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Crisalia Vasquez-Flores

Health 044
20 July 2014
Project 3: Case Study !alysis
"he Case Study sce!ario tal#ed a$out a %resh&a! 'irl !a&ed (atya )ho su%%ers
a!*iety $e%ore ta#i!' tests+ (atya is stressed out $ecause a $ad 'rade o! a che&istry test
)ill &a#e her ,P dro- a!d -ossi$ly lose her scholarshi-+ .ith all the -ressure to
succeed/ (atya $rea#s do)! i!to a -a!ic attac# duri!' her study sessio!s+ She is !er0ous/
a!*ious a!d stressed a$out ha0i!' to do )ell o! her che&istry e*a&+ (atya has a lot o!
the li!e i% she does !ot -ass the class+
Perso!ally/ 1 also %eel a!*ious )he! ta#i!' e*a&s+ 1 %rea# out e0e! thou'h 1
studied %or the &aterial+ 1 do !ot ha0e the added stress (atya %eels i! re'ards to recei0i!'
a $ad 'rade i! her che&istry test )ill result i! losi!' her scholarshi-+ 1 do ha0e %a&ily
stress a!d a jo$ that stress &e out a!d 1 $arely &a#e it to class a)a#e at ti&es+ 1
so&eti&es 'et so o0er)hel&ed )ith e0erythi!' 'oi!' o! )ith school/ )or#/ a!d ho&e
that 1 %eel studyi!' )o!2t hel- &y 'rade o! a test i% 1 sho) u- tired+ 1 -ush throu'h it
a!y)ay a!d ha0e &a!a'ed to -ass &y classes to this day+
1 ha0e 0isited the cou!seli!' sessio!s i! &y 3!i0ersity+ "hey o%%er ei'ht sessio!s
%ree -er se&ester+ 1 %ou!d it e*tre&ely hel-%ul to tal# to the& a$out )hat )as o! &y &i!d
a!d i&-ro0ed+ 1 did !ot %eel as a!*ious a!y&ore )he! 1 too# &y tests+ 1 'ot hi'her
'rades+ 1 lear!ed $reathi!' e*ercises to cal& do)! a!d rethi!#+ 1 also lear!ed $etter study
ha$its to di0ide &y )or# e0e!ly a!d !ot o0er)hel& &ysel%+ 1 %ou!d it $e!e%icial a!d
ha0e cha!'ed &y ha$its+
1 reco&&e!d to (atya to chec# i% her colle'e ca&-us o%%ers cou!seli!' sessio!s+ 1
ha0e lear!ed that so&e o%%er a certai! a&ou!t o% %ree sessio!s a!d the! discou!ted i%
additio!al sessio!s are required+ 1 )ould also reco&&e!d to chec# i% there are a!y
)or#sho-s to deal )ith test a!*iety+ She could lear! $reathi!' e*ercises a!d study ha$its
%ro& -eers to di0ide her ti&e u-+ 1 $elie0e -ro%essio!al hel- )ill hel- her )ith her test
a!*iety a!d hel- her cal& do)!+ dded stress o% losi!' her scholarshi- is so&ethi!' 1
)ould reco&&e!d tal#i!' a$out i! a cou!seli!' sessio! a!d the! ha0i!' (atya ta#e
actio! o! her study ha$its $y atte!di!' a )or#sho-+ lthou'h a!*iety is !ot so&ethi!'
-hysically )ro!' )ith a -erso!/ it is a -sycholo'ical -ro$le&+ 1 ha0e lear!ed that
-sycholo'ical -ro$le&s are just as da&a'i!' a!d !eed to $e treated soo!+ "he &e!tal
-ro$le& is disru-ti!' her studies/ &a#i!' her 'i0e u- $e%ore reachi!' the test+ She !eeds
to lear! ho) to re&ai! cal& %or her test a!d trust that e0erythi!' )ill $e o#ay+
"o co!clude/ colle'e stude!ts 'o throu'h a lot duri!' their %resh&a! year+ First
year stude!ts &o0e out o% the ho&e/ are %orced to &a#e a decisio! a$out their %uture/ are
stressed a!d -ressured to do )ell+ (atya )ill $e!e%it/ as )ill &a!y other stude!ts/ $y
0isiti!' a cou!seli!' sessio!+ (atya ca! e*-lai! e0erythi!' that is $otheri!' her a!d the
cou!seli!' sessio! )ill $e a$le to hel-+ "hey ca! also reco&&e!d other sources to hel-+
%ter (atya ca! 'et her test a!*iety a!d stress i! chec#/ she )ill co!ti!ue to ha0e a
success%ul colle'e career+
P Citatio!s
"arta#o0s#y/ 4+ 520067+ 8e-ressio! a!d !*iety &o!' Colle'e Stude!ts+ Psych
Central+ 9etrie0ed o! July 21/ 2014/ %ro& htt-:::-sychce!tral+co&:li$:de-ressio!-a!d-

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