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}uly 2u14

To Whom It Nay Concein:

I wiite this lettei to expiess my intent to obtain a position thiough which I can teach
stuuents how to be well-iounueu musicians in a safe, euucational, anu positive
enviionment. Ny acauemic inteiests anu piofessional expeiiences make me an excellent
canuiuate foi a public school music teachei position. Aftei giauuating fiom Baiwich Bigh
School, wheie I took all music classes offeieu anu paiticipateu in the annual Spiing musical
theatie piouuctions, I attenueu the 0niveisity of Naine anu eaineu my Bacheloi's uegiee in
Nusic Euucation. Theie I paiticipateu in many ensembles anu helu many leaueiship
positions. Aftei successful completion of my unueigiauuate caieei, I obtaineu teacheis
licensuie in Naine anu Nassachusetts. I am in a position in which I can move at any time
anu woulu be willing to get ceitifieu in any state if offeieu a position.

Ny teaching expeiiences thus fai have helpeu me giow tiemenuously anu have left me
feeling confiuent anu eagei to take on the iesponsibility of my own classioom. Thioughout
my stuuent teaching, I gaineu extensive expeiience woiking with musicians at all levels
thiough teaching geneial music, choius, anu banu (ensembles anu pullout lessons) in
Kinueigaiten thiough 12th giaue classes. Since }anuaiy 2u1S, I have been teaching piivate
lessons to playeis of all abilities. This school yeai I have been substitute teaching in all
levels anu subjects (incluuing auministiation anu special euucation) in thiee school
uistiicts. 0ne valuable oppoitunity I hau was spenuing two weeks substituting foi an
elementaiy instiumental teachei whose scheuule mostly consisteu of small gioup lessons.
A laige poition of my sub woik has been in the music uepaitment of Baiwich Bigh School,
wheie the uiiectoi encounteis 1u7 stuuents out of S14 in the school uaily. In auuition to
substitute teaching, I have pioviueu piivate lessons at the school anu have taken on final
piepaiations anu set-up foi seveial conceits, one foi which I ieheaiseu anu conuucteu a
piece. I also became involveu in the All Cape Nusic Festival this yeai by aujuuicating
claiinet auuitions anu assisteu in hosting the festival at Baiwich Bigh School in a logistical
anu supeivisoiy capacity. Then in Naich, I attenueu sessions at the NNEA confeience
uuiing the All State Nusic Festival.

Engaging with stuuents biings me gieat satisfaction uue to being able to guiue them in
acauemics as well as life. I commanu iespect fiom stuuents while still being nuituiing anu
patient with them. Ny expeiience with a vast aiiay of leaining abilities anu styles has
alloweu me to giow my capability to uiffeientiate while teaching. The stuuents at Baiwich
Bigh School have commenteu on how piouuctive classes aie when I am theie anu that I am
competent at tioubleshooting musical pioblems uuiing ieheaisal. They also noteu that I
uon't seem as young as I am because of how I conuuct myself anu that my passion foi music
anu teaching shines thiough. I holu high values foi myself as a piofessional. I look foiwaiu
to uiscussing any openings that may be available anu can be ieacheu by phone at (774)
722-1741 oi by e-mail at Please uo not hesitate to contact me oi my
iefeiences with any questions. Thank you foi youi time anu consiueiation!

Kiisten Walthei

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