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Mylene L.

Capricho June 23, 2014

BSA-2D MWF 7:40-8:40 AM

1. From the activity Faith/Religion Expressions, I learned that
a. Faith is an important aspect of our lives. Like food, clothing, and shelter, it
must be considered as one of our basic needs. I realized that even though our
faith/religion varies, everyone has his/her own ways, means, and practices of what each
of us believes. I also realized that there is this tendency deep within us to communicate
or to have a connection to our creator.

2. Evaluating my faith/religion expressions, I realized that
a. I already have the knowledge about my faith. I am blessed because I have
gained some knowledge about my faith through my Christian Living Education (CL/CLE)
classes back when I was in elementary and high school. When it comes to my
celebration of faith, I could say that I have complied with it because I serve in the holy
mass every Sunday in the church. However, when it comes to my application of faith, I
could say that of all the 3 essentials of faith, this is the aspect that I need to focus in
order for me to grow more.

3. My action plan to nourish the essentials of my faith are:
a. For Creed, I commit to listen attentively to the teacher during Theology
classes. I will listen attentively and focus my attention to the priest during the homily in
the holy mass. Also, I will read books and articles in the internet about my Catholic faith
to deepen my understanding of it.

b. For Code, I commit to join organization/clubs that is concerned about the
needs of the society inside and outside of school. I want to reach out to other people. I
want to become involved with our societys concerns and to grow even more through
my experiences in helping the society.

c. For Cult, I commit to strengthen my commitment as a choir member and
accompanist during the holy mass in the church. I commit to make my commitment in
serving the church as one of my priorities. I will strive to be present in the holy mass
every Sunday.

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