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Manual Handling Back to Basics

And the answers are:

Q.1. There are 6 steps to safe manual handling which include Plan, Position and
Grip from the following list choose the other 3
A. Lift, Carry, Lower
Q.2. For a balanced and stable position your feet should be?
A. Apart, Apart but one foot in front of the other
Q.3.Where should your forward leg be if the object you are going to lift is on the
A. Alongside the object
Q.4. For a good lifting position you should be naturally upright shoulders level and
facing forwards choose 1 other options from the list below?
A. Leaning slightly over the load
Q.5. Which is the best way to make a firm grip?
A. Using whole hand
Q.6. How can you create a safer lift and reduce fatigue in your fingers
A. Using a hocked grip
Q.7. When lifting what is the best position for the head?
A. Facing Forwards
Q.8. Wear should the heaviest side of the load be?
A. Closest to the body
Q.9. If you jerk or snatch the load will it (choose two from the list below)
A. Decrease the risk of injury, Increase the risk of injury
Q10. When carrying the load which of the following shouldnt you do?
A..Twist the body when turning corners
Q.11. When lowering a load and keeping yourself from harm it is important to keep
your back straight and face forwards what two other things should you be aware of?
A. Trapping your fingers, Lowering with the legs

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