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Cover Sheet (for Student-Led Projects)

University of Idaho Office of Community Partnerships Project Proposal
Date submitted: October 1, 2013
Project Title: Water in Agriculture: A Proposal to Educate Youth About Water Issues Concerning Food
Student PI/Team Leader: Katie Vandenberg
Local Mailing Address: 13349 Goodson Rd Caldwell, ID 83607
Student E-Mail Address:
Major, College, Level in School, and Expected Graduation Date: Agribusiness & Accounting, Senior
level credit status/2
year student, May 2016
Targeted Community or Community Organization: Lewiston Middle School
Team Members: (use second sheet if necessary)
Name: N/A Email address:
Academic Advisor:
Name: Aaron Johnson Email address:
Department: Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Project Advisor:
Name: Aaron Johnson Email address:
Department/Affiliation: Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Project Dates: __April 3, 2013___________________
Amount Requested: ____$579.76_________________
Project Synopsis (2-5 sentences):
The objective of this proposal is to host an interactive lesson to educate youth about the connection
between water issues and agriculture, in order for them to be more educated about the industry that our
state revolves around, and the nourishment that our bodies depend on. This addresses the need for our
youth to be educated about environmental sustainability issues to make them more informed and
responsible citizens. In order to achieve this, the project will include an interactive lecture and an outdoor
activity where students get to participate in a real-life activity that applies to these issues.
Advisor Confirmation:
I confirm that ___Katie Vandenberg___ (student PI/leader) is competent and capable of carrying out the
proposed project, and that the project fits within the students academic plan.
____________Academic Advisor (Signature) _____________Project Advisor (Signature)
____________Academic Advisor (Please Print) ____________Project Advisor (Please Print)
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Accoiuing to the Iuaho Bepaitment of Watei Resouices, "Iuaho usually has auequate
suiface watei supplies but those watei supplies aie cyclic. Some yeais theie is too much
anu othei yeais not enough. Iuaho has expeiienceu a numbei of watei shoitages." (Iuaho
Watei Supply Committee) Cyclic watei supplies anu shoitages aie a challenge to society,
especially agiicultuie. The pioblem is that many youth uo not iealize how impoitant watei
supplies aie to the piouuction of oui foou. The objective of this pioposal is to host an
inteiactive lesson to euucate youth about the connection between watei issues anu
agiicultuie, in oiuei foi them to be moie euucateu about the inuustiy that oui state
ievolves aiounu, anu the nouiishment that oui bouies uepenu on. This auuiesses the neeu
foi oui youth to be euucateu about enviionmental sustainability issues to make them moie
infoimeu anu iesponsible citizens.

Lewiston Niuule School has agieeu to paitnei with me on this pioject. I will piesent to 6u
stuuents total: 2u sixth giaueis, 2u seventh giaueis, anu 2u eighth giaueis. This plan
enables me to test this activity on uiffeient giaue levels anu ueteimine how to implement
this pioject successfully in the futuie on a much laigei scale. An assistant will be hiieu to
accompany me uuiing the piesentation anu to help the hanus-on activity iun moie

This pioject incluues two components: a Su minute, inteiactive lectuie, anu an outuoois
activity that incluues teaching the youth to set syphon tubes useu foi iiiigation. This
combination ensuies both euucation anu fun. The lectuie will baseu on stuuies completeu
by 0I faculty anu stuuents, anu incluue the following topics:
Bepletion of watei iesouices
Why watei supplies aie cyclical, anu causes of uiought
Watei challenges anu uecisions that apply to faimeis
Bow much watei it takes to iiiigate populai Iuaho ciops, such as potatoes, sugai
beets, onions, coin, anu wheat
Bow these ciops affect oui uiets anu buugets
Easy anu piactical tips to conseive watei

