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7/27/14 6:50 AM CNA/ACP staff meeting minutes from Jan - Heinke, Pamela S

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Pl All,
ALLached are Lhe mlnuLes from Lhe !an CnA/AC meeLlng. Sorry l am so far behlnd. lease leL me know lf you
have any quesLlons. l wlll send ouL Lhe mlnuLes from leb over Lhe nexL few days.
Ma[or hlghllghLs from !anuary lnclude:
1) ClucomeLers noL belng LesLed on nlghL shlfL and vlals belng labeled lncorrecLly are sLlll a huge lssue! 1hls ls
a !ACPC sLandard, so lf we don'L flx Lhls, we are all ln blg Lrouble! l'm golng Lo seL up a slgn off checkllsL by
each ClucomeLer sLaLlon so LhaL lL has Lo be slgned every shlfL. l wlll check lL when l work and follow up
lndlvldually lf lL lsn'L done. l Lhlnk ln Lhe fuLure we wlll sLarL asslgnlng a lead CnA/AC every shlfL Lo make sure
Lhls ls geLLlng done. More Lo come on Lhls...
2) An LlC reporL ls ln Lhe works so LhaL you can prlnL ouL your "braln" lnsLead of wrlLlng everyLhlng down.
1hls may Lake a few monLhs. lL's Llme consumlng Lo wrlLe everyLhlng down and we have all of Lhe lnformaLlon
already, so hopefully Lhls wlll make lL easler for you! Cf course, lf you llke wrlLlng Lhlngs down, you can [usL
add Lo Lhe prlnL ouL!
3) ACs are underuLlllzed. 8emlnd your 8n LhaL you can do Lhlngs and wanL Lo... l am golng Lo reeducaLe 8ns
on whaL Lhese Lhlngs are so LhaL Lhey can ask you Loo!
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