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7/27/14 2:59 PM LOOK Report for CNA/ACPs - Heinke, Pamela S

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Pl All!
We are havlng qulLe a few problems wlLh LCCk reporL and paLlenL saLlsfacLlon scores. uurlng roundlng by Lhe
leadershlp Leam, lL has ofLen been sald LhaL paLlenLs feel unlnformed abouL Lhelr cares. aLlenLs also have
reporLed LhaL Lhey really llke LCCk reporL and feel LhaL Lhey are more lnvolved ln Lhelr cares when lL does
occur. 1herefore Lhls ls why we need Lo be dolng LCCk reporL as llsLed below and why lL's belng updaLed.
Pere ls whaL l would llke from you durlng LCCk reporL:
1) Come ln aL leasL 3 mlns prlor Lo shlfL change Lo prlnL ouL LlC reporL sheeL from your LreaLmenL Leam. 8ead
lL and be ready Lo go lmmedlaLely afLer shlfL huddle.
2) lease do noL slL down and glve reporL. SLand ln fronL of each paLlenL room lndlvldually and sLaLe L name
and ulagnosls only. lf any senslLlve maLerlal needs Lo be sald, such as pL famlly unaware of slLuaLlons,
psych/soclal lssues, and so on, Lhen please say Lhls ouLslde of Lhe room Loo. ?ou should only be ouLslde of Lhe
pL room for 30 secs-1 mln.
3) Co lnslde pL room and sLaLe Lhe followlng:
1) lnLroduce oncomlng sLaff
2) uleL order
3) AuLs (l.e. walks needed, shower/baLh, LeeLh need Lo be brushed, and asslsL wlLh meals)
4) SLaLe lall rlsk and make sure approprlaLe socks are on
3) SafeLy check (make sure bed plugged lnLo 8Lu plug, bed alarm on, call llghL wlLhln reach)
6) updaLe whlLeboards wlLh 8n and CnA/AC
4) LxlL room and go Lo nexL paLlenL
1hls should only Lake 1-2 mlns per paLlenL. ShlfL change for you guys should be done wlLhln 13-20 mlns.
aLlenLs should have been asked 8lC8 Lo shlfL change Lhe 3 's (oLLy, aln, oslLlonlng, ersonal, resence).
1herefore, hopefully you won'L be Lolllng durlng shlfL change.
roblem 1:
SLaff lsn'L golng ln because paLlenLs are sleeplng.
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7/27/14 2:59 PM LOOK Report for CNA/ACPs - Heinke, Pamela S
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l know, l know. some of Lhese paLlenLs don'L ever geL Lo sleep. ?ou can sLlll be quleL, buL you need Lo go ln aL
shlfL change. l Lhlnk a way around Lhls ls by updaLlng whlLeboards wlLh lLems 1-4 so LhaL Lhe paLlenL has a
vlsual and Lhen 8ns know LhaL you were ln Lhe room for shlfL change.
roblem 2:
?ou can'L geL sLaff members on board/Lhey slL down for reporL.
!usL go ahead and walk on lnLo Lhe room even lf Lhe off golng CnA/AC ls Lalklng. 1rusL me, Lhey wlll follow : )
8en Cowan ls a pro aL Lhls. and Lhey always follow!
Cur scores are vL8? low on boLh unlLs, so we really need Lo be dolng Lhls for our paLlenLs. l know you are all
leaders, so Lhls ls why l'm asklng for your help! lf you have any quesLlons, please leL me know. l wlll emall ouL
Lhese LCCk reporL revlslons Lo all CnA/ACs, buL wanLed Lo leL you know LhaL l'm golng Lo be uslng you all as
leaders as l Lhlnk you are greaL!
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1hanks so very much for all of your hard work. l appreclaLe you and all of your lnLeresL Lo lmprove our unlL.
Pamela Heinke RN, BSN, OCN
Permanent Charge Nurse
Bone Marrow Transplant & Oncology Units

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