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Becoming a Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Cyndy Simms has more than two decades of experience as a

superintendent of schools. She previously served as the interim
superintendent in the Los Gatos Union School District. Today,
Cyndy Simms serves in the San Mateo-Foster City School

The road to becoming a superintendent of schools starts at
education. Aspiring superintendents must have a masters
degree. The degree is usually in the field of education, although it
may not be, and must come from an accredited university or
college program. Advanced degrees, such as doctorates, and
leadership coursework relating to education, are preferred by
boards of education. In addition, some states may require
additional certifications.

A superintendent of schools should have experience in an actual
school setting. It is rare for an individual to become a
superintendent without having served as an administrator for at
least five years. In addition, it is common for superintendents to
have four or more years of teaching experience.

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