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SWOT analysis of ARNAB GOSWAMIs communication skills


Arnab Goswami is a frank and fluent speaker. He has good content to deliver along with a big
vocabulary. He is non-hesitant while speaking and makes proper eye contact to engage people.
He is confident enough to speak on television news channel. He has a clear and loud voice,
which makes sure that he is heard every time he speaks. He modulates his voice whenever

Arnab Goswami slouches sometimes while giving his speech. So he needs to improve his body
posture while speaking to people. He makes aggressive hand gestures (such as pointing finger)
to someone sitting in front of him. This is really offensive and he needs to work on this. The tone
of his voice is also aggressive sometimes.
Opportunities -
Arnab Goswami can make use of a lot of opportunities he has. He can improve his speech
during the public events he has to go to. He can strengthen his speech delivery in the
newsroom. He can also improve by conducting interviews with literary people.

Threats -
New entrants in Arnabs field can drive away the audience and may cause a decrease in his
presence. There are several new and captivating ways of delivering speech, which can cause a
threat to him.

Analyzing the skill sets, I came to a conclusion that I need to improve my body language,
content, conversion of thoughts to words, as well as fluency.

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