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23 June 2014

Dear Parents/Guardians

The choir will be performing on Tuesday 12 August 2014 at St Benedicts Church,
Applecross, as part of the Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival.

We will be travelling to and from the event by bus. We will be leaving Star of the
Sea P.S. at 10:30am promptly to arrive in time for the 11:30am session in which
we are performing. The session concludes at 12:30pm when we will embark the
bus to return to school, arriving back at approximately 1:30pm in time to have a
short lunch break before returning to class.

On the day students will need to be dressed in their full winter uniform. We will
have a quick recess break prior, as there will not be an opportunity for students
to eat once we leave the school grounds. They may bring a water bottle with

Parents are invited to come along and watch our performance. The entry for the
performance is a gold coin donation as you enter.

Please have the permission slip completed and returned to Mrs. Linton by
Wednesday 31
July 2014.

Kind regards

Kate Linton
Music Specialist

Performing Arts Choir Permission Slip

I give permission for my child __________________________________________ in
class ______ to travel by bus to and from St Benedicts Church,
Applecross, on August 12, 2014 to perform in the Performing Arts

Parent/Carer Name:..

Parent/Carer Signature:... Date: ..

Parent/Carer contact number during the day: Home No:....
Work No:
Mobile No:

In the event of being unable to contact a parent or guardian, please supply the
following details of another responsible adult.

Name of emergency contact:...
Relationship to your child:...
Emergency Number:

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