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Look Report Expectations


Prior to Shift Change (1800 Day Shift and 0600 Night Shift)

Fresh water is to be passed to all patients (except NPO patients)
Update patient white boards with correct date and assigned RN/CNA.
Make sure the marker works please! Replace new marker as needed
Toilet patients 30 minutes prior to shift change so that it can go quickly
and smoothly
Ensure sharps containers have been changed
Contact supplies are stocked outside of room
Linen closets are stocked (see picture and handout attached inside of
linen closets)
Clear room of extraneous medical equipment/supplies/linen/dirty
laundry/meal trays
Alert signage at HOB (example: NO BP in Rt ARM or 1.5L Fluid

Shift Change

Report must start promptly at 0630/1830
Check to make sure bed alarm light is on if appropriate
Ensure bed is plugged in and bed height is in the lowest position
Call light is within reach of patient
Receive report from designated RNs by 0900/2100
Done with report no later than 0700/1900. Delegate during report to
RNs/Charge RN if patients need to toilet!

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