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Inforset Report for week 12 starting 17

March 2014

1. Invesco - working on findings report, proposal, demo and ROI(Return on
Investment) documentation
2. Nairobi County - follow up & getting verbal commitment for week of 24
3. Ministry of Agriculture-several meetings with IT manager, working with
partners to respond to their RFP/Q (Request for proposal)
4. World Bank/ICT Authority - Communicating with acting CEO on EDMS
5. Ministry of Health - IT Manager to launch Digitization of HR Records
6. Hazina SACCO- Records Manager interested in EDMS- to set up meeting with IT
Manager and CEO
7. NSSF - Pursuing Statutory documents for proposal document to be sent to
Procurement Dept. (a copy of a Registration Certificate with The National Treasury and business
8. WEF (Women Enterprise Fund) - Meetings; working with them to come up with
an RFP (Request for Proposal); planned reference site visitation
9. ARM (Athi River Mining) - Communicating with IT Manager to organize
discovery and demo sessions ASAP
10. Gachicho Insurance Brokers - Approached Risk Manager on EDMS

Partners & Systems
1. i 27 (M-Files) -Insurance Demo presentation & M-Files Training (Officially
2. CCS - CA - Signed MOU & NDA (Not yet partners)
3. MUSTEK - partners MS Project (Not yet partners)
4. Computer Revolution Africa - partners MS Project (Not yet partners)
5. Akili Africa - partners MS Project (Not yet partners)
6. Hyland Software (OnBase) - Technical & Sales training (Not yet partners)

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