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The capital city of Spain is Madrid, a city in the center of Spain, more than 650 kilometers of

Barcelona and almost 500 kilometers of Portugal. Madrid is one of the older cities in Spain, is like
1200 years old and has a population of 3.5 million of people. Some percentage of that people
came from other Spain cities.
The history says that Madrid is the capital city since 1561, when the King Felipe design Madrid like
the capital city but also the Capital city was changed in three times because the Independence
War and the Civil War. The other capital cities in the history of Spain were Valladolid, Seville,
Cadiz, Valencia and Barcelona.
Madrid has a lot of museums, for example The Prado and the CaixaForum museums, also the
city has a lot of fountains, and the most important are the Cibeles and Neptuno fountains.
The economy in Madrid is based in the industries of service, because these industries represent
almost the 35% of the PIB in Madrid.
The tourism in Madrid is impulse by the government; one example is the old buildings of Madrid
theyre illuminated all the nights and the people go around the city watching all of the places and
lights that made Madrid one of the more beautiful cities in the world.
The people in Spain love the sports, and its not a surprise that the soccer is the national sport, in
all the country the soccer is played by kids, adults and old people. Madrid is not the exception, the
Real Madrid its one of the most recognized teams of the world.
The people in Madrid travel in car, taxis and bicycle; but the are several ways to move around the
city. The metro is one alternative way, because it connects the entire city and only cost 0.50

Live in Madrid is very exciting because theres always somewhere to go, but there is a problem
about this cosmopolitan city, that problem is the contamination of the cars, because they produce
almost the 75% of the air contamination of the city. This is a problem because the people living in
Madrid have a lot of consequences, one of those consequences are the diseases in the
respiratory system of the people.
The government is taking some decisions about that problem, and the city of Madrid is going to be
a better city for the civilians and the animals.

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