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Karla Ochoa
Mrs. Williams
July 23, 2014
ENG 102

Dear Reader,

Id like to introduce to you Katniss Everdeen, a 16 year old girl in the movie and the heroic
female actor in The Hunger Games. Katniss demonstrates courage and sacrifice when she
decides to take her sisters place in The Hunger Games. In this battle where Katniss has to
compete for her life after being taken away from her family unwillingly she find out she must
kill others to survive and become the victor in the end.
The Hunger Games movies have been around since 2012 and to this day there are still movies
coming out. Katniss seems to continue to surprise the public to this day showing her courage.
The interesting thing about The Hunger Games is that for once a male figure is not the one who
strives in the film. The producer has managed to keep the action going throughout all of the
movies and continues to surprise us in many different ways.
Ever since Katniss father past away she seemed to be the male figure in the family who would
take care of the family. She would go out and hunt for their meals and defend her family. Her
bond with Gale has been stronger than ever when both of their fathers died in a mining
accident, and even to the extent to where they had planned to run away. Gale and Katniss are
deeply in love, but there seems to be something that is holding them back from becoming a
It is now time for the election to see who will be entered into the drawing for The Hunger
Games. Primrose (Katniss sister) will be turning 12 this year and will be eligible to be entered
into the Reaping. With her luck she is picked and doesnt know what to do. The love Katniss has
for her sister is unexplainable and she volunteers to take her sisters place in the Reaping.
The Hunger Games is one exceptional movie and shows the good and bad of many people. I
definitely recommend you to watch the movie. In the next couple of pages I will be
demonstrating how Katniss is worthy of being held so high in the film.
Karla Ochoa


The Hunger Games is a series of movies in which there are a total of 24 players chosen
to compete in the The Hunger Games to control future rebellions. Children are allowed to be
entered into the reaping at the age of 12. Primrose is turning 12 this year and it is her turn to be
entered into the Reaping and there will be two kids picked from each district to fight and kill
each other in order to survive. Once there is a survivor he or she is allowed to return back home
to their family, but everything has turned out different for Katniss since she challenged Snow. It
is the day of the reaping and everyone gathers in the courtyard of the district to hear the names
of the ones that have been picked. Primrose is called; Katniss and her panic and dont know
what to do. When you least expect it Katniss volunteers to take her sisters place in The Hunger
Games and demonstrates how she is an outstanding example of honor, courage, and sacrifice.
How to Defeat the Capitol Recipe
5 lbs of strength
5 cups of anger
A pinch of bitterness
10 tons of love for your family
2 cups of butter for slickness
25 ounces of smartness

Preparation time: 10 Minutes
In order to become the most powerful person in the wilderness one must mix all of the above
ingredients into a big bowl and stir really well with a mixer. Once the butter has been
integrated fully into the mixture you take batch and drink it all and remember for what it is that
you are fighting for.

Free Verse Poem
Welcome to district 12
Living in a world
With hunger pains and starvation
When sometimes you have to trust the people that you don't even know
When I had to risk my life just to get a morsel to eat
To feed my sister and my mother
who hadn't spoken about my father in years.
And then every year
there is that dark time when nobody really knows
what is going to happen.
When kids are made to fight to the death in an arena.
Yet still we band together
Some connections stronger then others but they are always there
When I had to aim a bow at an innocence boys heart
that was still filled of life and hope.
A boy that killed my friend so the grudge was there
But there was still my guilt sense that took over when he fell to the
Yet I had to keep going
I promised
A promise is something your not supposed to break
And through all the sadness and heartbreak I suffered in that arena I
still made it out alive
I was able to see the smiling faces of my friends
I could now live in a luxury house
But it wasn't the same
I had food and money but something was missing
The safe feeling I had before, it was gone
All so quickly my life had changed I realized there is more to living
then surviving
That the more important bit was to help people who really needed it
To try and make the people that don't smile crack a grin
This was now my mission
Welcome to district 12

