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The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) jihadist group in Iraq, have overrun all of one province

chunks of three more since launching their offensive last Monday (7
June 2014); security forces
have generally performed poorly. Washington responded to the sweeping unrest by deploying an
aircraft carrier group to the Gulf. Iraqi forces have said their commanders were now starting to repel
the militants and that soldiers had recaptured two towns north of Baghdad. The army announced it
had regained the initiative and killed 279 terrorists in the past 24 hours. Baghdads embattled
forces will be joined by a flood of volunteers, urged on by a call to arms from a top Shia cleric.
Dozens of Indians remain stranded in the towns of Mosul and Tikrit, now captured by ISIS forces. US
President Barack Obama: this poses a danger to Iraq, and given the nature of these terrorists, it
could pose a threat to American interests.
Iran President Hassan Rouhani: Iraq is Irans neighbouring friend and we will help on the basis of
international rules.
UPDATE: July 2
Contradicting his previous statement about not sending American troops to Iraq,
US President Barack Obama has authorised to deploy in Iraq 800 troops as reserves, aid to Iraqi
security forces, in Baghdad , and to defend the American Embassy in Iraq; to reinforce security at at
the U.S. Embassy, its support facilities and the Baghdad International Airport.
43 nurses of Indian origin majority from the North of India and some from Hyderabad are in a
delicate situation, stuck inside a hospital building in Kirkuk.
UPDATE: July 4
Indian nurses have been moved by the ISIS rebels from Tikrit their mobile
phones confiscated, and they are expected to be taken to Mosul where they will serve at a hospital
facing severe staff crunch.
UPDATE: July 6
Indian nurses stuck in Iraq return home. Say rebels were kind and gentle people
with good hearts. United Nurses Association says that about 800 Malayali nurses were still left in

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