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Jennifer Pimentel
Mrs. Kempka
English III
February 26, 2014
Breaking Down My Walls
When most people read a book or a story, they tend to relate and identify themselves with
characters. In my case, reading Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky helped me realize that I
am exactly like Charlie. Charlie like any other teenager struggled with many issues. He had problems
with his anger, didnt know how to express his emotions, and always just went with the flow without
really speaking his voice.
Like several people, Charlie got angered and many times even violent. When Patrick was getting
beaten up by Brads friends, Charlie couldnt stand seeing Patrick getting hurt and had to jump and do
something about it (Chbosky151). If I were Charlie, Id do the exact thing. When I see people that I care
about get hurt either physically or emotionally, I feel the need to do defend them and stop them and it if it
means by hurting others then so be it.

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