@, - )he (ockefeller Institute for Medical (esearch *e#
Rork htt!:""###.Eem.or$"c$i"content"astract"FI"I"1?A
.2ii/ Merten, L.C. et al ; 'revention of contrast:induced ne!hro!ath- #ith sodium icaronate: a
randomi%ed controlled trial.; F<<=, FA(A, F?0 50?7: FAF8:A=, FA@1:@@,
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 0A
.2iii/ ;Effect of sodium chloride: and sodium icaronate:rich mineral #ater on lood !ressure and
metaolic !arameters in elderl- normotensive individuals: a randomi%ed doule:lind crossover
trial.; F 5ypertens. 0??1 CanJ0=507:0A0:I. De!artment of Internal Medicine,
Bniversitatsklinikum DenEamin 4ranklin, 4ree Bniversit- of Derlin, Lerman-.
.2iv/ One of the most im!ortant su!!lements for the reast cancer !atient is hi$h doses of the hormone
melatonin at edtime. Melatonin locks estro$en rece!tors some#hat similarl- to the dru$
tamo2ifen #ithout the lon$:term side effects of tamo2ifen. 4urther, #hen melatonin and
tamo2ifen are comined, s-ner$istic enefits occur. Melatonin can e safel- taken for an
indefinite !eriod of time. )he su$$ested dose of melatonin for reast cancer !atients is A m$ to
I< m$ at edtime. +aution: Althou$h melatonin is stron$l- recommended for reast cancer
!atients, interleukin:F 5I,:F7, #hich often is comined #ith melatonin, should e avoided -
reast cancer !atients. I,:F ma- !romote reast cancer cell division.
.2v/ ;Old fashioned sodium icaronate aths for the treatment of !soriasis in the era of futuristic
iolo$ics: An old all- to e rescuedJ; Fournal of $ermatological 7reatmentJ Volume 01,
*umer 0"4eruar- F<<I
.2vi/ ;A mass s!ectro$ra!hic anal-sis of cancer cells sho#ed that the cell memrane readil- attached
cesium, ruidium and !otassium, and transmitted these elements #ith their associated
molecules into the cancer cell. In contrast cancer memranes did not transmit sodium,
ma$nesium, and calcium into the cell: the amount of calcium #ithin a cancer cell is onl- aout
0P of that for normal cells. 'otassium trans!orts $lucose into the cell. +alcium and ma$nesium
trans!ort o2-$en into the cell. As a conseGuence of the aove, o2-$en cannot enter cancer cells
so the $lucose #hich is normall- urned to caron dio2ide and #ater under$oes fermentation to
form lactic acid #ithin the cell. )his anaeroic condition #as !ointed out - Warur$, as earl-
as 0?F=. 'otassium, and es!eciall- ruidium and cesium are the most asic of the elements.
When the- are taken u! - the cancer cells the- #ill thus raise the !6 of the cells. Since the-
are ver- stron$ ases as com!ared to the #eak lactic acid it is !ossile that the !6 #ill e raised
to values in the 8.I to ? ran$e. In this ran$e the life of the cancer cell is short, ein$ a matter of
da-s at the most. )he dead cancer cells are then asored - the od- fluids and eventuall-
eliminated from the s-stem.; Dre#er, A. Meith, 50?8=7 ;)he 6i$h !6 )hera!- for +ancer )ests
on Mice and 6umans.; Pharmacology ,iochemistry and ,ehavior, 0?8=, v. F0, Su!!l., 0, 0:I.
Availale at: htt!:"""Xdrre#er"hi$h!6.htm .availale also on
1). (ddenda3 Three articles
1).1. Is Cancer Caused #y the Candida 4ungus5 Intervie' 'ith 1octor
Tullio "imoncini
D- Emma 6olister ./H/ F<<@ March I
E2tracted from: htt!:""candida:international.lo$s!"F<<@"<A"is:cancer:caused:-:candida:
)ullio Simoncini .#S/
/H$ 6avin$ read -our articles aout -our revolutionar- cancer thera!-, I cannot hel! ut #onder ho#
difficult it has een for -ou to continue #orkin$ as an oncolo$ist in the #orld of mainstream medicine.
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 0=
What has een the res!onse of the medical authorities to -our #orkV
#S$ Su!!ression. 'lots. Defamator- )V !ro$rams. When a scientist has an effective and revolutionar-
idea, the medical institution attem!ts to su!!ress his #ork ecause he threatens the interests of the
rulin$ class. *o matter ho# effective the thera!- in Guestion is, their aim #ill e to destro- him.
