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John H. Johnson School of Communications

Department of Journalism
Student Evaluation of Supervised Internship

Semester ___Summer II 2014___________________

Interns Name _______Althia Henry ______________________________________
Name of Organization______Seven Yards, LLC ____________________________
Organizations Address____9805 Allenford Circle #4________________________
Name of Supervisor____Kristina Byrne____________________________________

Analysis of Experience
__XX___Excellent _____Good _____Fair _____Poor

Was your internship beneficial for your career goals? If so, why? If not, why not?
Having technical reinforced and honed my web designing skills and become more aware
of the back office work that is required to bring a page to fruition is a skill set that I can
leverage as a value-added talent I bring to my current or future employer.

Would you recommend this internship to other students? Why or why not?
I would highly recommend this internship to other students. Web development skills are
becoming as much of a commodity as typing and texting. Every large, medium size,
start-up, mom-and-pop, or stay-at-home Mom enterprise needs to be visible on the web.
Every kind of student, every major, or concentration could benefit how acquiring or
fine-tuning the skills I learned and used at Seven Yards.

I certify that this is an accurate representation and reflection of the work that I
completed for the required Supervised Internship.
Althia Henry
__Althia Henry______07/25/2014_______
Student Signature and Date

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