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Bakers bread covered with tomato and other vegetables 1

2. The shoe of Don Juan 2

Jos Antonio my school heartthrob was built in 1980 4

If you want to exercise walks 2
If you want nice clothes, buy silk 3

Originally, jeans, by its resistance, the used manual workers, especially in forced
labor as miners or farmers of the Century. ** In the United States in the early 50's,
young people and teenagers started to get jeans as a subtle form of protest against
conformity. The fact was considered a provocation; for example in
some cinemas were not allowed to carry the jeans. In the 60s, the
Cowboys won acceptance and the 70s had become a regular item in the U.S.

1. good: bueno
2. bad: malo
3. large: grande
4. small: pequeo
5. long: largo
6. short: corto
7. thick: grueso
8. narrow: estrecho
9. deep: profundo/hondo
10. shallow: llano
11. whole: entero
12. low: bajo
13. high: alto
14. near: cerca
15. far: lejos
16. quick: rpido
17. slow: lento
18. early: temprano
19. late: tarde
20. bright: vivo, brillante
21. dark: oscuro
22. cloudy: nublado
23. sunny: soleado

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