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Individual Interview Report

MGT 2393 Recruitment & Selection


Lori Anne Page

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Table of Contents

Interview Logistics...........................................................................................................................2
Discussion of Interview Questions ..................................................................................................3
Interview Analysis: Shelby Leeming ...............................................................................................4
Interview Analysis: Makda Tesfai ...................................................................................................5
Challenges & Lessons Learned ........................................................................................................6
Concluding Remarks ........................................................................................................................8
Appendix A: Email Correspondence- Shelby Leeming...................................................................9
Appendix B: Candidate Cover Letter- Shelby Leeming ................................................................13
Appendix C: Candidate Resume- Shelby Leeming ......................................................................14
Appendix D: Email Correspondence- Makda Tesfai .....................................................................16
Appendix E: Candidate Cover Letter- Makda Tesfai ....................................................................21
Appendix F: Candidate Resume- Makda Tesfai ...........................................................................22
Appendix G: Bookkeeper Job Description with notes ..................................................................24
Appendix H: List of Interview Questions .....................................................................................25
Appendix I: Interview Notes- Shelby Leeming ............................................................................26
Appendix J: Interview Notes- Makda Tesfai ................................................................................31
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................36

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Interview Logistics
The accounting student I interviewed for this assignment was Shelby Leeming. I sent out
my first email to her on March 19
. I sent a second message on March 21
after there was no
reply to my first one. Shelby replied to the second message explaining that she had been
studying for an important midterm. She informed that she would be applying for the Bookkeeper
position, and after a few brief exchanges to determine a date and timeframe that was agreeable
for both of us, we settled on Tuesday, April 2
at 12:30pm to do the interview. A copy of my
email correspondence with Shelby is in Appendix A. I then filed a room reservation request and
was assigned room CA105a. There was some drama on my end the day before the interview
when I discovered that the door to the room was locked. After a few email messages and/or
phone calls to the Registrars Office, campus security, and my instructor, the room was open
when I arrived to set up for the interview the following day.
Unfortunately, I was unable to obtain Shelbys resume and cover letter in advance of the
interview. However, she did bring copies with her on the day of the actual interview. This did
not pose a problem for me, as I was able to design my questions based on the job description
alone. Copies of Shelbys resume and cover letter are in Appendix B and Appendix C.
Not long after I arranged my interview with Shelby Leeming, I was asked to do a second
interview. There were some errors in the Accounting student list, and a student had left the HR
program, leaving some accounting students without an HR student to interview them. I agreed to
do the second interview and the student I interviewed was Makda Tesfai. Makdas availability
was not a flexible as Shelbys, as she had availability on Thursday only. We settled on
Thursday, April 11
at 12:30 pm for the interview. A copy of my email correspondence with
Makda is in Appendix D. I filed a second room reservation request, and was given room CA407
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for this new interview. As I had already prepared a list of questions for the Bookkeeper position,
this was the position that Makda agreed to interview for. Makda brought copies of her resume
and cover letter to the interview. Copies of Makdas resume and cover letter are in Appendix E
and Appendix F.

Discussion of Interview Questions
For this interview, I created a mixture of behavioural and situational-style interview
questions. As this assignment was based on an entry-level position, and my interviewees are
both just about to graduate from school, no experience questions were included in the final
question set. It would difficult to query my candidates about experience they do not have at this
I designed each question with the intent of eliciting a substantive answer from my
candidate. They are crafted in such a way as to avoid one-word answers that are of no value to
an interviewer. Each question is scored on a scale of zero to four. A score of zero is rated as a
poor answer- one that offers little to no information into the candidates past behaviours or how
they would handle certain situations they are likely to encounter on the job. On the other end of
the scale, a score of four is rated as an excellent answer- one that offered detailed information
about the candidates past actions and how they would handle certain work-related situations.
My questions were based entirely on the Bookkeeper job description in order to best
ensure their reliability and validity. While brainstorming question ideas, I made notes on a copy
of the job description so that I would be able to organize my questions around certain portions. A
copy of the Bookkeeper Job Description with my notations is in Appendix G.
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Bookkeepers handle large amounts of complex information that they must organize on
behalf of others, requiring excellent time management, organization, diplomacy and
communication abilities. They also face multiple deadlines on an ongoing basis and must be
able to manage stress. I designed my Behavioural questions along these lines, in order to learn
about my candidates skills and abilities in these important areas. My situational questions
present the candidate with several delicate scenarios they are likely to face on the job. Several
of my questions focused on situations involving customers and suppliers, and two others focused
on the delicate legal aspect of a career in the accounting field. It was important to learn what the
candidate would do when confronted with illegal actions at work. Fraud is an unfortunate and
very prevalent thorn in every companys side, and it is important to learn how candidates would
react when faced with it and other illegal accounting activities.
A list of my interview questions in which they are classified as either behavioural or
situational is in Appendix H.

