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23/7/2014 Knowledge Article 1/1
How To Correct Asterisk Ending
With Exit Status 1
Product Family Asterisk
How to correct Asterisk Ending With Exit Status 1
This could be due to any number of things and usually is caused by one of the modules
misbehaving and causing Asterisk to crash continuously.
You can also see one of the modules messages
Asterisk ended with exit status 1
Asterisk died with code 1.
Automatically restarting Asterisk
How can this be corrected?
1. First, You need to stop the script that is spawning Asterisk after each crash. You will
need to run the following commands
#killall -9 safe_asterisk
#killall -9 asterisk
2. Then start asterisk with -c parameter
#asterisk -cvvvv
3. Pay attention to the messages displayed by Asterisk console. Just before the
segmentation fault message appears. you should see an error generated by one or
more of the modules.
4. Once you know the problematic module, you will need to edit the file modules.conf
and configure Asterisk to no load it
noload =>

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