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"Lil-lee, bay-bee," Rooster half-heartedly begged through the bars of the jail cell, a smile on his

face. "Alright, so it ain't easy street, but at least you're wearin' silver!"
Lily St. Regis was in the next cell, her back facin' her boyfriend. She hadn't spoken a word to
him since they were arrested for almost connin' Oliver Warbucks out of fifty thousand dollars. And,
nearly killin' his adoptive daughter.
"Aww, come on, Lil! Ya gotta say somethin' to me sometime!" Rooster snapped. His smile
twisted into a one-sided frown; he folded his arms, and turned partly away from her.
Lily halfway looked over her shoulder, though didnt look at him. "Its your fault, ya know,"
she accused him. "If you didnt believe the kid, wed be halfway to Atlantic City by now!"
"Ya dont think I know that?!" Rooster sighed. Hed been thinkin that since the brat grabbed
the check from his sister and ran off. He walked around the edge of his cell, tryin' to think'a
somethin' that would make Lil cheer up. Or at least speak to him without blamin' him left and right.
He took a deep breath and walked back over to the barred wall dividing their cell.
"'Kay, Lil, listen," he started gently, hopin' to win her favor. "We can sit here all day long,
pointin' fingers an' assignin' blame"
"At you!" Lily interrupted. Rooster took another deep breath, tryin' to keep his composure.
"Or," he continued pointedly, then calmed down. He'd have to sweet talk his way through this;
being rough wouldn't cut it. Not with Lily. "Or, you can help me" his voice dropped down to a
whipser "plan our next scam. Yeah?"
Lily rolled her eyes. "What 'next scam', huh Rooster?" She stood and turned to face him,
puttin' her hands on her hips.
Rooster smiled brightly at her, finally glad to have some reception from her. "Whatever one we
want, Lil! Just think about it. So it didn't work out with Warbucks. That's just fine! Maybe we can't
get fifty G's all at once, but if we con enough people eventually it'll add up! Don'ch ya see, baby?!
Easy Street is just a few suckers away," he finished confidently.
Lily tilted her head to the side as she thought about it. She folded her arms and took a few
steps towards him, starting to believe him. She pursed her lips. "You really think so?" she asked
somewhat timidly.
"Lil-lee, bay-bee, I know so! We can even getch ya some new pearls, some more red lipstick. I
know how you love that stuff."
Lily bit her lip and dared a few more steps, til the only thing separating them was the poorly
spaced bars. She could kiss him, if she leaned forward enough. Her lips curled up against her will
just a smidge, but Rooster caught it. He had her back. "We're really gonna make it to Easy Street,
"Absolutely. Just you wait, Lil. We'll be sleepin' till noon in no time. And this time, when we
get there we're gonna stay."
Lily smiled, and held onto the bars, gettin' as close as she could to the crazy con man. "We'll
live the plush life," she purred.
Rooster wrapped his hands over hers and smiled widely. "The lay-zee lush life." He held the a,
and moved so their lips were just millimeters away. "That's where we're gonna be!"
"Easy Street!" Lily closed the distance between her and Rooster; it was a short kiss, but there
were plans a'plenty behind it. They pulled away, their eyes gleamin' with mischief and plottin'. Soon
as they were outwhich would be soon once Rooster got his say init was off to wherever the money
was fast and the people were slow.
Lily giggled, a high-pitched, shrill sound, and Rooster crowed.
In the cell on the other side of Rooster's, Miss Hannigan pushed herself up from her relaxed
position. "Would you two shut up?!" she yelled. "If I have to hear that God-awful laugh again, you're
gonna end up cleaning my guts outta that head of hair!"
Lily glared over Rooster's shoulder at his sister. "Now, Lil," Rooster warned her, "let's play
nice." He leaned in close to her ear. "I ain't breakin' her outta here anyway. 'S'just you an' me," he
winked at her. Lily smiled smugly, but didn't say a word to the old hag.
Rooster, I heard that!
Rooster turned and smirked. What can I say sis? He nodded towards Lily, and winked. Shes
my favorite gal.

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