)hose in !o#er ensure that the follo#in$ thin$s are !ut into action:
07 dismissal from the medical associations,
F7 insti$ation of ne#s!a!er and )V cam!ai$ns !ortra-in$ him as a charlatan,
A7 mountin$ attacks a$ainst him from the Eudicial s-stem,
=7 constant !olice harassment at home.
/H$ What are the thin$s !reventin$ our current medical s-stem from emracin$ -our theories aout
cancer ein$ caused - a fun$us 5+andida7 and -our treatment of tumours usin$ icaronate of sodaV
#S$ One: there is a selfishness and lack of s!iritualit- #ithin the medical rulin$ class. It !revents them
from lookin$ e-ond their acGuired i$norance. )#o: the fundamental theor- ehind cancer is ased on
the h-!othesis that it is caused - a $enetic disorder resultin$ in an over:re!roduction of the cancerous
cells. )his theor- is sim!l- #ron$ and has never een demonstrated.
/H$ Do -ou elieve these !rolems can e overcome, and if so, ho#V
#S$ Res, I do. It #ill e achieved throu$h $rassroots activism, #hich #ill estalish freedom in medical
research. If lar$e numers of !eo!le in a countr- $ather and #ork to$ether, it is !ossile to demand that
the authorities allo# for freedom in medical research. )his can e done throu$h demonstrations and
informin$ !eo!le via the media.
/H$ 6o# man- cases of cancer have -ou een ale to cureV Surel- -our results must have at least
attracted the attention of -our collea$ues in the medical #orldV
#S$ I have treated hundreds of !atients. Most of them had e2tremel- advanced cancer, es!eciall- after
havin$ een suEected to conventional thera!ies. Man- of them made a com!lete recover- and are still
alive and #ell -ears after the treatment.
In the cases of cancers cau$ht earl- 5lum!s smaller than Acm, #ith minimal incidence of metastasis7
?<P of !atients have made a recover-.
Man- doctors a$ree #ith m- methods and have used the sodium icaronate treatment.
/H$ Is there no #a- that -ou could use this evidence to !ut !ressure on the estalishment to take -our
#ork more seriousl-V
#S$ *o, ecause it is necessar- to demonstrate one3s results #ith man- hundreds of full- documented
cases. )his is not !ossile unless -ou #ork in a cancer clinic.
/H$ Man- #omen sufferin$ from +andida are !la$ued - !ersistent lon$:term $-naecolo$ical
!rolems, from thrush to re!roductive cancers. What #ould e -our advice to themV
#S$ )o u!root !ersistent $-naecolo$ical fun$al infections one should do a douche ever- da- #ith t#o
litres of !ure #ater 5that has een oiled and left to cool7 containin$ t#o dissolved tales!oons of
icaronate of soda. )his should e ke!t u! for t#o months, sto!!in$ onl- durin$ one3s !eriod.
+andida is ver- !ersistent and it takes a lon$ time to kill an infection.
/H$ Althou$h -our vie#s on cancer and fun$us are revolutionar- #ithin the conte2t of mainstream
medicine, #ithin alternative medicine -our vie#s of #hat +andida is and ho# it functions in the od-
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 0I
a!!ear to differ from man- alternative !ractitioners #ho vie# +andida as a s-stemic !rolem affectin$
the #hole od- and ori$inatin$ in the intestines. 4rom #hat I $ather -ou do not see the +andida
!rolem as residin$ in the $ut. If -ou elieve that the +andida -east is not the cause of the various
intestinal !rolems usuall- associated #ith +andidiasis, #hat in -our o!inion is the causeV
#S$ )he main cause is environmental. Secondl-, there is a resultin$ lack of ener$- caused -
alterations in the lood circulation. )hirdl-, diet. )he !rolem is, #h- does a !erson have intolerances
to su$ar, -east, e$$s, milk etcV Defore these develo!ed, dama$e had een caused. )he $ut3s e!ithelium
is im!aired and that causes the intolerances. It is im!ortant to cure this, and then it is !ossile to see if
the related !rolems continue.
It is not $ood to avoid a !articular food for ever, ecause it doesn3t deal #ith the root cause of the
illness, #hich is usuall- caused - !rolems #ithin the environment, from im!aired ener$- levels and
!oor diet.
4or e2am!le, a !erson #ho has heart disease ma- suffer from chronic dilatation of the $ut 5in this #a-
the heart #orks less7, and an intolerance is the result . . . Another e2am!le is a !erson #ho suffers from
coolin$ s-ndrome. )his !rovokes con$estion and conseGuentl- intolerances. And so on.