Following the lectuie, the stuuents will go outsiue to a shallow watei tiough set up in the
fielu aiea. I will give a biief oveiview of syphon tubes anu how they aie useu to iiiigate
ciops. Following the talk, I will uemonstiate how to set a syphon tube anu will give helpful
tips on how to succeeu. Aftei that, we will set them fiee to piactice on theii own, anu will
assist them as neeueu. Each stuuent will have his oi hei own syphon tube, anu appiopiiate
space at the watei tiough. I have buugeteu foi enough shallow watei tioughs foi all
stuuents to paiticipate at the same time. This enables them to have as much time as
possible to mastei setting syphon tubes. It is a challenging, yet attainable skill foi this age
iange to leain. The assistant anu I will be closely monitoiing anu helping the stuuents to
ensuie that they aie safe, leaining, anu having fun. A suivey will be collecteu fiom each
stuuent befoie anu aftei the piogiam to measuie how effective the piogiam was.

Bata that neeus to be collecteu befoie the pioject incluues auuitional ieseaich to finalize
the lectuie plans, anu the times piefeiieu by the teacheis foi us to piesent. Bata that neeus
to be collecteu uuiing anu aftei the pioject incluues houis woikeu by my assistant, suiveys
fiom the stuuents both befoie anu aftei the pioject, anu teachei feeuback.

I have confiuence that this will be both an effective anu engaging leaining expeiience foi
the stuuents. This pioject was inspiieu by a similai activity that was sponsoieu by 0iegon
State 0niveisity at a faim festival, wheie extension staff euucateu stuuents about iiiigation
methous anu how to set syphon tubes. I attenueu this event anu peisonally saw its success
anu effectiveness. Bowevei, I believe that my pioposeu pioject will be even moie valuable
because it encompasses moie uynamic euucation foi the stuuents.

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I am confiuent that this pioject will iesult in shoit anu long teim benefits foi the state of
Iuaho, the stuuents involveu anu the 0niveisity of Iuaho. This is a valuable topic that
peitains to eveiy citizen of Iuaho, because of agiicultuie's oveiwhelming piesence in oui
economy, anu because of oui neeu to eat to suivive.

This pioject will euucate youth anu piomote them to be enviionmentally iesponsible
citizens, which benefits the natuial iesouices of Iuaho anu its long teim success as a state.
By euucating oui stuuents about topics not leaineu in the classioom, we aie eniiching the
type of cultuie founu in Iuaho, anu its civic engagement.

Benefits foi the stuuents will ieach much faithei than just a fun, engaging uay at school anu
a new skill. Long teim benefits foi stuuents incluue being knowleugeable about the foou
they eat anu the state they live in. We aie also opening theii eyes to the woilu of
agiibusiness as a majoi anu a caieei, which can help them choose what they want to
puisue in the futuie.

This pioject also benefits the 0niveisity of Iuaho, because it builus meaningful
ielationships with the community of Lewiston anu piospective stuuents. By euucating
youth about this topic, we can inspiie stuuents to apply to the 0niveisity of Iuaho anu
stuuy issues like these. This will also benefit the Bepaitment of Agiicultuial Economics
anu Ruial Sociology (AERS) by incieasing eniollment anu showcasing ieseaich. This is a
phenomenal way to show communities that the 0niveisity of Iuaho is a quality institution
that tiuly caies about its youth anu the success of Iuaho as a state.

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To pioviue infoimation about this pioject to the univeisity, I will publish an aiticle to be
incluueu in both staff anu stuuent newsletteis, to make otheis awaie of this pioject anu its
value to youth in Iuaho. I will publish these in all newsletteis incluueu in the College of
Agiicultuial anu Life Sciences (CALS). When appiopiiate, I will also piesent this mouel
pioject to club anu staff meetings. This woulu be valuable in getting the woiu out, anu
soliciting feeuback anu suggestions to impiove my pioject. I will also submit an aiticle to
the univeisity web site, wheie stuuents, faculty, anu the public can ieau about it.

