The Books of Romans: Lesson Subject Passage

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(21 week study)
Lesson Subject Passage
1 Prologue 1:1-17
Paul`s Calling, Concern, Confdence
2 Condemnation oI Ungodly 1:18-32
3 Condemnation oI Moralist 2:1-16
4 Condemnation oI the Jew 2:17 3:8
5 Condemnation oI All Men 3:9-31
6 Righteousness oI Abraham 4:1-25
7 Justifcation Expounded 5:1-21
8 Freedom Irom Sin`s Power 6:1-23
9 Believer`s Struggle with Sin 7:1-25
10 Freedom to Live in the Spirit 8:1-17
11 Sanctifcation Realized in Glorifcation 8:18-39
12 Israel`s Election by God 9:1-29
13 Israel`s Present Rejection 9:30 10:21
14 Present Rejection oI Israel by God 11:1-36
Promise oI Future Restoration oI Israel
15 TransIormed Living 12:1-8
In Relation to God
In Relation to Church
16 Relating to Others 12:9 13:14
17 In Relation to Debatable/Gray Areas 14:1-23
18 In Relation to Following Christ`s Example 15:1-13
19 Postlogue 15:14-33
(Paul`s Purpose, Plans, Prayer)
20 Postlogue 16:1-27
(Paul`s Personal Greetings,
Exhortation and Benediction)
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PASSAGE : Romans 1:1-17
KEY VERSE(S) : 'For I am not ashamed oI the gospel, Ior it is
the power oI God Ior salvation to everyone who
believes, to the Jew frst and also to the Greek.
For in it the righteousness oI God is revealed
Irom Iaith to Iaith; as it is written, But the
righteous man shall live by Iaith.` (Rom. 1:16-17)
SUBJECT : Prologue
Paul`s Calling, Concern and Confdence
FOCUS : Ashamed oI the gospel?
MAIN IDEA : When we Iully understand and appreciate the
power oI the gospel, we will never be ashamed
oI it.
We should not be ashamed of the gospel for it:
I. Is Sourced in God
'For God, whom I serve in my spirit in the preaching oI the
gospel oI His Son.... (1:9)
NOTE: Salvation is all oI and Irom God (see Luke 18:26-27).
II. Is Sufcient for Salvation
'The the power oI God Ior salvation... (1:16)
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NOTE : Inherent in the gospel is the 'spiritual enablement
(power dunamis) that makes salvation possible.
III. Supplies Us with the Righteousness of God
'For in it the righteousness oI God is revealed... (1:17)
NOTE: Righteousness is what man lacks to be right with God
and what Christ gives to those who believe.
IV. Saves Us through Faith
'...Ior salvation to everyone who believes... (Rom. 1:16)
'.But the righteous will live by his Iaith. (Hab. 2:4)
NOTE: Faith is the channel through which salvation comes.
Man must only believe (actively trust) Christ Ior salvation.
CONCLUSION : Rejection, ridicule or reluctance should never cause
us to apologize Ior, avoid or not actively share the gospel it is the
only means through which a man can come back into right relationship
to God and avoid the penalty Ior the sin under which all stand.
Are you ashamed oI the gospel?

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