)herefore it is necessar- to cure the illness at its root cause, not Eust the s-m!toms - avoidin$ this or
that food.
/H$ 4inall-, #hat is -our o!inion of the situation that man- alternative health !ractitioners find
themselves in #ith re$ard to the anti alternative medicine cam!ai$ns ein$ #a$ed a$ainst them - the
medical authorities, the medical !ress and national media, for e2am!le YuackustersV What do -ou feel
is needed to !rotect alternative thera!ists such as -ourself, and the !atients #ho come to -ou for hel!V
#S$ M- o!inion is that the alternative !ractitioners are scared and don3t have the means to fi$ht the lies
!er!etrated - mainstream medicine. )he medical #orld needs to e lierated in order to allo# !atients
freedom of choice in healthcare. Most illnesses are the result of an unhealth- lifest-le, and as such,
dru$s are useless and can onl- do dama$e. 4urthermore, archaic institutions such as the medical
associations freGuentl- !ressure doctors into !rescriin$ onl- useless, to2ic and harmful treatments.
1).2. C(6C72 (61 486*8"3 ( 9ath of 9ersonal 2esearch
B' !r #ullio Simoncini
One of the Guestions that I am asked most freGuentl- #hen the issue of this ne# anti:cancer thera!-
comes u! is ho# it all e$an, ho# the idea first struck me that cancer could e a fun$us, and the
motives and events that induced me to drift a#a- from official oncolo$-. It all e$an #hen I #as
attendin$ an introductor- course in histolo$-. When the !rofessor descried tumours as some terrile
and m-sterious monster, I felt indi$nant Q as one does if told G'veryone is powerless before meH Q that
#as the im!licit threat #hen it came to cancer Q Gyour minds are too small to understand me%H
)hat #as #hen the #ar e$an, m- !ersonal #ar a$ainst cancer. I #as a#are that I could #in it onl- -
focusin$ all m- resources and mental ener$- :: conscious and unconscious :: in the ri$ht direction. And
I elieved this could onl- e found - usin$ a critical a!!roach to the official line of thou$ht, a line of
thou$ht #hich is uilt on man- unkno#ns and ver- fe# certainties.
)he i$$est task, therefore, consisted initiall- of acGuirin$ the necessar- kno#led$e for this research,
and at the same time !uttin$ an-thin$ that I #as stud-in$ under critical anal-sis. In other #ords I had to
kee! in mind that ever-thin$ I #as learnin$ mi$ht #ell e false.
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 01
So, as the -ears #ent - m- convictions dee!ened Q !articularl- later, #hen #orkin$ in hos!ital #ards,
#here I realised that medicine #as not onl- unale to resolve the cancer !rolem, ut also that of the
maEorit- of diseases. Which is still, unfortunatel-, true toda-. )his is ecause, a!art from success in
various sectors in the treatment of s!ecific s-m!toms of these diseases, medicine is unale to offer an-
conclusive enefit. 6-!ertension, diaetes, e!ile!s-, !soriasis, asthma, arthritis, +rohn3s Disease, and
man- more are t-!ical e2am!les of this.
A!art from m- distrust #ith re$ard to the effectiveness of medicine, over time m- e2!erience in the
clinical field had e$un to #ei$h u!on me so heavil- that I #as findin$ it difficult to deal #ith. )hese
feelin$s #ere a$$ravated each time I #as faced #ith des!erate cases. )his led to a crisis #here I at first
#anted to leave. 6o#ever, it then turned into a desire to sta- on and Ifight in the trenchesJ in order to
think aout and develo! ne# solutions.
,ittle - little, #orkin$ endless hours in the universit-3s !aediatric oncolo$- emer$enc- #ard, #here I
#as finishin$ m- thesis, m- mind e$an to e2!lore. )o#ards the end I #as findin$ it !ainfull- difficult
to see the !atients, their relatives, m- !rofessors, collea$ues, the nurses : even !eo!le in $eneral, such
#ere m- feelin$s of alienation in a s-stem that I elieved to e totall- ankru!t.
I #as #onderin$, Z Iand my profession- the university career- my social position- what will happen to
After all, it #ould have een ver- difficult to survive on ideas alone, es!eciall- in a medical #orld
#here Eo o!!ortunities #ere diminishin$ on a dail- asis to the e2tent that there #ere ver- fe#
!ossiilities of em!lo-ment #orth considerin$.
