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Bow to make a Nito Shinai set

Remove 6 cm (2.4 inches) fiom the tsuka gashiia enu of the uaitoh. (S.9
becomes a S.7, S.8 becomes a S.6, S.7 becomes a S.S)
2. 22 cm
62 cm
1S~1S cm
Foi the shotoh, staiting at the fattest noue on the shinai, fiist cut 22 cm off the
hanule siue, then cut the kensaki tip to shoiten the oveiall length to 62 cm oi
less. A hanule length of 1-12 fist giips (1S-1S cm , S.1 - S.9 inches) is easiest
to use.


Befoie you cut the shinai wiap it with vinyl tape to maik the cutting location.
Cutting with a fine-tootheu metal saw will pievent splinteiing.
Piepaie the cut enu by iounuing off the iesulting euge with a woou plane oi

The shinai is easiei to use when the siues of the hanule aie slightly tiimmeu to
make an oval shape. (foi example when using the uaitoh in jouan kamae, when
tiieu the hanule may tuin unless you aie able to iealize that it is out of position)
Ken saki (kensen)
Kiii, Cut
Tsuka gashiia, Pommel
Fattest Noue
Inai, Within
Nokogiii, Saw
vinyl Tape

Bow to Shoiten the Tsuka gawa.
1S 1S
Shoiten the hanule poition to 1S-1S cm of length

At the shoiteneu location punch 1u-12 holes

Tuin the tsuka gawa insiue out

Aftei punching the holes

Thieau the twine thiough the holes

Tie a stiong closuie with plieis, just past the knot tiim off the unneeueu

Tuin the 'insiue out' tsuka gawa back out

Finisheu woik Installeu on shinai

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