Katniss Everdeen demonstrates honor in many different ways throughout the movie. In
one of the scenes, where Rue dies, she is angered due to the fact that such young, innocent
children have to die. Rues death reminds her of Prim and therefore she honors Rue by
decorating her body with flowers and weaving them into her hair. Katniss kills in order to not be
killed; she doesnt kill because she likes to, but because she wants to survive. She is honored in
all of the districts since she has helped all of her opponents. She helped Peeta when he was in
pain, and even when another opponent dies, whether or not she allied with him or her she
honors them. Even if there were some opponents in the film who were trying to kill Katniss and
if they were in danger she would help them no matter what the situation was. These are some
of the qualities as to why Katniss is honored in the districts and the Capitol hates it. Katniss
tribe shows honor to her when she goes up with Effie by putting their three fingers by their
mouth and then out to her, meaning that she is respected by them and honored. To them no
one can be honored, they are there to see who is the strongest and who will survive. The
Capitol thinks they are the only ones who can be in control and in order to demonstrate the
rest of the Districts that, they came up with The Hunger Games until Katniss came along with
her courageous ways.
Courage is known to be one of many Katniss abilities throughout The Hunger Games.
She demonstrates her courage by taking her sisters place even if she didnt know what was
coming her way in the games. Her courage is showed in many ways in the movie, she goes out
and hunts for her family, so they can have a good meal and wont have to depend only on what
the district gives them. When Katniss father first dies they were starving since they could not
provide for themselves and Katniss tried to help her family by selling some of Prims old clothes
but had no luck, she was determined to not go home empty handed and was looking in the
trash cans of the wealthy people in district 12. This demonstrates how she did not care how she
got food; all she wanted was to get her hands on a piece of bread to take to her family. Another
big example in where Katniss demonstrates her courage is where she defies the capitol to
having no winners. This is a very courageous act because the capital controls what happens in
the games and if she would have pissed them off enough they could of killed her. It took big
courage, thought, and sacrifices to do what she did with Peeta.
Katniss life has been full of sacrifices since her father died. She immediately took the
role of the man in the house and thought it was her responsibility to provide for her family.
When her father first died the family went through a rough time, but not for long. Katniss took
her fathers bow and arrow and went into the woods to hunt for food in order to survive, she
had tried other methods before but they failed. She sacrificed her freedom, and childhood to
care for her familys needs. She quickly learned that her familys needs were more important
than her owns. The biggest sacrifice she made was when she took Prims place in the games.
While hunting with Gale, he gives Katniss the chance to run away together, but Katniss declines
the offer and sacrifices herself once again for her family. Throughout the entire movie Katniss
has sacrificed her life for others, even when she is putting her life on the line.
Even though Katniss demonstrates honor, courage, and sacrifice she does it all with love
to her family and tribute. Many may think that Katniss is not to be seen as the hero as the
movie, but if she were not we would have the same male figure as the hero and it would not be
as exciting. The Hunger Games has been a great hit in todays society and everyone seems to
enjoy the movie series. Katniss Everdeen is been wanting be added to the Hero category on
MTV, but many protest that she shouldnt since it is only a category in which the male figure
falls into. The Wrap is waiting to hear back from MTV and see if she will be considered a hero.
This is yet, about the first time a female figure is being seen a hero and many are trying to stop
this instead of encouraging it since many kids look up to Katniss. If you have not watched any of
The Hunger Games films I suggest you do, it may change your point of view as to, if we should
consider Katniss as a hero.


Works cited
"Katniss Everdeen." The Girl on Fire. Weebly, n.d. Web. 26 July 2014.
"Katniss Everdeen." The Hunger Games Wiki. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 July 2014.
"Katniss Everdeen." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 16 July 2014. Web. 26 July 2014.
Kenneally, Tim. "MTV Movie Awards Blasted for Sexist Exclusion of Katniss Everdeen: 'Not a
Single Woman in the Hero Category'" TheWrap. N.p., 10 Mar. 2014. Web. 26 July 2014.
"Plot Summary." IMDb., 2013. Web. 26 July 2014.

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