On the other hand, I #as not !articularl- attracted to the universit- environment. In fact, I sa# it as an
enmeshed and un!leasant entit- that !revented the achievement of an- scientific $oalJ distractin$, as it
does, the est intellectual and !ersonnel resources from science - channellin$ them to#ards irrelevant
and su!erficial ar$uments.
4rom that !oint on it #as clear #hich direction I #as to take. I left the facult- of medicine and enrolled
for a !h-sics de$ree. I studied for several -ears in order to develo! a more scientific mind:set and in
order to e2!lore the infinite as!ects of research in detail.
At the same time, I started to investi$ate other medical a!!roaches includin$ alternative medicine
#hich, althou$h officiall- ridiculed, had man- follo#ers, es!eciall- amon$st those !atients #ho could
not endure e2cessivel- a$$ressive thera!eutic methods. E2!erience after e2!erience led me to
understand that the raison d3[tre of these alternative methods #as to fill the $a! left - conventional
medicine and its inailit- to solve the !atients3 !rolems. )he !atients seemed to $et $reater enefit
from those thera!ies that evaluated them and treated them as a #hole ein$ and not sim!l- #ith
unsatisfactor- treatments for their s-m!toms.
It #as #hen I #as settin$ u! a naturo!athic !ractice that I had the idea of cancer3s ein$ caused -
fun$us. When I #as treatin$ a !atient #ho had !soriasis, usin$ corrosive salts, I realised that the salts
#orked ecause the- #ere destro-in$ somethin$ Q and that somethin$ #as fun$us.
4rom that realisation I deduced the solution I had een so lon$ searchin$ for: if !soriasis, an incurale
disease, is caused - a fun$us, then it is !ossile that cancer, another incurale disease, could e caused
- a fun$us. )hat link #as #hat started all the e2!eriences, the e2!eriments, the verifications and the
results, throu$h relentless and GundergroundH #ork that rou$ht $reat !rofessional satisfaction to me
and that allo#ed me to !erfect a thera!- that is ver- effective a$ainst tumorous masses, that is, a$ainst
fun$al colonies.
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 0@
Once the causal role of fun$us in tumour !roliferation #as h-!othesised, the !rolem of ho# to attack
it in dee! internal tissue arose, since in those areas it #as not !ossile to use salts that #ere too stron$.
It then occurred to me that #ith oral:!har-n$eal candidiasis of reastfed aies, sodium icaronate
#as a Guick and !o#erful #ea!on ca!ale of eliminatin$ the disease in three or four da-s. I thou$ht
that if I could administer hi$h concentrations orall- or intravenousl-, I mi$ht e ale to otain the same
result. So I started m- tests and m- e2!eriments, #hich immediatel- !rovided me #ith tan$ile results.
Amon$st these, one of the first !atients I treated #as an 00:-ear:old child, a case #hich immediatel-
indicated that I #as on the ri$ht track. )he child arrived in a coma at the !aediatric haematolo$- #ard
around 00:A< in the mornin$, #ith a clinical histor- of leukaemia. Decause of the child3s disease he had
een taken from a small to#n in Sicil- to (ome, throu$h the universities of 'alermo and *a!les, #here
he under#ent several chemothera!- sessions. 6is des!erate mother told me that she had een unale to
s!eak #ith the child for 0I da-sJ that is, since the child had een on his Eourne- throu$h the various
hos!itals. She said she #ould have $iven the #orld to hear her son3s voice once a$ain efore he died.
As I #as of the o!inion that the child #as comatose oth ecause of the !roliferation of fun$al colonies
in the rain and ecause of the to2icit- of the thera!ies that had een !erformed on him, I concluded
that if I could destro- the colonies #ith sodium icaronate salts and at the same time nourish and
deto2if- the rain #ith $lucose administered intravenousl-, I could ho!e for a re$ression of the
And so it #as. After a continuous intravenous infusion of icaronate and $lucose solutions, at around
@!m, #hen I returned to the universit-, I found the child s!eakin$ #ith his mother, #ho #as in tears.
Since then, I have continued in this field and I have een ale to treat and to cure several !eo!le,
mostl- durin$ a !eriod of three -ears #hen I #as a voluntar- assistant at the (e$ina Elena )umour
Institute in (ome. In 0??<, althou$h m- time #as almost totall- occu!ied #ith #ork in a centre for
diaetes, o#in$ to chan$es in m- !ersonal life I decided to increase m- research in the field of cancer,
a disease that #as al#a-s foremost in m- mind, althou$h I had in recent -ears een forced to ne$lect it.
