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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Sta. Mesa, Manila

College of Business

June 9, 2014
Dr. Samuel M. Salvador
Vice President for Academic Affairs

This University

Thru: Dr. Leopoldo Francisco T. Bragas
Dean, College of Business Administration

Prof. Angelina G. Goyenechea
Chairperson, Department of Marketing

Dear Dr. Salvador

I, Maria Eileen Celestial Caballero, a third year student of Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration Major in Marketing Management would like to request for three
(3) units this 1
Semester, S.Y. 2014-2015.

This is because I have to take up ENGL 1023, Writing in The Discipline. I need
additional three (3) units to complete the subject requirements of my curriculum, so that
I may pass the said subject.

I have complied with the conditions set by the Student Information System (SIS) with
regards to overloading.

I hope for your positive response regarding this request. Thank you and God bless.

Sincerely and respectfully yours,

Maria Eileen C. Caballero

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