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Rate of reaction

1. Which of the following explains the meaning of effective collisions?

A the collisions where the particles have low kinetic energy
B The collisions that causes a reaction
C The collisions which are effective an take place !efore reaction
" The collisions where the particles collie infre#uently an results in low
activation energy
$. The following e#uation shows the reaction !etween powere calcium car!onate an
ilute hyrochloric aci.
CaC%& 's( ) $*Cl 'a#( CaCl$ 'a#( ) *$% 'l( ) C%$ 'g(
The li!eration of car!on ioxie can !e slowe own !y
+ reucing the temperature of hyrochloric aci use
++ ecreasing the concentration of the hyrochloric aci use
+++ using large mar!le pieces of mar!le chips
+, reucing pressure of the reaction
A ++ an +, only
B + an +++ only
C +- ++ an +++ only
" +- ++ - +++ an +,
&. Which of the following are true a!out the effect of the rise in temperature on the reactant
particles with regars to the collision theory?
+ The activation energy of the reactant particles increases
++ The kinetic energy of the reactant particles increases
+++ The amount of the catalyst ecreases after the reaction
+, The fre#uency of effective collisions !etween the reactant particles increases
A ++ an +++ only
B ++ an +, only
C +- ++ an +++ only
" +- ++ - +++ an +,
.. The ta!le shows the volume of hyrogen gas collecte when /inc is reacte with
hyrochloric aci.
Time /s Volume of gas /cm
0 0
11 $$
&0 &2
.1 .1
30 .2
41 .2
What is the average rate of the reaction ?
A 0.&4 cm
B 0.3. cm
C 0.20 cm
" 1..4 cm
1. Which of the following statements is true a!out a catalyst?
A +t results in more proucts to !e collecte
B +t changes the rate of reaction !y altering the activation energy of the reaction
C A huge amount of catalyst is neee for a reaction to occur
" The mass of the catalyst ecreases at the en of the reaction
1. Which of the following is not a reox reaction?
A 6eCl$ ) 7g 7gCl$ ) 6e
B .6e% ) %$ $6e%&
C 6e ) Cl$ 6eCl$
" 6e8%. ) $9%* 6e'%*($ ) 9$8%.
$. Which one of the following is an oxiation process?
A A chlorine molecule gains hyrogen
B A potassium atom loses an electron
C A car!on ioxie molecule loses oxygen
" A fluorine atom gains an electron
&. With reference to the half e#uation given !elow-
What are the values of x- y an /?
x y z
A $ & .
B & & .
C . & $
" . & .
.. +n the reactivity series of metal- hyrogen place !etween
A lea an copper
B /inc an iron
C magnesium an /inc
+ xH
+ ye
MnO2 +
" aluminium an /inc
1. Aminah has an iron necklace. 8he wants to make the necklace more !eautiful an
ura!le. What is the !est way to o this?
A Wash the necklace with soap
B :late the necklace with gol
C 8oak the necklace in ilute hyrochloric aci for several minutes
" 8cru! the necklace with sanpaper
Chemical for consumers
1. Which of the following is an active component of etergent?
A 8oium stearate
B 8oium alkyl sulphate
C 8oium oleate
" 8oium palmitate
$. The following is the part of the structural formula of a soap molecule.
Which of the following is the name of that part?
A ;lycerol
B Alkyl sulphate
C 8tearate
" Terpence
&. The following information is a!out a traitional meicine.
:revents flu
*elps to reuce !loo pressure
Which traitional meicine is relate to the information a!ove?
A ;inger
B <emon
C ;arlic
" =uinine
.. A factory worker suffers a cut on his han. *is han is swollen an painful.
What meicine is suita!le to !e given to the factory worker?
A Amphetamine
B :aracetamol
C Tran#uiliser
" 8treptomycin
1. "iagram shows the la!el of fruit >uice selling in the supermarket.
Which of the following chemicals is the most suita!le su!stitute for citric aci?
A Aspartame
B Ascor!ic aci
C ?thanoic aci
" 8oium nitrite
Lazat Mango Juice
Mango juice, sugar, citric
acid as antioxidant and
permitted food favouring
Lazat Mango Juice
Mango juice, sugar, citric
acid as antioxidant and
permitted food favouring
1. Which of the following are not electrolytes?
+ *yrochloric aci
++ ;lucose
+++ 7olten /inc !romie
+, Acetamie
A + an ++ only
B + an +++ only
C ++ an +, only
" +++ an +, only
$. A molten su!stance- : - prouces the following results when electrolyse.
Electrode Observatio
Anoe Brown vapour
Cathoe Brown soli
Which of the following is su!stance : ?
A <ea '++( chlorie
B @inc !romie
C 8oium chlorie
" Copper '++( !romie
&. "iagram shows the electrolysis of copper'++( nitrate solution.

Which of the half e#uation represents the reaction at the cathoe?
A Cu
a#( ) $e
B Cu's( Cu
'a#( ) $e
C .%*
'a#( %$'g( ) $*$%'l( ) .e
" $*
'a#( ) $e
.. Cryolite is ae to aluminium oxie in the extraction of aluminium from its ore. What is
the function of cyrolite?
A To increase the temperature of the mixture
B To increase the rate of electrolysis
C To reuce the rate of oxiation at the anoe
" To reuce the melting point of aluminium oxie
1. "iagram shows the apparatus set up of a chemical cell.
Graphite rod
Graphite rod
Copper(II) sulphate

What su!stance- when use as : an = - will o!tain the highest potential?
! "
A @inc @inc nitrate
B 7agnesium 7agnesium nitrate
C +ron +ron'++( sulphate
" Aluminium 7olten aluminium
Copper plate
Copper(II) nitrate solution
!olution "
orous pot

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