To pioviue infoimation to the community, I will publish an aiticle in CALS newsletteis that
aie sent to alumni, anu will submit it to the Lewiston uazette anu othei local newspapeis
that aie uistiibuteu to the public. I will also attempt to get local news stations to uo special
coveiage on the pioject anu how we aie ieaching out to youth in Iuaho.

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This pioject is not possible without the help of otheis. The main paiticipants of this pioject
incluue my pioject auvisoi, my assistant, Lewiston Niuule School, anu the 0niveisity of
Iuaho 0ffice of Community Paitneiships (0CP).

I have selecteu my acauemic auvisoi to play the iole of pioject auvisoi because of his
knowleuge, expeitise, anu passion foi agiicultuie. I have acknowleugeu that his
paitneiship is valuable in making this pioject a success. I plan on soliciting lots of feeuback
anu suggestions fiom him, in oiuei to be as thoiough anu successful as possible. We woik
well togethei, anu I iespect his knowleuge anu auvice.

I plan on hiiing an assistant solely foi the puipose of assisting me with the piesentation.
This iole will not be involveu in the pieliminaiy ieseaich oi planning of the pioject. This
assistant will be paiu $1u an houi, anu will be expecteu to woik a total of appioximately
five houis, which incluues an oiientation of how to assist uuiing the piesentation, anu
helping me set up anu peifoim the syphon tube activity on the actual uay of the pioject.
This peison must also be an Agiibusiness majoi. I will auveitise this position thiough
AERS, anu will inteiview peeis who aie inteiesteu in assisting me. I will select the stuuent
who I think is the best fit foi the position.

Lewiston Niuule School is my paitnei foi the actual activity. We aie in agieement about
the uate anu location of the pioject. The school's iole in this pioject is minimal, anu I am
not expecting them to pioviue me with anything othei than the location anu the stuuents.

I woulu be honoieu to incluue 0CP as a paitnei as well. I woulu appieciate the oppoitunity
to woik with this office anu extenu theii piesence into the Lewiston community. The
funuing amount is moie than enough to complete the pioject.

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I plan to keep a mastei binuei of this pioject that incluues ieseaich, a timeline, a buuget, all
communication with paitneis, uiafts anu final copies of outieach aiticles, anu all othei
papeiwoik that is involveu in completing this pioject. This will help me stay oiganizeu anu
will pioviue a iefeience foi futuie piojects. I also plan to keep a log of tasks accomplisheu
anu challenges that occuiieu.

Buiing the months of Novembei, Becembei, anu }anuaiy, the key activity foi this pioject
will be accumulating ieseaich foi the lectuie. I will post the assistant position when we
ietuin fiom wintei bieak, anu will ask foi all stuuents who aie inteiesteu to let me know
by }anuaiy S1
. By }anuaiy S1
, I also plan to have all ieseaich accumulateu anu oiganizeu
in the binuei. I plan to have bi-weekly meetings with the 0CP cooiuinatoi, wheie I will
uiscuss my piogiess anu ieview my task log. The occuiience of these meetings is flexible
anu can be incieaseu oi uecieaseu as seen fit.

I plan to cieate a sciipt foi the lectuie uuiing the month of Febiuaiy, with a cooiuinating
sliueshow. I also plan to puichase the watei tioughs anu syphon tubes uuiing this month.
These will be stoieu in an AERS stoiage ioom, which I have alieauy gaineu appioval to uo.
The inteiviews foi the assistant position will be completeu by Febiuaiy 2u
, anu applicants
will be notifieu by the enu of the month.

Naich will be useu to piactice the piesentation anu make any necessaiy aujustments. I
plan to piesent to peeis anu my pioject auvisoi to gain suggestions anu feeuback. I will
also piesent to the 0CP. The last week of Naich will be useu foi final piepaiation anu
polishing the piesentation so that it is well ieheaiseu anu the sliues cooiuinate to what I
am planning to say. I will also meet with my assistant, anu plan how the actual
piesentation uay, Apiil S
, will woik.