Defore resumin$ m- comat a$ainst cancer, ho#ever, I felt the need to etter e2!lore the rationale of
medicine and therefore of oncolo$- so that I could acGuire the intellectual, critical and self:critical
attriutes necessar- in order to understand #here hidden errors ma- lie.
I enrolled for a !hiloso!h- de$ree, #hich I com!leted in 0??1. )hat #as the -ear #hen, feelin$ more
com!osed, I e$an makin$ contacts #ithin the #orld of oncolo$- a$ain, attem!tin$ first of all to make
m- theories and treatment methods kno#n, es!eciall- #ithin the more accredited institutions.
So, the Ministr- of 6ealth, the Italian and forei$n oncolo$- institutes, and oncolo$- associations #ere
made a#are of m- research and m- results : ut there #as no ackno#led$ement at all. All I
encountered #ere collea$ues, variousl- Gualified, #ho tended to e condescendin$ and #ho seemed
onl- ca!ale of utterin$ the ma$ic #ord: $enetics.
I thou$ht to m-self I7his will lead us nowhereJ. In fact, I found m-self in a situation #ith no #a- out. I
had so man- $reat ideas and some !ositive results, ut no o!!ortunit- to check them #ith !atients
affected - tumours, in an authoritative scientific conte2t.
I decided to e !atient and to continue $ettin$ results, treatin$ !atient after !atient and at the same time
tr-in$ to ecome kno#n - as man- !eo!le as !ossile, es!eciall- in the field of alternative medicine
#here at least there #as an o!enness and an o!!ortunit- to contact !rofessionals #ho alread- had a
critical attitude to#ards official medical thou$ht. It #as durin$ that time that, for lack of an-
alternative, I started m- research on the Internet. And I soon found contacts, friends and consensus, all
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 08
of #hich allo#ed me to s!read m- theories, ut Q even more im!ortantl- Q the- $ave me the
!s-cholo$ical thrust necessar- to continue m- !ersonal fi$ht a$ainst the sea of sterilit- and self:
evidence that e2ists in mainstream medicine.
I took comfort from the kno#led$e that m- idea, m- little torch, #ould not $o out ut could take root
some#here. I started to ho!e a$ain that, $iven the validit- of the messa$e, sooner or later it #ould find
a #a- to ein$ shared and acce!ted - an ever:$ro#in$ numer of !eo!le. Slo#l-, in that #a-, I #as
ale to $et m- theor- aout cancer kno#n and to share it #ith the !ulic at conferences, in intervie#s
and at conventions. All that #idened m- field of action and $ave me the o!!ortunit- to accumulate a
remarkale amount of e2!erience and of clinical results.
4riends !ointed out to me, ho#ever, that m- thera!ies #ith sodium icaronate solution, althou$h the-
#ere effective, needed to evolve in terms of their methodolo$-, as some t-!es of cancer could either
not e reached in an- #a- or at least reached insufficientl-.
Sodium icaronate administered orall-, via aerosol or intravenousl- can achieve !ositive results onl-
in some tumours, #hile others Q such as the serious ones of the rain or the ones : remain unaffected
- the treatment. )hese #ere the reasons I $ot in touch #ith several collea$ues, es!eciall-
interventionist radiolo$ists, and I #as finall- ale to reach those areas of the od- that had !reviousl-
een inaccessile. )his #as achieved throu$h !ositionin$ a!!ro!riate catheters either in cavities for
!eritoneum and !leura, or in arteries to reach other or$ans.
1).3. "7:7CTI;7 (2T72I<*2(9H=
B' #ullio Simoncini
)he asic conce!t of m- thera!- is the administration of a solution #ith a hi$h content of sodium
icaronate directl- onto tumours. )hese are susce!tile to re$ression onl- if one destro-s the fun$al
It #as the on$oin$ search for ever more effective techniGues to allo# me to $et as close as !ossile to
the inner tissues that led me to the idea of selective arterio$ra!h- 5visualisation usin$ instruments on
s!ecific arteries7 and !ositionin$ an arterial !ort:a:cath 5devices Eoinin$ the catheter7. )hese methods
make it !ossile to !lace a small catheter directl- into the arter- that nourishes the tumour, and
administer hi$h doses of sodium icaronate to the dee!est recesses of the tumour
In the !ast, for e2am!le, #hen I had the o!!ortunit- to treat a rain tumour, althou$h I #as ale to
im!rove the condition of the !atient, I could not treat the tumorous mass at a dee! enou$h level. I have
countless times #asted m- reath e$$in$ neurolo$ists and neurosur$eons to !erform the o!eration of
insertin$ the catheter so that I could use it to do a further local treatment.
