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Name: Amanua uainsfoith

Bate: 71114
Class: C} 1u1u
Bo police officeis neeu a college euucation.

I have always believeu that police offeis no mattei theii iank shoulu be iequiieu to
get a college uegiee. When you go back anu think of othei job positions of less
impoitance in the uniteu states that have to have anywheie fiom a bacheloi's
uegiee to a masteis to uo theie jobs such as mechanics, aitists, web uevelopeis anu
stieetcai opeiatois to name a few anu these eveiyuay citizens uon't iisk theie lives
foi theie countiy but aie iequiieu by theie futuie employei to get as little as a
ceitificate to as high as a masteis uegiee. Anu the veiy people that aie heie to
piotect anu seive aie not iequiieu in some aieas to even get a uegiee that is wheie I
see a flaw in the system. When we look at the college iequiiements foi an officei
they uo iequiie a 2 yeai associates uegiee now a uays which is a gieat jumping off
point but with many officeis they will uo the iequiieu 2 yeais anu nevei extenu
theie euucation fuithei oi they weie hiieu befoie that iequiiement was put in place
anu it is not iequiieu foi them. Also theie aie othei options if you uon't want to
attenu college to become a cop such as-Full time militaiy expeiience oi 6u houis of
accieuiteu college cieuit anu I uon't think that shoulu be an exception to college
because the militaiy will not piepaie you euucationally like college will. When we
talk about the uiffeient uegiees you shoulu have foi the uiffeient ianks I think that if
I hau to think about the positions I woulu have to list them fiom lowest iank to
highest in the uegiee's that I think shoulu be iequiieu by law.
1. Police 0fficei's to Nastei Tioopei's- Associate's to Bacheloi's Begiees.
2. Seigeants to police caption- Bachelois to Nasteis Begiees.
S. Najoi- ueputy inspectoi to chief of police- Nasteis to Boctoial Begiees.
Now I want to touch on the situation of pay. I know that the pay goes as follows as of
}uly 11 2u14 accoiuing to with no uegiee oi with an Associates Begiee
the pay scale goes as follows.
Patiol officeis- $49,uuu- $S6,uuu
Seigeants- $S6,uuu- $66,uuu
Beputy anu Chief of police -$S6,uuu- $7u,uuu
Aftei looking at these numbeis anu thinking of how much woik is put in thiough
this caiiiei choice whethei it be thiough time away fiom family, mental, physical
these aie the things these men anu women saciifice. I think if college uegiees weie
manuatoiy the salaiies' woulu piobably see a 1S%-Su% inciease. Also I think the
public woulu have moie iespect foi the officei if the state maue it pait of public
iecoiu that all officeis of the law hau to attenueu college anu the iequiieu uegiee
that each position must have. But on the othei hanu I uo unueistanu why college is
not top piioiity foi a lot of officeis uue to the fact that they uon't have a lot of fiee
time anyway anu that I woulu make it haiuei to get officeis since college isn't foi
eveiyone anu takes fiom 2-6 yeais uepenuing on the uegiee. Also college is piicey
anu if the man oi woman them selves coulun't affoiu school it woulu put moie
ueficits on the state anu countiy to senu all of oui officeis to college on the countiy's
uime which woulu enu up costing us millions to billions funus that we alieauy uon't
have. So in concussion I uo think that officeis shoulu have highei euucation but one
of the gieat luxuiies we have living in oui gieat countiy is the fieeuom anu ability to
go on line anu finu a college oi univeisity. But that uoesn't mean we all have to

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