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Please Forgive Me


Dear Father God,
I know that I've done wrong through my thoughts, my actions, and the
things that I've said, sometimes by mistake and sometimes on purpose. I
have gone my own way and not put you at the center of my life. I am very
sorry and ask that you please forgive me. I thank you that I can ask you
this because I truly believe that your Son, Jesus, died in my place and,
through Him, I have access to you. Please help me to follow you more
closely every day and live a life which gives glory back to you. I pray this
in Jesus' name.

Dear God, I am having a hard time forgiving ________ for ________.
Please give me Your love in my heart so I can forgive as You have forgiven
me. Amen.

Dear God, I feel like hurting ________ rather than forgiving him/her.
Please help me to remember that it is Your job to discipline others and
not mine. Amen.

Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to die on the cross so that we can
have our sins forgiven. Thank You for forgiving my sins. Please help me to
forgive others as You forgive us. Amen.

Dear God, I am sorry I did _____________. Will You please forgive me?

Dear God, I am afraid to ask forgiveness from _____________. Please
give me the courage to do the right thing. Amen.

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