)oda-, #ith selective arterio$ra!h- of carotids, it is !ossile to reach an- cereral mass #ithout
sur$ical intervention and in a com!letel- !ainless manner. D- the same token, almost all or$ans can e
treated and can enefit from icaronate salts thera!-, #hich is harmless, fast and effective Q #ith onl-
the e2ce!tion of some one areas such as verterae and ris, #here the scarce arterial irri$ation does
not allo# sufficient dosa$e to reach the tar$ets.
Selective arterio$ra!h- therefore re!resents a ver- !o#erful #ea!on a$ainst fun$us that can al#a-s e
used a$ainst tumours, firstl- ecause it is !ainless and !rovokes no side effects, and secondl- ecause
the risks are ver- lo#.
)echnicall-, it is !erformed as follo#s: after sterilisin$ and anaesthetisin$ the surface levels, a needle is
introduced into the arter- that is to e used as an inlet !ort 5usuall- the su:clavian7J then a metal $uide
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 0?
that is visile to the an$iolo$ist is inserted and can e used to locate the selected arter-. )he last ste!
consists of $ettin$ the small catheter to administer the solution #here necessar-. )hen the catheter is
fitted to a sucutaneous !ort:a:cath that sta-s in the selected location as lon$ as necessar-.
)his ver- lo#:risk intervention creates no more !ain than an intravenous inEection and allo#s !atients
to e treated at home, althou$h under constant medical su!ervision.
1,. (n >edical ne's commentaries internet follo' up post on
2.., (ugust 113
%inning the %ar on Cancer
International Medical Veritas Association
Mark Sircus Ac., OMD Director International Medical Veritas Association
,isten and #atch Dr. Simoncini demonstrate live fun$i colonies and their destruction #ith sodium
icaronate. F= mins. Audio arel- audile.
Dr. Simoncini deserves the hi$hest a#ard in medical science for his $enius and medical coura$e in
discoverin$ and develo!in$ #hat mi$ht come to e seen as the sin$le $reatest medical reakthrou$h of
the centur-. ,iterall- illions of !eo!le are $oin$ to o#e him a det of eternal $ratitude. Simoncini
makes the connection that fun$al colonies and cancer colonies are the same colonies called - t#o
different names. 6e is not alone in this and he is not alone in the #orld of medical science #ith the
kno#led$e that sodium icaronate is effective at #i!in$ out fun$al colonies. What he is alone #ith is
connectin$ the dots et#een cancer, fun$al and -east infections and icaronate.
Physicians normally do not believe that yeast and fungi cause serious
health threats but they are dead wrong%
Dr. 6. )akeuchi et al in Ca!an anal-%ed F< cases of urinar- fun$al infection. +andida alicans #as the
most !revalent of the fun$i affectin$ the urinar- tract. )orulo!sis $larata and +andida tro!icalis #ere
also !revalent. Antiiotics, ind#ellin$ catheter and ostructive uro!ath- #ere the most !revalent
!redis!osin$ factors of the fun$al infection. Of F< cases of fun$al infection, I cases #ere cured onl- -
elimination of the !redis!osin$ factors, and 01 cases (ere treated and resol.ed b' administration o&
sodium bicarbonate, I:fluoroc-tosine and or irri$ation #ith am!hotericin D. Dut one case of ilateral
renal torulo!siosis develo!ed into renal failure, and = cases died of the !rimar- disease..i/
<odium ,icarbonate has been successfully proven its antifungal
value in agriculture to resolve fungal issues in vegetation- including
many destructive diseases such as anthracnose- powdery mildew-
blac8 spot in crops and horticultural industries% At has been
successfully used to protect crops from fungus during storage%
Dr. Simincini uses the la !rocedures and !rotocols for usin$ intravenous sodium icaronate as
a!!roved - the 4DA for cardiac infarctions to treat most cancers. Dein$ that the !resent da- survival
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 F<
rate of I -ears in the BS is less than F ]P due to !rotocols the medical !rofession uses, !r"
Simoncini2s outstanding success in the 345 remission rate and some as long as 64 'ears should
shatter modern medicine2s &i)ed ideas about cancer" NIf the fun$i are sensitive to the sodium
icaronate solutions and the tumour is smaller than A cm, the !ercenta$e #ill e around ?<P, for
terminal cases in #hich the !atient is in reasonal- $ood conditions is I<P and for terminal !atients
Eust a small !ercenta$e,K re!orts Simoncini, #hose treatments take a!!ro2imatel- A<:=I da-s.
