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This fieldwork report has been duly prepared and submitted to meet the partial
requirement of BBS programmed designed by faculty of management of T.U. As being the
student of BBS Level, I am so pleased and proud for being the integral part of T.U. program
in this context.

Preparing a report of any sector or subject is really a challenging work for any one.
As being the student of commerce and to prepare report on financial subject, I accept it with
challenge, opportunity and finally became able to present the report with my full endeavor to
present in this shape.

I extend my sincere thanks to the teacher of Sirius College for his suggestion and
kind support.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge all the people whose direct and indirect help
assisted me in carrying out this venture. I am personally obliged and highly grateful to the
lecturer of Sirius College who guided me properly while I was writing this report.

Thank You

Nikesh Shrestha
BBS Third Year
Sirius College
Bafal, Kathmandu

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