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Escribe la oracin cambiando el objeto de la oracin a un pronombre objeto.

I call Susan.
I call her.
I write letters to Mario
I write letters to him
I have a birthday present for the children
I have a birthday present for them
Call Rita and me tomorrow
Call us tomorrow
I send my parents a letter every week
I send them a letter every week.
He drives the car
He drives it.
I talk to Maria
I talk to her
I visit Mr. and Mrs. Anderson.
I visit them.
I have the books.
I have them.
I visit Barbara
I visit her.
I call Carlos
I call him

Completa las siguientes frases con el pronombre objetivo correcto - me, you, him, her,
them, us, it (p. ej. Do you know these children? Yes, I know them)

1. Do you like this book? Yes, I like

2. Do you know this woman? Yes, I know

3. Did you see that car? No, I didn't see

4. Do you know those people? No, I don't know

5. Did you write an email to your friend (man)? Yes, I wrote
an email.

6. Did you call your brother? Yes, I called
this morning.

7. Do you hate me? No, I don't hate

8. Do you understand this week's lesson? Yes, I understand

9. Are you in love with your boyfriend? Yes, I'm in love with

10. Do you like this singer (woman)? No, I don't like

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