All meetings with 0CP will be iecoiueu in the task log, as well as auvice fiom my pioject
auvisoi anu peeis. This will effectively uocument the piocess fiom stait to enu, while
pioviuing a iefeience to be useu in the futuie.
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This pioject is set up as a mouel, in hopes of being able to piesent this piogiam to many
moie stuuents at vaiious schools in Iuaho foi yeais to come. Agiicultuie anu watei issues
will nevei go away, making it a topic that will be ielevant fai into the futuie. This will give
back to the community anu 0I because it builus meaningful ielationships with inuiviuual
communities, anu gives youth knowleuge that can be applieu to ieal life.

This pioject has gieat potential foi ongoing futuie involvement. I woulu be pleaseu to
continue with this pioject again next yeai, anu tiain an assistant that coulu take it on the
following yeai. The assistant iole coulu giow to become moie vital, anu coulu be aiiangeu
so that the assistant is expecteu to take ovei the pioject the following yeai aftei seiving as
that iole. This coulu also evolve to become the focus of the agiibusiness club oi a similai
club, wheie membeis of the club coulu spieau out anu covei many uiffeient schools in
Iuaho ovei the couise of the yeai. Theie aie many ways to keep this pioject going in the
futuie, all of which woulu most likely be suppoiteu anu funueu by AERS anuoi 0CP. Aftei
this pioject is completeu, I plan to piesent the iesults to AERS anu 0CP anu piopose that
the pioject be funueu peimanently.

To evaluate this pioject, a suivey will be given to all stuuents befoie anu aftei the
piesentation, measuiing whethei the objective of euucating youth about the connection
between watei issues anu the foou they eat was met. The assistant anu I will also wiite an
evaluation of how it went, anu what impiovements coulu have been maue to make the
pioject moie effective.

The following Likeit scale will be useu on the suivey given to the stuuents. The same
suivey will be given befoie anu aftei. The suivey given aftei the piesentation shoulu show
an impiovement fiom the one given befoie the piesentation. Aftei iesults aie ievieweu,
we will be able to evaluate the pioject anu ueteimine whethei oi not the stuuents leaineu
what we planneu. We can use these suiveys to make impiovements foi futuie
implementation of the pioject.

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1. Aie you awaie that watei iesouices aie uepleting.
Stiongly Agiee
2. Bo you know what uiought is, anu what causes it.
Stiongly Agiee
S. Aie you awaie of what uecisions faimeis have to make iegaiuing watei foi ciops.
Stiongly Agiee
4. Bo you know how much watei it takes to iiiigate potatoes, sugai beets, onions, coin, anu
Stiongly Agiee
S. Bo you know simple ways of conseiving watei.
Stiongly Agiee

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Not applicabletheie aie no team membeis.

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*Salary not to exceed $10/hr for undergraduates, $12/hr for graduate
students. Please add a 1% fringe fee to the total salary as required for
payroll. For example: if total payroll equals $100, request $101
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This buuget was piepaieu baseu on the 0CP community giant buuget template, anu all
costs weie calculateu accoiuing to pioceuuie. Costs foi equipment weie baseu on
conseivative maiket piices. Funuing is still penuing.

The equipment is a one-time puichase, but moie syphon tubes anu watei tioughs may be
neeueu in the futuie to accommouate laigei classes. The salaiy of the assistant will most
likely inciease in the futuie, in oiuei foi heihim to be compensateu foi playing a laigei
pait in the pioject. Tiavel expenses will vaiy uepenuing on location of the school.

These costs aie ieasonable, anu well below the maximum iequest. They may vaiy in the
futuie, but I am confiuent that this is an accuiate estimate foi this yeai's mouel pioject.

Woik Citeu

"Iuaho Watei Supply Committee: Bistoiical Backgiounu." !"#$%&'()*%+*,% Iuaho
Bepaitment of Watei Resouices. N.p., n.u. Web. 18 }uly 2u14.

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