)he IMVA is #orkin$ #ith Dr. Simoncini to increase these numersJ #a$in$ #ar on fun$al and -east
colonies, catchin$ the astards in a cross fire of concentrated nutritional sustances. It>s a attle the
fun$us and -east can>t #in, therefore it>s actuall- not a fi$ht. )he- can e so tra!!ed that there is no
chance the- can survive if cau$ht in time and if the icaronate can e delivered dee!l- into the
infected tissues.
)he orthodo2 medical estalisment could hel! out $reatl- in this - !rovidin$ an o!en mind and the
coo!eration of interventional radiolo$ists for !lacement of the arterial catheters necessar- to reach the
dee!est tissues in the most direct manner. )hou$h nothin$ the orthodo2 oncolo$- communit- ever did
made sense #e #e should demand that the- #ill emrace this revolution in cancer treatment for it is
their res!onsiilit- to do so. It is #hat the- $et !aid to do.
Bntil the- do #e are creatin$ a !rotocol that #ill com!ensate for the fact that these medical !rocedures
are not currentl- availale, e2ce!t !erha!s in (ome, #hich is the home territor- of Dr. Simoncini. D-
am!lif-in$ the icaronate treatments #ith ma$neisum chloride, iodine, vitamin +, selenium, A,A and
other sustances and treatments #e can add to the !o#er, de!th and ma$est- of cancer
treatments al#a-s #ith the thou$ht of removin$ the causes, the heav- metals, the mental, emotional
and s!iritual traumas, the !oisons in our foods and environmental !olutions that !la$ue us from all
Dreast +ancer 'atient in Euro!e Shares her success #ith icaronate In En$lish. 0I
mins. htt!:""video.$oo$"video!la-VdocidO8@08@@I?I<1?0A0=A00
)hese videos reveal an astonishin$ truth aout cancer and its safe successful treatment. 4or other
videos see Dr. Simoncini3s site at htt!:""###.cancerfun$" Doctors and medical scientists have
made the dire mistake of assumin$ that fun$al conditions develo! a&ter cancer treatment have e$un.
(esearchers contend that cancer thera!ies, aimed at destro-in$ cancer, also destro- the immune s-stem
of the !atient leavin$ them vulnerale to -easts and fun$i, #hich multi!l- out of control. )he- consider
these invadin$ colonies to e 7secondar'7 to the actual cancer.
Dut the- are #ron$. Candida* and its man' .ariants are not onl' the cause o& cancer* the' are the
cancer" )he Guestion is not if cancer is cancer the ans#er is cancer is an invasion of +andida colonies.
)he 0<< -ear old h-!othesis that has led medical science in circles, that cancer are human cells
multi!l-in$ #ithout limit, turns out to e Eust another invention, an un!roven fantas- that no one has
ever demonstrated. Dr. Simoncini insists that there is no evidence at all for the $enetic h-!othesis and
this $ets !roven out #ith the fact that orthodo2 cancer treatments do not #ork. Modern oncolo$- is a
com!lete failure and ever- doctor kno#s this in his heart and soul.
Eungi are heterotrophs- meaning that they secrete digestive en9ymes and
absorb the resulting soluble nutrients from whatever they are growing on%
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 F0
)he follo#in$ .taken/ from Medicine -ields a clear vie# of the enem- #e are u! a$ainst.
A ne# area of research ein$ driven - Dundee Bniversit- in Scotland is revealin$ remarkale ailities
of fun$i to interact #ith minerals and metals. ,ed - 'rofessor Leoffre- Ladd in the +olle$e of ,ife
Sciences, the research e2!lores the uniGue taste that fun$i seems to have for rock and heav- metal.
Reasts, moulds and mushrooms are all fun$i and there are an estimated 0.I million different s!ecies in
the ios!here. D- reakin$ do#n dead or$anic material, the- continue the c-cle of nutrients throu$h
ecos-stems, and most !lants could not $ro# #ithout the s-miotic fun$i that inhait their roots and
su!!l- essential nutrients.