Interview Analysis: Shelby Leeming
As stated previously, the interview with Shelby Leeming took place on Tuesday, April
at 12:30. It took approximately 30 minutes to go through all the questions. I was very
impressed with Shelby. I found her to be a very articulate, affable, and easy-going individual
who will excel in her future accounting career. She will have no trouble winning an entry-level
position somewhere, and I would not be surprised if she rises through her future employers
ranks very rapidly.
Her answers to my questions reveal that she is someone who is very organized, detail-
oriented, and manages her time well. She has excellent communication skills and can easily
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work well in a team. She is also someone who believes in fair play and honesty. The business
world is littered with stories of criminals and fraudsters of all ranks and positions, and I was
impressed when she told me that she is not comfortable engaging in illegal behaviour. She has a
good grasp of accounting knowledge and procedures. There were no deficiencies in any of her
answers, and her score reflects that. Her overall score was 52/52.
A copy of the completed worksheet from my interview with Shelby is in Appendix I.

Interview Analysis- Makda Tesfai
My second interview was with Makda Tesfai. As previously stated, this interview took
place on Thursday, April 11 at 12:30pm. As with the previous interview, it took approximately
30 minutes to go through all the questions. I was very impressed with Makda. She will make a
great employee, and I expect that she will have great success in her accounting career.
She appeared slightly nervous when she first sat down, but that nervousness quickly
faded. Makdas answers reveal that she is very organized and prioritizes her time well. She is a
hard worker who has an excellent knowledge of accounting principles and procedures. Makda is
an honest individual who can be trusted to follow company policy and respect the law. In the
world of accounting, where the risk of fraud is high, these are important qualities to have. She is
also someone who makes a point to be familiar with all departments in her company and is keen
to make sure she knows who to talk to when she needs information. Her interview scores reflect
the quality of her answers. Her overall score was 50/52.
A copy of the completed worksheet from my interview with Makda is in Appendix J.

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Challenges & Lessons Learned
The biggest issue when scheduling any type of appointment is usually timing. It is
difficult to find a time that works for both parties. I was very fortunate that both my interview
candidates had availability that meshed with my own.
I found creating questions to be a bit challenging. Initially I felt that there was not
enough information in the posted Bookkeeper job description for me to come up with enough
questions to ask my candidate. I had found another job description that was very similar, but had
just a little bit more information that I felt would be of great use to me. The advice given to me
was not to use this job description when creating my questions. The one posted online was the
one my candidate would prepare for, and it was important to respect the equity of the process. I
followed this advice and proceeded accordingly. The questions came rather easily after I got
over that initial hump.
The reason that I mention this is because it is why I have chosen to write this report about
both interviews. I am only required to write about one, but the fact of the matter is, I did two
interviews, not just one. It is neither fair nor equitable for me to discuss only my first interview.
The advice about respecting the equity of the process stuck in my mind, and I feel that in order to
do that, I must discuss both interviews. It is not fair to either candidate for me to report on only
one of them. They both took the time and made the effort to meet with me, and they both
deserve equal treatment. They gave me their best, and I must do the same in return.
In the real world as my career progresses, if I met with two interviewees, I would be
required to report on both of them. I see no difference here. I would also be doing myself a
disservice. I learned a lot from the first interview, but it was the second interview that provided
me with a true teaching moment. I was surprised at how strong my feelings were on this
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matter. I am fully aware that there is some risk involved with reporting on both interviews rather
than one. However, my conscience and sense of fair play do not permit me to do anything but
write this report on both interviews.
The first lesson that I learned from this process was that it is important to treat every job
candidate fairly and equally. My first interview had gone so well, I found myself falling into the
bias/favouritism trap rather easily. Before I had even met Makda Tesfai, I found myself
comparing her to Shelby Leeming. They are two very different individuals, and it was a mistake
to compare one to the other. I learned very quickly, how important it is to check any pre-
conceived notions and opinions at the door when interviewing job candidates. To show
favouritism during the interview process invites the possibility of a lawsuit from an applicant
who believes the selection process did not treat everyone equally. It is important to remain
objective and evaluate each candidate according to the criteria chosen before the selection
process begins, not according to my own personal opinions.
I have a cousin who once travelled to another city to interview for a job that had piqued
his interest. He was very excited about it. When he returned home, he told my mother and me
that it ended up being a waste of his time. Apparently, the employer had a preferred candidate
that they had already chosen to hire, but scheduled interviews anyways in order to make things
look good. I still remember the combination of disappointment, anger, and frustration that
showed on my cousins face. I hope that I never run into that type of brick wall. Fairness and
equal treatment are essential during the selection process. If I interview job candidates at any
point during my career, it will be my responsibility to maintain my objectivity at all times. It
may be nave of me, but I hope that I never find myself participating in a selection process that is
not both fair and equal for all applicants.
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There was also a lesson learned from not having a copy of my first candidates resume
beforehand. If an interview process is to remain equitable, it does not make sense to customize
questions for one candidate. Every candidate interviewed should face the same set of questions.
This is especially true in my situation, as I had two interviews instead of one. For large
organizations, this would also be a very time consuming and expensive endeavour, in addition to
being on shaky legal ground.
Not having my first candidates resume beforehand afforded me a better understanding of
how to work with a job description when building my question set. I found it much easier to
focus solely on the information in the job description without the details of my candidates
resume in the back of my mind.

