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5/10/13 Digital Sound Synthesis : Schedule

Edited Apr 7, 2011 3:14 PM by Varchausky, Nicolas
Digital Sound Synthesis : Schedule
Student Projects
Code Examples
DX 462 Weekly Schedule:
Week 1 and 2: Introduction to digital sound. Psychoacoustics. SuperCollider. Table
lookup synthesis. Reading Dodge Chap. 13 and assigned help files. Dodge Chap.
4.14.7. First lab and listening sessions. Listening assignment 1 out.
Week 3: The SuperCollider language. Control signals. Additive Synthesis. Algorithmic
approaches and more language discussion (Arrays, data parsing). Assignment 1 out.
Week 4: Composition discussions in DXARTS 200. Listening assignment 2 out.
CONCERT: Tues Oct. 26th at 7:30. Attendance required.
Week 5: AM, Ring Modulation. FM. Read Dodge 5.1. Assignment 2 and midterm out.
Week 6: More FM, time for discussion of Midterm projects.
Week 7: Midterm listening and critique. Read Dodge 8.1 and 8.3
Week 8: Granular synthesis. Final project out
Week 9: More granular synthesis Tendency masks and randomness.
Week 1011: Final Project discussion
FINAL PROJECTS DUE Monday, Dec. 6th at 9am.
5/10/13 Digital Sound Synthesis : Schedule
Extra topics as decided by the class and time for prelistening to works.

DX 463 Milestones Schedule:

1. April 26th.
2. May 10th.
3. May 24th.
Final presentation is on June 7th, 2.30PM @ Raitt 117. (make sure you reserve
enough time that evening)

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