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Peer and self-assessment practices

1. In the past 3 months, indicate which (if any) of the following peer assessment tools you
have employed with your learners:
o Visual indicators (i.e traffic lights; happy/sad faces)
o Tick and flick (i.e marking either right or wrong)
o Numerical rating scales (i.e. 1-10)
o Pictorial rating scales (number of stars)
o Written feedback within graphic organiser (i.e. hamburger; Y chart; PMI)
o Sandwiched feedback (i.e. Two stars and a wish; warm and cool)
o Sentence starters (i.e. I liked the way that you.; I felt you could have added more
information about)
o Detailed checklists
o Peer interviews/conferences
o Other (please specify____________________________).

2. Peer assessment is a strategy I use in my classroom
o Daily
o Weekly
o Monthly
o Intermittently
o Rarely
o Never
o Not sure

3. I provide guidelines and criteria for learners to follow when completing peer assessment
o Always
o Usually
o Sometimes
o Rarely
o Never
o Not sure

4. In the past 3 months, indicate which (if any) of the following self-assessment tools you have
employed with your learners:
o Visual indicators (i.e traffic lights; happy/sad faces)
o Tick and flick (i.e marking either right or wrong)
o Numerical rating scales (i.e. 1-10)
o Pictorial rating scales (number of stars)
o Written feedback within graphic organiser (i.e. hamburger; Y chart; PMI)
o Sentence starters (i.e. I liked the way that I.; I felt I could have added more
information about)
o Detailed checklists
o Reflective journals/online blogs
o Other (please specify_______________________________).

5. Self-assessment is a strategy I use in my classroom
o Daily
o Weekly
o Monthly
o Intermittently
o Rarely
o Never
o Not sure

6. I provide guidelines and criteria for learners to follow when completing self-assessment
o Always
o Usually
o Sometimes
o Rarely
o Never
o Not sure

7. I employ peer and self-assessment strategies in addition to teacher-led assessment
strategies for the same task/activity
o Always
o Usually
o Sometimes
o Rarely
o Never
o Not sure

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