Concluding Remarks
This assignment proved to be both interesting and useful. I was forced out of my comfort
zone to some degree. I am very shy and reclusive in many situations, and putting myself out
there is something that I struggle with constantly. This assignment forced me to do just that and
I had the privilege of meeting two very interesting and exceptional people as a result. I hope that
they learned as much from me as I learned from them. This assignment also provided me an
excellent opportunity to practice skills that I will need in industry. How to conduct a job
interview is a skill that every HR professional should possess. I do not know where I will land
once I have graduated, but it is reassuring to know that I have learned a skill that will be
important for my future career.

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APPENDIX A: Email Correspondence- Shelby Leeming

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APPENDIX B: Candidate Cover Letter- Shelby Leeming

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APPENDIX C: Candidate Resume- Shelby Leeming

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APPENDIX D: Email Correspondence- Makda Tesfai

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APPENDIX E: Candidate Cover Letter- Makda Tesfai

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APPENDIX F: Candidate Resume- Makda Tesfai

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APPENDIX G: Bookkeeper Job Description with notes

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APPENDIX H: List of Questions

Please explain how you managed a recent project that involved collecting complex
information from a variety of sources. What was the result?
Tell me about an occasion when you were required to co-ordinate your work with that of
Please explain how you prioritize your time when you have several projects due in a very
short timeframe.
Tell me about a recent occurrence that caused you stress. How did you handle it?
Describe an occasion when you were required to work with someone you did not get
along with on an important project. How did you overcome your differences and make
the project a success?
Tell me about an occasion when you had difficulty completing your own work because
you required information from another individual who did not respond to your requests.
What did you do?
Recall an occurrence from a previous job when you had to interact with a difficult
customer. How did you conduct yourself?
Why do you want to be a bookkeeper? What makes you the ideal candidate for the job?


What would you do if, when doing the monthly reconciliations of your companys
accounts, you noticed a pattern of irregularities that led you to believe that some form of
illegal activity such as embezzlement, money laundering, or fraud was occurring?
Your company is experiencing a decline in revenue, and an executive comes to your
office and asks you to fudge some numbers (i.e.: cook the books) in order to reassure
shareholders and protect the companys stock price from plummeting. How would you
What would you do if you have difficulty collecting payment from a customer?
What would you do if a supplier refuses to give your company a promised discount, or
denies ever offering a discount in the first place?
You realize that your company has been overcharged (or undercharged?) by a supplier.
How would you handle the situation?

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APPENDIX I: Interview Notes- Shelby Leeming

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APPENDIX J: Interview Notes- Makda Tesfai

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Accounting tools. (2012). Retrieved from

Catano, Victor M, Wiesner, Willi H, & Hackett, Rick D. (2013). Recruitment and Selection in
Canada, 5
Edition. Toronto, ON: Nelson

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