8ungi (ill also li.e almost an'(here" #he' ha.e been &ound gro(ing in the harshest o&
en.ironments* in the desert and polar regions* in the sea and on roc+s" ;)he fact that fun$i interact
#ith heav- metals has !otentiall- im!ortant conseGuences for human activit-. 4un$i also !la- a
si$nificant, if often overlooked, role in the de$radation of rocks and stone : includin$ uildin$
materials,; 'rofessor Ladd said. ;Des!ite this, their role as a$ents of environmental chan$e has not
een full- a!!reciated.; (ocks are com!osed of minerals, the vast maEorit- of #hich contain metals.
)he- mi$ht e considered to e an inhos!itale haitat for life to flourish -et fun$i can thrive even in
the harshest of environments. M-co!lasma, #hich are fun$us like or$anisms, in order to survive, need
heav- metals, of #hich there are $reat amounts toda- in !eo!le3s odies, es!eciall- around our
$landular or$ans, such as !ancreas, th-roid, !ineal, th-mus, adrenal $lands etc. #here heav- metals
tend to sta-. )his is #here the fun$us #ill set u! colonies to hide and #ill thrive on the heav- metals. A
$reat maEorit- of !eo!le #ho have +andida also have ver- hi$h heav- metals.
)he ailit- of fun$i to $ro# on a ran$e of rocks and mineral:ased surfaces, includin$ concrete and
other uildin$ materials is si$nificant, #ith !ositive and ne$ative im!lications. 8ungi produce acidic
b'9products (hich help them use nutrients in the minerals but this begins to decompose the roc+
in a &orm o& biological (eathering (bio(eathering)" )his can result in the return of essential nutrients
and metals like calcium, !hos!hate and !otassium ack into the soil #here the- can nourish !lants and
microes. In other cases, the released elements can form other minerals.
;)his ailit- of fun$i to attack and de$rade concrete and other materials has im!lications not onl- for
the #eatherin$ and corrosion of uildin$s ut is also relevant to nuclear decommissionin$, for
e2am!le,; 'rofessor Ladd said. Ima$ine #hat fun$i can do to the rain if the- can eat out the concrete
eso!ha$us !ut around nuclear sites like +henoal.
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 FF
White rot fun$i, the onl- or$anisms ale to iode$rade #ood, is so
$ood at di$estin$ Eust aut ever-thin$ that the- #ill e used to
iode$rade to2ic chemicals.
When fun$i are fed the food the- love the- ecome more virulent. )heir ailit- to !enetrate and root
into the intestinal #alls, for e2am!le and invade the cells is increased. )he- not onl- attach themselves
to human tissues ut can actuall- invade the cells #here the- ecome Guite at home. )hus the- are not
secondar- ut !rimar- infections that have een hel!ed alon$ #ith runa#a- antiiotic usa$e, dental
amal$am, flu vaccines laden #ith mercur-, mineral deficiencies and - terrile modern diets infected
#ith molds and -easts as #ell as man- !otent !oisons.
Will -ou hear aout Dr. Simoncini3s theories and treatments in the mediaV :o. Will the maEor medical
or$ani%ations ha!!il- investi$ate and su!!ort this ne# effort for the sake of !atients ever-#hereV :o.
Will the maEor cancer or$ani%ations e enthusiasticV :o. )he truth is no lon$er !o!ular in toda-s
civili%ation as ?"00 em!athicall- demonstrated and as the 4DA and +D+ illustrate ever-da- in their
decisions and !ronouncments.
.i/ )akeuchi 6, Arai R, Monami ), Ikeda ), )omo-oshi ), )ate#aki M. 6in-okika Mi-o. 0?8A OctJ F?
An in&ormation bulletin &rom
The $ Ps3
Personal Pollution Protection and Pre.ention Programs o& DELTA LIFE SKILLS
Phillip W. Warren, B.A., Ph.C., Zetetic Scholar, Profeor E!erit"
==I? IFA St., Delta, D.+., V=M FRA +anada
'hone and voice mail: 51<=7 ?=1:=?0?
EMail: !hilli!&
Wesite: htt!:""###.(ED! ;Emotional 4reedom is in Rour hands #ith (ED;
+hemical !ollution 5*+D7 htt!:"""home.!h!V=@I<A<
Electro 'ollution htt!:""###.m-io!"DIO'(Ovention'ro$!2VIDO,ifeSkills
+hemical, Electro and total od-:mind:s!irit alance: htt!s:"""lifeskills"
B.S. mailin$ address: '.O. Do2 0I?I, 'oint (oerts, WA ?8F80:0I?I
odiu! -icarbonate: .essons in Cancer and /eneral &0 (anage!ent 1 other &a&ers2 FA

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