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LHU History & Politics Society

Foundation Committee

Present: Guy Tourlamain (Acting chair) Sara Butlin, Jayne Barnett, Kelly Gartland, Claire
Goley, Angela Coleman, Sean Matley, Bianca Kay, David Jones, Paul Jones, Leanne Green,
Caroline Chivers, Charlotte Cassidy, Adam Waddingham, Alan McComb,

Apologises: Maria Godfrey, Robert Cunningham, Daniel Brown, Thomas Nevitt

Committee held session from 4pm – 5.30pm on Thursday 29th October 2009

1. Welcome to the group

Following the general discussion about a number of ideas, the following was agreed:

2. Nature of the Society:

The Politics and History Society should be a student-run initiative. A group of third year
students (Angela Coleman, Adam Waddingham, Sean Matley, Bianca Kay, David Jones,
Paul Jones, Leanne Green, Charlotte Cassidy) will form an executive committee (The
Organising Committee) that will function as a steering group for the society. There is still
space on this committee for further final year students studying politics to come forward
if they wish.

3. Governance:
Alongside committee meetings, the committee will hold regular organisational meetings
open to all students in the department, who will be welcome to propose and organise

Due to the high membership fees that it would require, it was decided not to affiliate the
Society to the Students’ Union in the first instance. This decision will be open to review
at a later date.

4. Objectives:
A number of ideas were circulated regarding possible events that could be run, including
film screenings and discussions, guest lectures, social nights. This list is by no means

Adam volunteered to set up a facebook group for the Society to aid communication and it
was felt that it would be a good idea to organise an initial event by the end of November.
The possibility of a departmental newsletter was also discussed. It is hoped that this will
appear several times each term with contributions from both staff and students. This will
be developed further in the coming weeks.

It was felt that while it is difficult to find a time suitable to all years, Thursday afternoon
at 4 p.m. seems to be a good time for holding meetings.

5. Date of the next committee meeting:

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 5th November 2009 at 4 p.m. in the refectory.

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