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Ranunculus includes a wide variety of species, including buttercups and spearworts. The genus
name Rununculaceae grows from bulbs planted two inches deep and six inches apart in early
spring. Ranunculus prefers full sun in water that drains well. Ranunculus also does very well as a
potted plant or in a greenhouse, but their ability to endure cool temperatures makes them an easy
flower to grow outside.
Ranunculus has smaller, more delicate flowers. Yellow is a very common color for many species
of Ranunculus. The flowers bloom out of bushy green foliage with several little leaves to each
stem. It?s never a bad idea to cut Ranunculus for a bouquet. The plant regenerates flowers when
old ones are cut so your flowerbeds will still look fresh for the blooming season. The stems are
very straight, making them easy to arrange and they have a long vase-life. Cut the flowers when
they are fully colored and about to open.

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